What is the sluttiest thing you have ever done?

I'll just say this. When I first came out, my family had a really hard time with it. It got to the point that I had to move out. I moved in with my partner who had an apartment overlooking a park. The thing is the park was full of hills. One of the hills was close to our apartment and it had couple of tables on top. The hill was equal with our balcony. The balcony off the bedroom. My partner worked in construction at the time and I would give him massages when he got home to get the kinks out. He insisted that I perform the task naked. It involved oil so it made perfect sense. Needless to say it got a little umm... intimate at times.

One summer night after work he wanted a massage under the stars. So we retired to the balcony. Naked. Not knowing at the time that a group of gay men were having a little get together on the hill overlooking our balcony. Things got a little out of hand and the next thing I know there is applause coming from the hill. I sit up to see what the hell was going on and they started cheering. I was mortified.

I've performed in front of crowds before. ;)

HEHEHEHE ur freaking awesome, classy with just the right amount of spice and spunk ;) OMG next time give them a double thumbs up, well trippple i guess ;) lmfao
it was like a cam room type thing that I did on a gay site from home, and you would just sit by the camera and people would give you "coins" (1 coin was equal to a dollar) but you would get on and within like 5 minutes some guy will give you 20 coins to do some kinky shit.

So the usual requests were:

Show your cock
Get naked and do a spin
Tuck your cock
Spread your ass

And one I got a lot was "spit on yourself" which was a little weird.
In downtown Detroit there are two apartment towers that faced each other, they used to be upscale. Anyway, you had to pay a premium to face the other tower. At night there were people who lived with their drapes open and other that had huge binoculars and telescopes. Tenants would flash their lights to let you know the show was about to begin.

Great place on a Friday or Saturday night to catch a buzz.
Wow this is sounding like Hawaii to me hahahaha I got blammed for fucking another girls man because he had the same skin tone as her man LMFAO hahaahahahaahaha said she saw him through the crack in the blinds !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCKING TWEAKERS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't think you'd call this slutty though it is kinda funny.

A group of us went camping, roughing it, we went off trail and followed the power lines and stopped when we hit a river. The next day we went to start the truck, it's dead.

After a couple of days waiting along the river for someone to float down so we could ask them to send help. I was stinky, gritty and in bad need of a bath. I strip down and slid into the cool water, it's about knee deep. I'm standing there soaping up and wouldn't you know it, around the bend a comes a couple of canoes.

I drop down on all fours, looking for a way out and trying to hide my charms. All the while I know my ass is sticking out of the water. I hear this voice, 'well, lookie what we have hear, anyone see a fish that looked like that before' and lots of laughter.

I didn't stop them or asking them for help. I just let them get a good look at my butt. It was another day before the next canoe, too. My buddies were really pissed when I told them that those guys passed by.
kona the thread sead slutiest thing you have done not the slutiest bong you have sucked on hahahahaha im just kidding hahaha