What makes you proud of America?


Well-Known Member
I was wondering, undertheice, if you would expand on this a bit:

"My rose colored glasses were stripped from me long ago by the passionate intensity of the worst and replaced with this gaze blank and pitiless by those who lack all conviction."

Thanks ... :)

do you read yeats?

What rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?


Well-Known Member
this is how great empires fall. thier fathers build them only for thier sons to forsake, divide and decay them.

American ancestors & all Americans before us had a country much worse than ours is today. they never besmerched her but kept fighting to make her better. Now we have the country best as its ever been in its history and most people on here have no clue but thier own selfish interests and ignorent views.

If you can't fly, run; if you can't run, walk; if you can't walk, crawl, but by all means keep moving!"

- Martin Luther King, Jr., (January 15, 1929-April 4, 1968 )



Well-Known Member
this is how great empires fall. thier fathers build them only for thier sons to forsake, divide and decay them.

American ancestors & all Americans before us had a country much worse than ours is today. they never besmerched her but kept fighting to make her better. Now we have the country best as its ever been in its history and most people on here have no clue but thier own selfish interests and ignorent views.

If you can't fly, run; if you can't run, walk; if you can't walk, crawl, but by all means keep moving!"

- Martin Luther King, Jr., (January 15, 1929-April 4, 1968 )
HERE HERE ! I second this!


Well-Known Member
The country is allright, it's the government that is fucked!!!
I agree medi, but the government was even worse in the past. and if you think the gov is so bad why would you want to expand it and make everyone rely on it for everything in thier lives? I think its for selfish reasons

dont you conceed that even after your hated president Bush leaves office that eventully after the dems succeed in controling every aspect of our lives, that anothor one you hate might come into power and become the leader, but this time with much more power to control the people through healthcare, cameras everywhere, back breaking taxes, telling you where & when to smoke, tellin you u cant get married if you are gay, tellin you u cant eat a cheese burger cuz now they pay for your health?? tellin you that i cant have a pet gerbal unless u report it to the gov and pay a licenese, this is thier goal, if you need them then you will never leave them & they know that. they are just like a phyco g/f or b/f they want you to have to rely on them & once you allow that you can never go back.

just doesnt make sense me amigo. these bitches wanna control us both sides reps and dems. just that dems are more blatent and extream about it. thats why I say you guys will destroy america, i hope im wrong, i guess every good thing must come to an end,

they say change is the only constent, so since our country is the best right now its bound to "change" so I guess I better suit up, sitdown and watch,

I just wish it could stay just a lil longer till my kids grow up atleast. maybe we can go to holland in 20 years, its prolly gonna be pretty ugly by then.



Active Member
All that have done this great country a good turn have either been jailed,shot,or mysteriously misplaced somewhere.
So indeed the good do die and not just young.
Democrats were once republicans or vise versa depending on who was slingin the pork barrell around.
No free man shall be debarred the use of arms.(Thomas jefferson)
To prevent the people of the united states who are peaceable citizens frome keeping thier own arms(Samual Adams)called for this ammendment.
Arizona state law:right of an individual citizen to bear arms in defense of himself or the state.
If youre not a fellon,if youre not convicted of assault,if ya keep it under lock and key where ya cant use it anyway if if if if subsection blabla
Each state has its own idea of how the law and constitution should work.
Ammendments and forced mandates have pushed us constitutionally so far away frome the soul idealistic and instilled views of our great forefathers.
Take californias consistantly new changeing gun laws,the police arent even knolegable of them.Thanks Arnold ya big terminator you.
The only way we can regain our strength is to regain our primary constitution and not Californias idealistic views or anyone elses.
A stripped down application that applys to everyone ,all states ,unenableing these fuckin cocksuckers to change the play book to thier likeing .No one state shall have empowerment judicially or politically over another.
The reason for haveing arms was for personall defense,defense of this country AND MOST OF ALL TO KEEP OUR GOVERNMENT IN LINE.
Oh yea and legalize marijuana ya motherfuckers...even California medicinally figured that out.


Active Member
Are you kidding? Next, people will advocate that we have due process also. Ask those who are sitting without legal council in Guantanamo or poor people without access to good legal council about this. That said, all freedoms are relative and while I do feel we have it better than most, the Patriot Act was a knife in the backs of Jefferson and Adams. Our rights as put forth under the Constitution are receding my friend, not increasing. I do not think any reasonable person could argue otherwise. Peace
Look up Adam's sedition act. Government exists as a regulatory force upon society, without proper power how can a government hope to exist. Stop bitching about lack of free speech or legal counsel, citizens are subject to far more than political force. Free market capitalism makes some voices louder than others and some lawyers better than others, live with it and realize that you live in an amazing country.


Well-Known Member
don't you concede that even after your hated president Bush leaves office that eventually after the dems succeed in controlling every aspect of our lives, that another one you hate might come into power and become the leader, but this time with much more power to control the people through health care, cameras everywhere, back breaking taxes, telling you where & when to smoke, tellin you u cant get married if you are gay, tellin you u cant eat a cheese burger cuz now they pay for your health?? tellin you that i cant have a pet gerbil unless u report it to the gov and pay a license, this is their goal, if you need them then you will never leave them & they know that. they are just like a psycho g/f or b/f they want you to have to rely on them & once you allow that you can never go back.
it won't even be another one, the american people are notoriously fickle and they will turn on the dems just as surely as they are turning against the reps. don't bother trying to tell the left that they are leading us into slavery, they are blinded by meaningless hope and dreams of a new messiah. they are marching to the clarion call of something for nothing and the cult of entitlement. they seem to believe there is someone out there that can be trusted to always keep their best interests first and foremost and will gladly follow any snake oil salesman who promises to be the one. our rights were well defined by this country's founders, but that just isn't enough. they create a new list of rights at every turn. the right to drive, the right to medical care, the right to not be offended, the right to someone else's wealth...... the list grows and yet our real rights are slowly whittled away. but it's all for the good of the society, now isn't it.


Well-Known Member
it won't even be another one, the american people are notoriously fickle and they will turn on the dems just as surely as they are turning against the reps. don't bother trying to tell the left that they are leading us into slavery, they are blinded by meaningless hope and dreams of a new messiah. they are marching to the clarion call of something for nothing and the cult of entitlement. they seem to believe there is someone out there that can be trusted to always keep their best interests first and foremost and will gladly follow any snake oil salesman who promises to be the one. our rights were well defined by this country's founders, but that just isn't enough. they create a new list of rights at every turn. the right to drive, the right to medical care, the right to not be offended, the right to someone else's wealth...... the list grows and yet our real rights are slowly whittled away. but it's all for the good of the society, now isn't it.

nice post,

its very true but theres no way to stop this, there will always be decay unfortunatly, maybe im being too negative. I guess if we all vote we can hold the carpet baggers down. how can they turn american into a comunist state?


New Member
nice post,

its very true but theres no way to stop this, there will always be decay unfortunatly, maybe im being too negative. I guess if we all vote we can hold the carpet baggers down. how can they turn american into a comunist state?
I just don't get it. You right wing-nuts say if we institute universal health care, we are automatically a communist state. There is ample proof that many democracies have universal health care and aren't anything like a communist state. I think you righties are brainwashed and paranoid, take a chill pill, we'll still be a democracy, even more so if we get the claws of corporations away from around our medical. Corporate medical for profit has priced itself out of the market. Too many people can't afford it, even those with the sham insurance the corporations sell, greed has ruined it.


Well-Known Member
its very true but theres no way to stop this, there will always be decay unfortunately, maybe i'm being too negative. I guess if we all vote we can hold the carpet baggers down. how can they turn american into a communist state?
an uneducated public is voting it's way into a socialist state. for the sake of comfort and the illusion of safety even the more educated portions of the electorate are willing to give up self-determination. should the people suddenly wake up and realize they are pissing their freedom away, i doubt the government would allow their votes to matter much anyway. the corruption is so firmly entrenched that only by removing the bureaucracy entirely can we hope to regain control. as we bitch and moan about the massive corporations raping our land and people we continue to elect their lackeys and allow them to trick us into digging our own graves.


Active Member
an uneducated public is voting it's way into a socialist state. for the sake of comfort and the illusion of safety even the more educated portions of the electorate are willing to give up self-determination. should the people suddenly wake up and realize they are pissing their freedom away, i doubt the government would allow their votes to matter much anyway. the corruption is so firmly entrenched that only by removing the bureaucracy entirely can we hope to regain control. as we bitch and moan about the massive corporations raping our land and people we continue to elect their lackeys and allow them to trick us into digging our own graves.
This is exactly whats happening today I full heartedly agree.
We have today let in large numbers of unedgucated people frome a third world country...and yea Im talking about Mexico ,
And a large percentage of others have grown up with what we have today,(like my kids). And accept things for what they are and dont know the difference .They dont teach kids a goddamn thing in school and yes when my kids get home they get the real version of American History and economics because I help them with thier homework.
I myself have schooled in many different countries before I came back to America and we could learn a great deal frome others.
Why is it that there are sooo many great and intelligent people out there ,and all we can come up with is this lieing trash we have today?None of these people are worth a shit and most have been groomed for politics since birth.


Well-Known Member
I just don't get it. You right wing-nuts say if we institute universal health care, we are automatically a communist state. There is ample proof that many democracies have universal health care and aren't anything like a communist state. I think you righties are brainwashed and paranoid, take a chill pill, we'll still be a democracy, even more so if we get the claws of corporations away from around our medical. Corporate medical for profit has priced itself out of the market. Too many people can't afford it, even those with the sham insurance the corporations sell, greed has ruined it.

I can see you point medi, if they do the health care thing they should let there be competition in it and not run by the government. this competition would drive all the prices down and make it with 0 waste. if the gov gets it they will be inefficient, there will be no competition to raine in prices and they will start to say hey all these smokers costing the government money and they will use that as and excuse to fuck smokers in the ass, make fat people pay more taxes, im all for making sure everyone can be safe and healthy but these peeps like hilary wants to use it for more control over the people which will translate into more votes for the democratic party which in turn will allow them more control

eventualluy when we are all dead there will be peeps on forums like this debating if we should let the government take dna samples from everyone as maditory. put camera on ever inch of our land, trace where ever you step. put a tracking magnetic strip in your credit card and have sensors reading them all over the usa. so you wont be able to shit without declaring how much toilet paper you are gonna use. they will be like hey!! why did u buy so many dildos on march 14 2054?

when we are dead the things cascading are unimaginable.


New Member
an uneducated public is voting it's way into a socialist state. for the sake of comfort and the illusion of safety even the more educated portions of the electorate are willing to give up self-determination. should the people suddenly wake up and realize they are pissing their freedom away, i doubt the government would allow their votes to matter much anyway. the corruption is so firmly entrenched that only by removing the bureaucracy entirely can we hope to regain control. as we bitch and moan about the massive corporations raping our land and people we continue to elect their lackeys and allow them to trick us into digging our own graves.
And why is the corruption so rampant, Greed. The corporations that you are so proud of have been raping us for a century now, and getting stronger with every passing day. Those that live off of the corporate greed are every bit as hooked as those that you disdain so much, the poor. The difference is, the corporate greed mongers (And this includes the government) want to keep all the treasure for themselves and fuck The public. Poor to them means nothing, having never experienced it, it is something someone else is. I think a turning of the tables is coming. I will surely get a woody if I see some bazillionaires on skid row.


New Member
And why is the corruption so rampant, Greed. The corporations that you are so proud of have been raping us for a century now, and getting stronger with every passing day. Those that live off of the corporate greed are every bit as hooked as those that you disdain so much, the poor. The difference is, the corporate greed mongers (And this includes the government) want to keep all the treasure for themselves and fuck The public. Poor to them means nothing, having never experienced it, it is something someone else is. I think a turning of the tables is coming. I will surely get a woody if I see some bazillionaires on skid row.
I've asked you this question before, but to date, you've not answered it. Here it is again: Who owns the corporations?



Well-Known Member
And why is the corruption so rampant, Greed. The corporations that you are so proud of have been raping us for a century now, and getting stronger with every passing day. Those that live off of the corporate greed are every bit as hooked as those that you disdain so much, the poor. The difference is, the corporate greed mongers (And this includes the government) want to keep all the treasure for themselves and fuck The public. Poor to them means nothing, having never experienced it, it is something someone else is. I think a turning of the tables is coming. I will surely get a woody if I see some bazillionaires on skid row.
enough with the greed schtick already. greed is a deep seated trait found throughout the animal kingdom and no amount of legislation will ever make it go away. this infatuation y'all have with punishing success must have some deep dark root. who knows, maybe you hated your father or weren't breast fed long enough or too long or whatever, i'm sure freud would have some bizarre theory to explain away such hatred. instead of punishing us for being the animals we are maybe we should think about letting that part of our natures take its course and rewarding those that choose to indulge the more charitable side of their humanity.