What kind of game do you like to play when you're high?

i'm playing dcuo right now, for lack of anything better to play ...it's better than i thought it would be...the only really annoying thing (to me) is the unskipable cut scenes that you have to watch every time you do the same instance....
but the game play is fun, and different enough between classes to be fresh when you try a new class.
i'm playing dcuo right now, for lack of anything better to play ...it's better than i thought it would be...the only really annoying thing (to me) is the unskipable cut scenes that you have to watch every time you do the same instance....
but the game play is fun, and different enough between classes to be fresh when you try a new class.
Try the free game this month.. Edith finch.

Its a quick play but a pretty cool little game
Thanks for the tip mate. I downloaded it last night and even though I heard about that game before, I didn't really know what to expect. And it was amazing! ... When they announced the free games for this month, I was like screw that, worst PS Plus games ever... I couldn't have been more wrong. Anyway, Edith Finch impressed me so much that I will replay it again one of these nights.

Thanks for the tip mate. I downloaded it last night and even though I heard about that game before, I didn't really know what to expect. And it was amazing! ... When they announced the free games for this month, I was like screw that, worst PS Plus games ever... I couldn't have been more wrong. Anyway, Edith Finch impressed me so much that I will replay it again one of these nights.

I thought the same thing.. The free games were shit but edith finch definitely caught me off guard. But once i got into it it was awesome
Playing some NeedForSpeed payback, been a long time driving game lover. Might put on project cars. Or hook up the PSone and play some hot pursuit not sure yet
gotta say i really like the outlast games i also got hitman for ps4
I wish I was able to play games like Outlast :D I can only take horror games up to a certain level of scaring the hell out of me and unfortunately, Outlast is above that level :D ... But maybe one day I will get to it

This is gonna seem kinda odd, but has anybody here ever played Myst or any of its sequels. I never had played it... but I bought it on Steam for $5.99 and I only played it for a minute or two. What are yall's thoughts? Great game? Still holds up? I don't have the revamped one, I bought the old one, shitty graphics and all. Anybody like Myst? Or even remember it? lol
This is gonna seem kinda odd, but has anybody here ever played Myst or any of its sequels. I never had played it... but I bought it on Steam for $5.99 and I only played it for a minute or two. What are yall's thoughts? Great game? Still holds up? I don't have the revamped one, I bought the old one, shitty graphics and all. Anybody like Myst? Or even remember it? lol
I remember playing briefly some sort of port on PSP many years ago but I probably didn't spend much time with it as I can barely remember what was the game about...

after listening recently, has anyone created a game for taking a toke every time Karma says "yea" on the pot cast episode featuring him ?
Just starting with Detroit: Become Human. If you have PS4, it's one of the free games for PS Plus subscribers this month. If you are familiar with Quantic Dream, you probably know that their games are more like interactive movies with great storylines and choices that affect the outcome.


Just starting with Detroit: Become Human. If you have PS4, it's one of the free games for PS Plus subscribers this month. If you are familiar with Quantic Dream, you probably know that their games are more like interactive movies with great storylines and choices that affect the outcome.


The graphics in this game are insane