Commander Strax
Well-Known Member
Leaving LA.....if you have been there, you know why
One of the decisions that not only I made but the wife as well.........was to purchase 10 acres of rural farm land 25 years ago and to invite my parents and my wife's parents to move onto the both my parents have passed away which allowed me to have the son and his wife and daughter move into mom & dads house and when the wife's parents pass on the daughter and her man will move onto the property if they choose family is extremely important to me and it brings us great pleasure to share our lives with our family.
Our life is kind of like the Walton's on Steroids......... that my friend is by far one of the best decisions I've ever been part of and it has greatly impacted our lives and we wouldn't have done anything different.!!!
Details, brah?going to college so I could get the job I have that has led to a pretty nice standard of living/vacations/dream home/etc
agreedThat's awesome
medical sales. I'm not like super wealthy or anything but i make 6 fig and for a guy who got the subsidized lunches growing up I feel very well off.Details, brah?
Having my children at an early age so as to have a second childhood and still be young enough to really spoil the shit outa my grandchildren.
medical sales. I'm not like super wealthy or anything but i make 6 fig and for a guy who got the subsidized lunches growing up I feel very well off.
Shit, dude, I thought you were like 23Having my children at an early age so as to have a second childhood and still be young enough to really spoil the shit outa my grandchildren.
Leaving LA.....if you have been there, you know why
Shit, dude, I thought you were like 23
Man, I almost cannot remember that far My youngest is 24 and I have 2 grandkids, 2 and 5 years old.........damn, I am an old fart
Hit 50 this year, and kickin like chicken
thats some bullshit spook...Im turning 47 loud and proud
And I even smoke some crystal
Man I feel great like that one time that I beat up some nigger named Rodney and it caused some riots
Stupid porch monkey drowned in a swimming pool last time I heard of him
Poor Mr.King
thats some bullshit spook...