What Is The Fruit Of The Word of God?


Active Member
What is the fruit of the Word of God?
In other words, the seeds that are put into good soil and bring forth fruit 10 50 and 100 fold, or also, as Jesus said, that they will persists until they bare fruit...

You get the picture.

Write the scripture verse as well, to back up what your thoughts are.

Thanks for your input.


Active Member
I think that you are referring to the fruit of the spirit. Which would be love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control. Galatians 5:22


Well-Known Member
its a metaphor.

there are these ignorant people and you talk to them, tell them about love and so on.

now out of a crowd of 100, maybe only 2 listen, but those two will take it to heart and teach their children and any receptive ear.

so,,the ones that didnt listen or couldnt, were barren ground, while those 2 were fertile soil for that speech and in them it bore fruit (seeds) which spread and made a lovely garden. (if we do another metaphor)


Well-Known Member
I agree with sso on this one. For each person that sees the way they in return spread seeds of knowledge and a group of people sharing knowledge is bearing fruit of your labor.


Active Member
One interpretation could be that Jesus is telling us we need to convert people to the gospel. The fruit of the Word of God would then be that we convert people the the gospel of Jesus Christ. In other words, the fruit of the Word of God is that we proselyte.

Here are my scriptures that seem to back this up:

For this is life eternal,

John 17:18 As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world. (Proselyting)

John 17:8 For I gave them the words you gave me and they accepted them. They knew with certainty that I came from you, and they believed that you sent me. (we see here again that by the word, people are converted to Jesus Christ)

John 3:17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.
( here we see the very purpose of Jesus Christ. To bring salvation to mankind) There again is proselyting.

Now don't get this mixed up with the fruit of the Spirit. That is different. The fruit of the spirit is the Holy Ghost acting through you. But the fruit of the Word of God is a different subject in my opinion because the Spirit acts through you to understand the Word of God. The Word of God is knowledge of God that we follow in obedience, the Spirit of God is what we obtain through that obedience to the Word of God.

If this confuses you let me give an example.

Jesus said: I am the way the truth and the light, no one comes to the father but by me.
Jesus makes it clear that he is very concerned for the salvation and atonement of mankind. Much less is made known by Jesus about the Holy Ghost, but that is because the disciples had not experienced the day of Pentecost yet. (that was the day they received the Holy Ghost and were able to speak different languages so they could spread the Word of God.)

Conclusion: I believe the fruit of the Word of God is to bring souls on to Christ. And if we do not bring souls unto Christ I believe we are like the unprofitable servant that hid his money in the ground and when his master came back to him, his master rebuked him for not gaining any thing and he went to hell.

This is proven when he states: Matthew 25:14-30

“He replied, ‘I tell you that to everyone who has, more will be given, but as for the one who has nothing, even what they have will be taken away. and throw that worthless servant outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’

Compare also to what Jesus says here, when asked why Jesus uses parables to teach the people:
He replied, “You are permitted to understand the secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven, but others are not. 12To those who listen to my teaching, more understanding will be given, and they will have an abundance of knowledge. But for those who are not listening, even what little understanding they have will be taken away from them.

So we see the true meaning of the parable of the talents is not money or talent, but to have the Word of God and understand it. And I believe to teach it that others might believe.

SSO I think you have the same IDEA, I just went into a bit more detail. But, yes, same concept.


Active Member
Thanks for every one's input. I did a search for the fruit of the Word of God, and this thread came up at the top of the Google list!:-o

Mind you, that was a week ago. I tried again today and it is nowhere near the top. Maybe Google figured out where it was posted and removed it. I dunno.


Active Member
I think that you are referring to the fruit of the spirit. Which would be love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control. Galatians 5:22
Fuck yeah man that's some righteous words right there. Dude's been gone for a long time, can't wait until he comes back. I hope he likes to sit in the circle.


Active Member
One interpretation could be that Jesus is telling us we need to convert people to the gospel. The fruit of the Word of God would then be that we convert people the the gospel of Jesus Christ. In other words, the fruit of the Word of God is that we proselyte.....
Yes but I don't go proselytizing every second of the day man. I follow the spirit. If it's time to speak about the good news then my holy spirits going to be giving me the signal. Bible thumpers do more damage than good IMO. The word of god will have much more effectiveness when it's spoken in a loving way between two people who trust eachother. Prayer is the most powerful tool we have for helping peps find god, love is the second tool. The word of course is the substance of the message.

It's all a question of authority. Is the authority manifested in some book, nope it's just the place for the good news to be written. The authority is ultimately mine, not the organized church, not some written work. God wants me to use the good tools he gave me to lead my own life as I see fit within his will. A true christian lives by their own convictions and will be judged by their own convictions. As soon as I've given someone else authority over my spiritual existence I've failed to seek Him within the liberty he ordained.

Christianity is not about living you life because the good book says. It is about living your life according to what you believe the good book says. God knows my heart so there is no sense in lying to myself or blindly following what was written in some book. True believers follow with their spiritual eyes open.

IMHO of course.

Peace and Love,


Active Member
One interpretation could be that Jesus is telling us we need to convert people to the gospel. The fruit of the Word of God would then be that we convert people the the gospel of Jesus Christ. In other words, the fruit of the Word of God is that we proselyte.....
Yes but I don't go proselytizing every second of the day man. I follow the spirit. If it's time to speak about the good news then my holy spirits going to be giving me the signal. Bible thumpers do more damage than good IMO. The word of god will have much more effectiveness when it's spoken in a loving way between two people who trust eachother. Prayer is the most powerful tool we have for helping peps find god, love is the second tool. The word of course is the substance of the message.

It's all a question of authority. Is the authority manifested in some book, nope it's just the place for the good news to be written. The authority is ultimately mine, not the organized church, not some written work. God wants me to use the good tools he gave me to lead my own life as I see fit within his will. A true christian lives by their own convictions and will be judged by their own convictions. As soon as I've given someone else authority over my spiritual existence I've failed to seek Him within the liberty he ordained.

Christianity is not about living you life because the good book says. It is about living your life according to what you believe the good book says. God knows my heart so there is no sense in lying to myself or blindly following what was written in some book. True believers follow with their spiritual eyes open.

IMHO of course.

Peace and Love,

How do you know what Christianity is about if you don't have anything to reference who Christ was. Without the Bible you are just stumbling around in the dark. The word of God is the Light that He gave us to help guide us through this dark life. Without the Bible you can not know Jesus. Without the Bible you are just making up what you think Jesus taught. That is not Christianity.


Active Member

I'm not against belief, I am against stupidity. If you are going to find Jesus Christ then it won't be through other people, it will be through the word of God. People bring you the word of God but it's up to us not them to be converted. And if you are going to act stupid then HELL YEA I will put you in your place.

Jesus was no respecter of persons because he knew that many people didn't care about God so much as their selfish desires.

What do you care about?



Active Member

I agree with most of what you say. However, I believe that you must first read the Word of God, then you will have the understanding to teach the word of God to others.

When people asked Jesus questions, he often told them that they did not know the scriptures and that was why they were ignorant and needed to ask him questions.

We don't need to be ignorant. We don't need to pray for answers if the bible already answers those questions. Jesus wants us to know his word.

How ever to rebuttal my own comment, Jesus told the disciples to not even take a bible with them when they taught... (bring no script with you)

So I guess you have a good point
NLNo5 https://www.rollitup.org/members/nlno5-223590.html


Well-Known Member
God had slayed 2,476,633 people in the bible....
that doesn't include, Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the many glorious plagues, famines, so on and so forth with which the good book is filled that are vague on specific numbers slain
Satan? He manages to kill 10...

oh wait...he has to share credit with God for those too since he won them in a bet with God to begin with....
There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job ... And there were born unto him seven sons and three daughters....ring any bells?


more generous estimates place the death toll at a bit over 25,000,000 for God, and 60 for Satan....
meh...even have a rundown if you like....but it's in the good book already

the book is very reviling indeed...a suggested read for all


Well-Known Member
I have much to say on this topic. just not really to you w4c. you came across as pompous and arrogant without anything to back it up. my faith is not determined or affected by other peoples influence. especially not people from a faceless forum. I just don't believe you have any honorable intentions with your thread discussions.

for the record, you never schooled me. or anyone else for that matter. Anyone who reads your previous thread will see that the minute we move beyond vague platitudes you run out of anything other than childish insults as responses.


Active Member


Right, because atheist, and not Christians are the ones helping preserve life in the world.

Oops. got that wrong.
It's the Christians doing all the work.

Here is a link to what Christians are doing to help in Japan. I help by giving money to my church relief fund and I don't give to this fund, but here it is for any one that wants to help.

Good luck finding an ATHEIST relief fund!!!

Christian relief for Japan. (Gods miracles in action)


Well-Known Member
What is the fruit of the Word of God?
In other words, the seeds that are put into good soil and bring forth fruit 10 50 and 100 fold, or also, as Jesus said, that they will persists until they bare fruit...

You get the picture.

Write the scripture verse as well, to back up what your thoughts are.

Thanks for your input.
I know I know...Passion Fruit. Get it? Passion...Fruit?....oh never mind.


Active Member
Hey guys , weed4cash had posted it....In my mind This is right & true or perfect answer !!!
In other words, the seeds that are put into good soil and bring forth fruit 10 50 and 100 fold, or also, as Jesus said, that they will persists until they bare fruit...