No way in hell the U.S. goes back to a gold backed currency. Gold has been steadily moved out of the country and into the hands of creditors overseas(Jews, Vatican, etc.). What backs our economy at this point is the labor system in place in all the states and territories. Feudal in nature, it is essentially sharecropping. Taxes at nearly every level possible. Own a home? Pay property taxes. Own a car? Pay licenses and registration for access to roads you already pay taxes for. The list goes on and on. Simple math on the amount of taxes collected monthly in any state or territory should leave you scratching your head as to how there could every be a budget deficit or no place for the homeless. Municipalities, townships, counties, states all incorporated and controlled privately. Can't be disputed that the jewish oligarchies among others are responsible for the state of the union. Its been widely reported that Gaddafi's initiative was to unite Africa with a gold backed currency, the U.S knew that would join in and that would in effect destroy the U.S. economy and expose underworkings of the system.