What is the best decision you ever made and why?

One of the decisions that not only I made but the wife as well.........was to purchase 10 acres of rural farm land 25 years ago and to invite my parents and my wife's parents to move onto the property.......now both my parents have passed away which allowed me to have the son and his wife and daughter move into mom & dads house and when the wife's parents pass on the daughter and her man will move onto the property if they choose ..........my family is extremely important to me and it brings us great pleasure to share our lives with our family.
Our life is kind of like the Walton's on Steroids......... that my friend is by far one of the best decisions I've ever been part of and it has greatly impacted our lives and we wouldn't have done anything different.!!!
One ha
helluva sacrifice...but well worth it...
Having my children at an early age so as to have a second childhood and still be young enough to really spoil the shit outa my grandchildren.


I beat the fuck outta mine till she could stand n talk...no problems now..she is a str8 A student and even goes to bible study!!!..couldnt ask for a better kid...And Im not religious...
Its beter not to be too strict on your kid take it from a avid party goer the kids with strict parents are always the bitchies drinking too much and fucking random dudes

My step mom's niece and nephew had strict parents who sheltered them too mich and now there like legit meth heads like for real

My parents were pretty lenient and I got to go out to people's houses and drank too and they whould let me

So know ik how bad shit can mess up your life from seeing it first hand and being able to drink I learned how to control myself with drinking and im not even 21 yet

My dad thought me how to fight and stand up for myself too which strict parents whould not teach there kids that so they stay out of trouble

But leaning how to fight and stand up for myself helped me in so many situations

Of course I whould get the belt if I was failing or I pissed a teacher off but even at such a young age ik how to live my life and stay away from negative people who is only gonna pull me away from achieving my goals

Most parents want there kids to be lawyers or doctors but my parents wanted me to do whatever I wanted as long as I was happy with it

And I want to be a welder and im planning on going to school for it eventually

Idk I think I just typed a bunch of barely understandable bullshit im sorry I just woke up lol
my parents never did shit for me i even remember when i was a little kid i had to eat dog food some times this life is a bitch

Wow, that's supremely fucked up. No kid should be subject to something like that..

I had to eat corn tortillas with butter when I was a kid, but that was because my parents were poor as shit and couldn't afford better food..

Was your situation caused by something similar, or did your parents not really care? As always, you'll get no judgment from me either way, I only ask for the honest truth..
best decision, was to get out of this state at 17 years old with nothing but the clothes on my back and empty pockets and join the marine corps. worst decision I every made, was to come back to this state carrying a sea bag with a pocket full of money 4 years later.


Could you expand on that? Why did you leave? Why did you return? Why was returning the worst decision you ever made?
Wow, that's supremely fucked up. No kid should be subject to something like that..

I had to eat corn tortillas with butter when I was a kid, but that was because my parents were poor as shit and couldn't afford better food..

Was your situation caused by something similar, or did your parents not really care? As always, you'll get no judgment from me either way, I only ask for the honest truth..
my mom never made me food in my entire life she was an animal hoarder she had 14 dogs, rats, rabbits and all sorts of shit running around our house. one bedroom was even dedicated to rabbits in our house, she had over 100, only some of the rats had cages she would just let the rats run around the house. she would even bring other guys into the house when my dad wasnt there
^^^^how^^^^ the fuck r u guys gonna "like" some shit like that....dats fucked up!! lmao. I thought I had it bad eating mayo sammiches and standing in front of the oven in the morning to get warm!!
I like it when people share fucked up life experiences.

I don't "like" that it happened...that's TOTAL SHIT.

But I like it when people say it out loud and don't keep all the pain of their past bottled up inside.

Get it?