What is the difference between SHATTER, WAX, OIL, BUDDER?

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Guzias1 again.

<] :]

Guzias Style...like the the Wu-Tang sword-style..hehe
Obviously...I AM the the biggest asshole-leo on the web!!
:] <:]

Thank everybody for the kind words...

I don't want no trouble..
you do realize that if everyone followed the rules there would be no medical marijuana......
Thank you for helping me make my next point which is how nonuniformly the rules are enforced so what's the point in having rules at all?
i wasn't complaining about the rule enforcement on this site, you were.

talk to sunni or racerboy, i do not have the power to enforce rules
it's all thc man... some here are "more sensitive" to certain methods but in the end it's all thc. diffs are methods made to make the end product. some like no chemicals to be use and will use dry ice or water/ice some like bho or iso or goats milk made on a full moon with only a 4 year old female goat who eats fresh oats made from a organic farm... but honestly after using and trying all the methods.. it's all going to be as good as the original product just in a condensed form...

me I like the goats milk method!
The first sentence was good, then you kept running your mouth and all credibility went out the window.
Well see this thread was posted at night...meaning it stayed up in the new threads box at the top of riu forum, for a good while, as many threads aren't put up that late

So because of this..non c&e folk come in here posting nonsense...

Now what kind of people are awake that late?......
I have a job.. I work 6am-3 mon-fri ...I go to bed about 10pm central time
Lmao... I just reread this thread
We should get a mod to change the title...maybe it will stop getting so many views

Thanks for bringing this thread back up, and thanks to QK to remind me to re-read...

Good times..fuck..I'm lazy...lol
Lol wow, angry much? The fact that you go on a tie raid and feel the need to personally attack me only shows that you find some validity to my post.

The stuff I get is from top notch dependencies that get it from well known concentrate producers that use professional lab environments and processes. I don't buy the bull-shit "wax" or "taffy" or even the "de-waxed","trim", or "full plant" shatter. I get the "Flower" shatter and it is like glass even on hot days.

Looking past the fact that you've highjacked what might have been an informative thread for people with your nonsense net rage, it is, whether you and your amateur BHO producing friends want to admit it, if-fact possible to produce a pure product(80%+) without winterizing.

That's all I have to say.
yea its not and we manage to still put together grow rooms that put some of yalls grows to shame. i have put out wax that i have had people in med states beg me to send them and still paid texas prices to get it becuase the shit yall have in yall medical facilities is crap and they are in it entirely for profit. low balling people on bows of kill for 700 and 800 dollars its a disgrace if you actually ask me. i maybe on the black market aspect but at least i am not a dishonest snake in the grass like half of the dispensaries out there.

i am sure there are cool people at them but they are set up to make money dont kid yourself and also almost all of them cant grow enough in house so they have to buy it from people that walk in off the street.

I don't think I've ever agreed so strongly about ANYTHING as much as I do this, as a fellow Texan I thank you Twitch.

Sorry about the run on sentence hahaha