What has Trump done to this country?

My gardener tells me covid is a hoax, but won't send me his info source, he is of average intelligence, but uneducated and impervious to reason and facts. I keep my social distance and he comes and goes via the basement door!

I feel your pain, in this regard at least.
lol now you feel our pain but you’ve got a gardener? I’m lost.
So your gardener is ignorant. Won’t give you his sources.
I’m talking about my flesh and blood that have blocked me because I’m a democrat but I was the best thing since sliced bread before drump. AND YOU FEEL MY PAIN?
lol right
You have a gardener?
Yep, name is Al a nice man of good character and a part time meditation student, a friend too. He comes in everyday and does his thing, I take care of the technical aspects and trained him. He is a poor man who is raising a teenaged granddaughter and I help him out. He is a share cropper and get's half, minus some off the top to cover the costs of the grow. Al get's a lot of dope for a little work, he goes for a daily walk anyway and comes early in the morning. Al harvests too and that's how he started, I hate harvesting!
Yep, name is Al a nice man of good character and a part time meditation student, a friend too. He comes in everyday and does his thing, I take care of the technical aspects and trained him. He is a poor man who is raising a teenaged granddaughter and I help him out. He is a share cropper and get's half, minus some off the top to cover the costs of the grow. Al get's a lot of dope for a little work, he goes for a daily walk anyway and comes early in the morning. Al harvests too and that's how he started, I hate harvesting!
I feel your pain
So your gardener is ignorant. Won’t give you his sources.
I’m talking about my flesh and blood that have blocked me because I’m a democrat but I was the best thing since sliced bread before drump. AND YOU FEEL MY PAIN?
lol right
I know others and have American relatives too, but don't know where they stand on this shit. The point is everybody is being subjected to these forces they are in my life too, as well as yours. American society is in turmoil and you along with almost everybody here is caught in the whirlwind of the last days of Trump and hopefully covid too. Better days ahead sunny.
BTW Christmas is gonna be like Hell, the die was cast on Thanksgiving, it will not be a Merry Christmas, or much of a happy new year either, but it will improve as it goes along and you dig yourselves out.
They estimate 100 million Americas have been infected with covid and most in the recent past, there are many infected people running around right now and 70 million of them went home to visit grandma or mom this Thanksgiving. The hospitals are now overwhelmed in many places and staff is at or beyond the breaking point, many have been or are infected and all are exhausted and many traumatized.

What do you think hospitals are gonna be like in 3 weeks? What kind of Christmas will America's healthcare workers face? They managed to drive the mortality rate of this disease down even without effective antiviral treatments, now few of those needing it will be getting any care at all and mortality rates might exceed 10%. Case mortality has been kept in check since summer with treatments and quality care, many people will die at home and I expect lines at hospitals.
I'm also lazy and have lost interest in the grow, but others depend on it too. :wink:
I've been growing a perpetual for around 12 years now & let me tell you it is a real pain in the ass.
I love plants/growing but eventually. anyone/everyone needs a break, but plants can't accept that (nor my bank account :) )
You can always bring your cat/dog to the kennel and have them watched over for the week or so that your away, but who the fuck would/will you trust with your grow?
Your a lucky man @DIY-HP-LED
Oh I know but that’s what he suggested before :eyesmoke:
It's one of those hammer and nails problems with me, find relief where you can, the point is to be happy cause we're just passing through once. I help folks where and when I can, suffering is not hard to see, even yours. You said your hands were on fire before, is it painful to type?
Do yourself a favor and watch the first minute of this video at least, to get an idea of what Trump is leaving Joe, besides a pandemic disaster, a divided nation, a possible war with Iran and a delayed tax increase on working people kicking in, but the rich keep their breaks, winning, MAGA. I call it national sabotage, supported by the republicans and if Mitch can he will do anything he can to impede progress, or any addressing the problems, to do that requires income redistribution and other things he would rather die than see come to pass.
Anand Giridharadas: America Is On A First Date With Biden | The Mehdi Hasan Show

MSNBC Political Analyst Anand Giridharadas joins Mehdi Hasan to discuss uneasiness mixed with cautious optimism among some liberals for President Elect Joe Biden. The Mehdi Hasan Show: Insightful reporting and probing interviews that examine the day's events and provide a deeper level of context for the politics of our interconnected society.