I'm gonna need you to connect those dots for me, since this is the first time I've heard of this version of history.The Zionist created porn in order to destroy White Cultural moral values that helped Whites Leap Frog every race in terms of evolution... now its sad to see how the Zionist Jews have destroyed White America
I think you may be the shining example of what is considered "Legally and Lawfully incompetent".whatever you say, captain jew hater!
"Can't be disputed that the jewish oligarchies among others are responsible for the state of the union."
i think you may be the shining example of "conspiracy addled mentally retarded jew hater"I think you may be the shining example of what is considered "Legally and Lawfully incompetent".
Isn't it that silver oxide still conducts just as well?Gold doesn't oxidize, but silver sure does- in my trade that's called "antiquing", you brush on a little acid solution and hit it with the torch and it turns black, the technique is used a lot in Indian jewelry
Silver is a better electrical conductor and gold conducts and holds heat better
Gold rolls off high frequencies (albeit slightly) in audio circuits
If that were true, electrical connectors would be silver-plated instead of goldIsn't it that silver oxide still conducts just as well?
When I produce my own boards I solder directly to copper and if I want a production run done I just order itIf that were true, electrical connectors would be silver-plated instead of gold
He thinks he's a smart feller, really just a fart smeller.The ancient Egyptians recognized gold's unique intrinsic qualities which you seem woefully unaware of. I'd suggest you learn a little more about gold before you open your yap about it again.
Have you considered suicide?When people say we need to stop the "FED" thats slang for Zionists... they control all of the Western worlds major sources of power/influence..
Jews are in control of Media all forms... education.. they write all the criteria.. Medicines.. they own all of big pharma.. they feed Gentiles garbage corn infused food so u get sick .. they own the court system... military.. politics... Vatican is a bunch of Homos who have 1/10000th the power the Jews do.. the Jews are sending all the immigrantz to Europe to dilute the pure cultural identity
You are fucking nuts, okay?U know most Zionist change their names to fake being ethnically White...
Its a Fact America would throw these traitors out of the country if it wasn't ran by all of them... luckily the internet generation is waking up and smelling the Kosher Nostra
Then let's see some links so we can make up our own minds.Gotta be truly caught up in your feelings to quote the very statement that shows I never said jews run the world.
I guess all the well respected tenured Jewish scholarship and authors with material evidences on these lines would fall into your category of mentally retarded as well. I'm not attacking jews, i'm just stating the widely accepted facts. Just because you don't see it on the History Channel or across your timeline means nothing. Universal facts still remain facts.
Why?When they can figure out how to mass produce graphene economically it will replace gold and silver in electronics.
Because graphene is a better conductor?Why?
federal reserve participation is voluntary. notice a us quarter does not say "federal reserve token".No way in hell the U.S. goes back to a gold backed currency. Gold has been steadily moved out of the country and into the hands of creditors overseas(Jews, Vatican, etc.). What backs our economy at this point is the labor system in place in all the states and territories. Feudal in nature, it is essentially sharecropping. Taxes at nearly every level possible. Own a home? Pay property taxes. Own a car? Pay licenses and registration for access to roads you already pay taxes for. The list goes on and on. Simple math on the amount of taxes collected monthly in any state or territory should leave you scratching your head as to how there could every be a budget deficit or no place for the homeless. Municipalities, townships, counties, states all incorporated and controlled privately. Can't be disputed that the jewish oligarchies among others are responsible for the state of the union. Its been widely reported that Gaddafi's initiative was to unite Africa with a gold backed currency, the U.S knew that would join in and that would in effect destroy the U.S. economy and expose underworkings of the system.
why are you trying to have a polite conversation with a guy who just said that jews control america?federal reserve participation is voluntary. notice a us quarter does not say "federal reserve token".
it's an element created in the supernova of a star.Pretty fucking much. Of course it's not just the Jews it's the Vatican the British Royal Family, Saudi royalty even the Chinese leaders. They all stock pile gold probably enough to give ever single human 10 pounds it's been hoarder for thousands of years! It's nothing but a rock honestly has some uses but not even the Egyptians valued it they used it just not so much of trading it. The ancient Incans had all kinds of jewelry and statues of gold no coins the entire concept of money is such bullshit we have wars for it.
I can't stand what mankind has become greedy as fucking pigs they are taking medical marijuana from the people because of money and it's all bullshit.
why are you trying to have a polite conversation with a guy who visits child pornography websites and thinks the jews control america too?it's an element created in the supernova of a star.