What is your faith, path or belief?


Well-Known Member
Why does our being lead to death?
Why do we judge one another...that we might have them to fit our judgements.
Theres no freedom under our rules...the world is my prove.


Well-Known Member
Depends how you view death...death is essentailly part of life & must be accepted. Life is not possible without death...think duality...this is how humans think. CrackerJax just pointed this out...humans like illusions. Judgement of another comes from the ego...no ego=no judgement. Freedom can only be achieved by self...You are not free if you are doing what someone else has laid out for you. It's takes hard work to be free in this world, but it's definately possible - anything is possible.


New Member
One might ask the question in reverse.

Why would a G*D create a world based upon violence and death? The fact that organisms are "forced" to eat each other alive is a HORRIBLE plan.
Who would do such a thing? Truly a maelevolent being, worthy of blind worship, or else? No Thanks...

If the glove doesn't fit....you must acquit.

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Its the violence and death that makes love and peace more attractive, more appealing to most/Its the evil that gives good its balance /vice versa/ in the bigger spectrum, its all a balancing act so to speak.Action always has reaction,Its something so self evident that it goes farther than we are able to understand.


Well-Known Member
Along the lines of the earlier discussion on judgement, here is my feelings on it. Unfortunately, tho, I didn't write this, a friend did. But it is spot on, puts my thoughts into words better than I could.


Judgement, like other devices by which the world of illusions is maintained, is totally misunderstood by the world. It is actually confused w/ wisdom, and substitutes for truth. As the world uses the term, an individual is capable of "good" and "bad" judgement, and his education aims at strengthening the former and minimizing the latter.There is, however, considerable confusion about what these categories mean.What is "good" judgement to one may be "bad" judgement to another. Further, even the same person classifies the same action as showing "good" judgement at one time and "bad" judgement at another time. Nor can any consistent criteria for determining what these categories really are be taught. At any time the student may disagree w/ what his would-be teacher says about them, and the teacher himself may well be inconsistent in what he believes. "Good" judgement in these terms does not mean anything. No more does "bad".

It is necessary for the student/teacher of God to realize, not that he should not judge, but that he cannot. In giving up judgement he is merely giving up what he did not have. He gives up an illusion; or better he has an illusion of giving up. He has actually merely become more honest. Recognizing that judgement was always impossible for him, he no longer attempts it. This is no sacrifice. On the contrary, he puts himself in a position where judgement through him rather than by him can occur. And this judgement is neither "good" or "bad". It is the only judgement there is, and it is only one:"God's Son is guiltless, and sin does not(can not) exist."

...judgement in the usual sense is impossible. This is not an opinion but a fact. In order to judge anything rightly, one would have to be fully aware of an inconceivable wide range of things; past,present, and to come. One would have to recognize in advance all the effects of his judgement on everyone and everything involved in them in any way. And one would have to be certain there is no distortion in his perception, so that his judgement would be wholly fair to everyone on whom it rests now and in the future. Who is in a position to do this? Who except in grandiose fantasies would claim this for himself?

Remember all the times you thought you knew all the facts you needed for judgement, and how wrong you were! Is there anyone who has not had this experience? Would you know how many times you merely thought you were right, w/o ever realizing you were wrong?Why would you choose such an arbitrary basis for decision making? Wisdom is not judgement; it is the relinquishment of judgement. Make then but one more judgement. It is this: there is Someone with you Whose judgement is perfect. He does know all the facts; past,present and to come. He does know all the effects of His judgement on everyone and everything involved in any way. And He is wholly fair to everyone, for there is no distortion in His perception.

Therefore lay judgement down, not w/ regret but w/ a sigh of gratitude. Now are you free of a burden so great that you could merely stagger and fall down beneath it. And it was an illusion. Nothing more. Now can the student/teacher of God rise up unburdened, and walk lightly on. Yet it is not only this that is his benefit. His sense of care is gone, for he has none. He has given it away along w/ judgement. He gave himself to Him Whose judgement he has chosen now to trust, instead of his own. Now he makes no mistakes. His guide is sure. And where he came to judge, he comes to bless. Where now he laughs, he used to come to weep.

It isn't difficult to relinquish judgement. But it is difficult indeed to try to keep it. The student/teacher of God lays it down happily the instant he recognizes its cost. All of the ugliness he sees about him is its outcome. All the pain he looks upon is its result. All of the loneliness and sense of loss; of passing time and growing hopelessness; of sickening despair and fear of death; all these have come of it. And now he knows that these things need not be. Not one is True. For he has given up there cause, and they, which never were but the effects of his mistaken choice, have fallen from him. Student/Teacher of God, this step will bring you peace. Can it be difficult to want but this?

May the Holy Spirit Fill Yer Minds So You May See Truly.


Well-Known Member
One might ask the question in reverse.

Why would a G*D create a world based upon violence and death? The fact that organisms are "forced" to eat each other alive is a HORRIBLE plan.
Who would do such a thing? Truly a maelevolent being, worthy of blind worship, or else? No Thanks...

If the glove doesn't fit....you must acquit.

out. :blsmoke:
Ahh, now you are swimming in my waters. Us heretics ask those kind of questions, and others far more dangerous....:shock:

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
1.We're food for the worms.
2.Because we want to be special.So we try to think we're better than others.
3.I'm free.
Why does our being lead to death?
Why do we judge one another...that we might have them to fit our judgements.
Theres no freedom under our rules...the world is my prove.
Depends how you view death...death is essentailly part of life & must be accepted. Life is not possible without death...think duality...this is how humans think. CrackerJax just pointed this out...humans like illusions. Judgement of another comes from the ego...no ego=no judgement. Freedom can only be achieved by self...You are not free if you are doing what someone else has laid out for you. It's takes hard work to be free in this world, but it's definately possible - anything is possible.


New Member
I say I know him not .. and I'm not a liar.

Also with faith in him .. one will never know will they.

It works both ways... I'll stick with the first one.

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
Since there is no evidence of me ever meeting him, I'm not worried. Fairy tales have their place in the world, but not as a guiding light. That only leads us down the wrong path, no matter how many candles are in the darkness.

Frankly, I prefer to hang with Jews and Buddhists..... they don't give a hoot if I believe them or not. That is true toleration...... and confidence. Christianity is an insecure faith, as well as Islam.

But enjoy your story.... whatever gets you through the day.

P.S. I'm done....

Good Luck!

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Well, I DO believe in the existance of the being you speak of, just to me that is not 'God' (or should I say that is not MY God), nor is that the 'Father' that Yeshua spoke of.

Interpretation, like perception, is everything.


Well-Known Member
^Well said.......I was just pointing that out to my mother yestarday about how perception is everything. I(28 years old) was explaining to my mother(60 years old) yestarday the misconception of traditional toothpaste. I'll tell everyone here even though some of you may know. The main ingredient & I believe only active one in common toothpaste is sodium fluoride...does anyone know what other product shares this ingredient? Rat poison! If you don't believe me go to the store & check it out. Why do you think it says contact poison control center immediately if ingested on the back of toothpaste. Interesting isn't it. Fluoride is bogus & actually not very good for your teeth. It sure does wonders for the dental industry though...I could explain further, but I think I'll stop now. My mother had no idea...see how people just don't know these things. She asked me how I knew about that & all this other stuff I've been telling her about & I told her I read constantly. The truth is out there...you just have to piece it together when you find it.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I was the same way when I found out that aspertame (equal, splenda, all that) was orginally developed to kill ants, which it does very well. Sprinkle a pack of nutasweet or equal on an anthill and they will take it to the hive and it kills them, thier neurotransmitters go nuts and they attack each other(but they like it cuz of its sweetness.). The validated tests of the bad effects on humans ain't stopped its mass production and use either.

But I digress.