What is the difference between SHATTER, WAX, OIL, BUDDER?

Don't have to be a dick when sharing knowledge. Seems qk can't get past that confrontational dickish type response.
Don't have to be a dick when sharing knowledge. Seems qk can't get past that confrontational dickish type response.

Whoa buddy..... QK is actually pretty reserved compared to VP and I, QK is very knowledgeable and is usually more helpful then VP and I

i am a little offended that QK got called out for being a dick and it wasnt VP or I lol

i am the one that was stirring this bucket o' shit 2 months ago and i was stirring it when mr gore posted

you sure you didnt mean to say Twitch can't get past that confrontational dickish type response??
Whoa buddy..... QK is actually pretty reserved compared to VP and I, QK is very knowledgeable and is usually more helpful then VP and I

i am a little offended that QK got called out for being a dick and it wasnt VP or I lol

i am the one that was stirring this bucket o' shit 2 months ago and i was stirring it when mr gore posted

you sure you didnt mean to say Twitch can't get past that confrontational dickish type response??
I dunno. I usually stay out of this section anyway. All I know is I see a bunch of dickish posts from qk. I would be more likely to respond to you about your stupid practice of blasting indoors, but I didn't want to be a dick.
I was thinking since this happens to get so many views with peeps googling this subject.

Why not add some pictures to display each term..





Honeycomb Wax

Budder *good example 1st*

Budder*poor example*oxidized and contaminated with atmospheric contaminants, The first pic is the same material except a month later.

Brittle Honey Comb*shatters at room temp*

Oil uh...generalized term for all the above, but usually thinner in consistency and a” raw” appearance, I don't have an accurate pic to depict this..


Ice Wax @70u
"I dunno. I usually stay out of this section anyway. All I know is I see a bunch of dickish posts from qk. I would be more likely to respond to you about your stupid practice of blasting indoors, but I didn't want to be a dick."

While I am a bit harsh I just don't like misinformation and the spreading of it...if you go and read my likes recieved , you know skipping the multiple/redundant ones. You would probly learn quite a bit about growing and chemistry...
I've seen your posts. Some are accurate some are inaccurate, but they are always filled with self righteousness.
I am confrontational so thanks for noticing. I don't have enough interest in debating it further with you, but last time I checked Texas isn't a medical state BTW.
I am confrontational so thanks for noticing. I don't have enough interest in debating it further with you, but last time I checked Texas isn't a medical state BTW.

yea its not and we manage to still put together grow rooms that put some of yalls grows to shame. i have put out wax that i have had people in med states beg me to send them and still paid texas prices to get it becuase the shit yall have in yall medical facilities is crap and they are in it entirely for profit. low balling people on bows of kill for 700 and 800 dollars its a disgrace if you actually ask me. i maybe on the black market aspect but at least i am not a dishonest snake in the grass like half of the dispensaries out there.

i am sure there are cool people at them but they are set up to make money dont kid yourself and also almost all of them cant grow enough in house so they have to buy it from people that walk in off the street.
My only point is that it violates site rules:

By clicking the agree button you agree that you will be growing marijuana for medicinal use only, you also agree that you are licensed by your state to grow marijuana for medical purposes.
..which leads me to my next point, which is that you can't believe anything you read on the internet.
Dude what are you talking about? How are mods saying they don't live in a Med state lead you to conclude you can't believe everything on the internet?
Lol. It violates rules. Cmonnnn

Just reading vlads little info.. he sounds kind of like he thinks he knows what he is talking about. Probably had a lot of experience.. but! I feel he never properly winterized due to the way he described it..

Pj ain't in here nearly enough to think qwizo is the douche.. sirdabs is the biggest ass hole obviously..