What has Trump done to this country?

I personally am waiting for Twitter/Facebook/Instagram to put the hammer down on those dangerous, lying motherfuckers.
No more coddling/immunity from the rules that apply to everyone else.
Kick the whole fucking family off.
Do your job.
If the democrats win 2 in Georgia it will put the fear of Jesus and regulation into them and others as well. The media of North America needs to be looked at and cleaned up, use their covid coverage against them, if they helped to murder people, use it to get rid of them as public heath menaces. More than republican politicians followed Donald headlong through the gates of Hell James, all of these cocksuckers who fuel the alternative reality bubbles should feel the heat of Hellfire and smell the brimstone.
I can't believe you guys are Americans. Americans are supposed to believe in Freedom Of Speech. That's the First Amendment.

I already know most of you guys want to get rid of the Second Amendment too.

This is not the America I grew up in.

OK, back to the grow sections for me.
I can't believe you guys are Americans. Americans are supposed to believe in Freedom Of Speech. That's the First Amendment.
I don't recall it saying anything about bullshit and mass media has always been very tightly regulated, look at radio and TV, likewise the internet can be regulated, not so much for ideas, just bullshit, disinformation and propaganda. News is a different thing than opinion and there once was a thing called the equal time doctrine and it was perfectly constitutional too. Broadcasters have responsibilities and obligations for the privilege of owning a broadcast license, this can be applied to cable stations and large social media companies over a certain size threshold.

The first amendment competes against another even more fundamental human right, the right to the truth, it can mean the difference between life and death. The quality of our decisions is only as good as the information we have to work with. Believe bullshit and die is a truism we are observing in the hospitals of America as many die of covid with Trump's lies on their lips, cursing until the foot long tube is shoved down their throats silencing them.
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sunni ain't gonna save your sorry ass here motherfucker
Stay where you belong
Some of these heathen can't be educated no matter how hard reality bitch slaps them or how hard mother nature stomps em. Teaching this one morals would be like asking my cat to master quantum chromodynamics and Feynman diagrams FFS
I can't believe you guys are Americans. Americans are supposed to believe in Freedom Of Speech. That's the First Amendment.

I already know most of you guys want to get rid of the Second Amendment too.

This is not the America I grew up in.

OK, back to the grow sections for me.
So I take that as a firm NO, you don't support the First Amendment, lol?
Who are you saying is not being able to have their first amendment rights?

And the scare tactic of 'they are going to take your guns' only should be directed at the only POTUS to suggest doing that.

So I take that as a firm NO, you don't support the First Amendment, lol?
You had a problem with me expressing my 1st Amendment rights last week in General Marijuana when I told you Beau Biden died from brain cancer & not drugs & you told me to go back to Politics, remember? (sunni admonished me for my reply to your idiocy & told me to stay away from her forum, which was very, very hurtful :) )
So, no, I don't support YOUR right to speak
I'm sick of listening to/hearing from fools.
I personally am waiting for Twitter/Facebook/Instagram to put the hammer down on those dangerous, lying motherfuckers.
No more coddling/immunity from the rules that apply to everyone else.
Kick the whole fucking family off.
Do your job.
It appears that the gates are dropping now as I type.

One America News Network, a right-wing cable network touted by President Donald Trump, has been suspended from YouTube after repeatedly posting misinformation about COVID-19.

"After careful review, we removed a video from OANN and issued a strike on the channel for violating our COVID-19 misinformation policy, which prohibits content claiming there’s a guaranteed cure," Ivy Choi, a YouTube spokesperson, said in a statement emailed to USA TODAY.

Citing repeated violations of YouTube's COVID-19 misinformation policy, Choi said OANN's account has also been suspended from the program that allows it to monetize its channel.

OANN had previously received a warning about COVID-19 misinformation and will now be prevented from uploading videos to its channel for one week, according to YouTube. The site has a three-strike disciplinary process that can end in a channel's termination.

Good for you, YouTube.
Keep it up :)
The greatest POTUS in my lifetime sits's down with one of my favorite comedic/cultural interpreters of the 21st century, so far at least (I really like Seth Meyers also :) )
Sip some coffee/tea/whiskey or raise & bake & burn one, because it's pretty cool.

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It's amazing what a shitty president and a near half mad population can do to a country. Will we have to send food aid?

Yeah I can see Mitch holding Joe hostage with millions of starving and homeless Americans, if Mitch thought Donald was a fucking hand full, wait till Joe starts acting in the interest of those he swore to protect. Moscow Mitch will pay one way or another and there won't be much Joe will not do to save the lives of citizens, I know my man, I know compassion when I see it. Mitch also has a reckoning for what he has done coming and Joe has a lot of highly motivated, skilled and brilliant people advising and working for him, all of them wanna fuck Mitch real bad.
Chris Hayes: It Is Absolutely Dire Out There Right Now | All In | MSNBC

“It is a very scary moment and hunger is a very clear indication of that,” Jeff Stein discusses the economic reality for Americans right now.
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It's amazing what a shitty president and a near half mad population can do to a country. Will we have to send food aid?

Yeah I can see Mitch holding Joe hostage with millions of starving and homeless Americans, if Mitch thought Donald was a fucking hand full, wait till Joe starts acting in the interest of those he swore to protect. Moscow Mitch will pay one way or another and there won't be much Joe will not do to save the lives of citizens, I know my man, I know compassion when I see it. Mitch also has a reckoning for what he has done coming and Joe has a lot of highly motivated, skilled and brilliant people advising and working for him, all of them wanna fuck Mitch real bad.
Chris Hayes: It Is Absolutely Dire Out There Right Now | All In | MSNBC

“It is a very scary moment and hunger is a very clear indication of that,” Jeff Stein discusses the economic reality for Americans right now.
I'm screaming at the moon/sky/stars right now after watching that video.
What the fuck is the Senate/fuckface McConnell doing?
Not a fucking thing it seems too me.
People are literally starving/dying/going homeless & they're bickering about cost?
What the fuck is up with that?
Totally disgusting
I'm screaming at the moon/sky/stars right now after watching that video.
What the fuck is the Senate/fuckface McConnell doing?
Not a fucking thing it seems too me.
People are literally starving/dying/going homeless & they're bickering about cost?
What the fuck is up with that?
Totally disgusting

Check out this debate, I'm in Glenn's corner! Put him away for other shit first though.
Could Trump Face Prosecution Over Covid Handling? Don’t Bet On It | The Mehdi Hasan Show

Veteran federal prosecutors Glenn Kirschner and Paul Butler disagree over whether and how the president could face criminal charges over his administration’s response to handling the coronavirus pandemic.