What to do? Small grow area


Well-Known Member
the MG bone meal is dirt cheap, the big boxes like lowes and home depot usually have it
most other bone meals don't have much nitrogen, which is why i like the MG one
i mix it in the soil, and that feeds for quite a while, normally start giving the tea at 2 weeks of flower


Active Member
hm sounds good, you just take some of the powder im guessing and mix it around the soil before planting? just once?. sketchy to go in and buy it? how much $? ...i can't wait to start the next grow, have a feeling imma be quite successful with all i've learned from this shit plant. Gotta figure out all the nutes and soil n stuff now :P


Well-Known Member
bag was around 5-6$ last time i checked, used for all kinds of gardening, no ones going to notice or care
mix well into soil, feeds quite a while


Active Member
do other kinds of mollasses work? i know that blackstrap is the best, but i just got normal cooking mollasses that is unwhatevered


Well-Known Member
from what i understand, you want to have the unsulphured variety
do a quick peek at the nutrition label, if the trace minerals show, like iron, i'd think it would be fine


Active Member
yep, 15% iron n also other ones on there, Mollasses doesn't need time to with the water does it? for now, this plant im going to just use molasses, probably do your tea next go round, same with the soil mix


Well-Known Member
dandelion? sounds interesting, shouldn't be harmful
be a little cautious with molasses, 1 tbsp per gallon should be fine, i have seen a few get carried away with enough molasses to create a soil mold problem


Active Member
i made one concoction with too many dandelions and 1 tsp of mollasses..2 Liters..which i believe is half a gallon (but fuck imperial system)..the other one i made with finer more chopped up dandelions with 2 tea spoons of mollasses - 4 L - 1 gal.

Its all i could come up with at the moment, need to look for a job harder, along with not being so damn sick. maybe if i grew better medicine eh :P


Active Member
so i know my soil is fucked n my plant sucks, just wanting to keep learning for next one, but how much water run-off should i be getting? seems like its anywhere from a quarter to half of what i put in is coming out the bottom pretty quick...i make sure the sides are pakced so it doesnt just run through the side of the pot, i water every 3-5 days

Also, been picking off "roosters"...some budding spots have none, some are a little cluster fucked by them...if i pick all the roosters always will that prevent pollination and seedy-bud?


Well-Known Member
the rooster plucking will help, i have done that on a hermie and got mostly seedless bud, it was a lot of work though
your watering schedule sounds reasonable, you want some run off, just water slow so most of it goes through the soil instead of around it
you may be right on a screwed root/soil problem, that can be a tough call, if you can get some better soil you will be amazed what a repotting can do
i've had a miserable reveg going for a couple of months, but repotted and it's taking off


Active Member
the only soil i got right now ( can get ) , that i know is clean and not been rained on is pind strup faergblanding substract....or some name like that..doesnt give much or any nutrient facts...or its just confusing as shit to find lol...what do you think? repot it in that?...no matter what it will be cleaner most likely...the other soil was heaaavily rained on


Well-Known Member
that's a mouthful, got to be the longest soil name i've heard yet
if it's a general purpose kind of soil, i'd think it would be worth a try, any info at all on the bag/label?
and there are the waste items that are often overlooked for additions, coffee grounds, for example, have nitrogen and will lower PH(if memory serves)


Active Member
pretty sure its general purpose...mom's usuing it for her garden of assorted flowers n whatnot. Theres info, but hard to understand....ill get a picture in a bit of the info/label


Active Member
kinda blurry on the back info..doesnt have nitrogen or potassium levels, the only ones i really remember lol...for PH it says look at the side where there is nothing


Well-Known Member
it's pretty short on specific info, best i can tell from the company website is this will have a sphagnum moss base and some other stuff
in general, it sounds like it's a reasonable start, might be low on the nutrient side, kind of guess because it doesn't say for sure
i'd think it would be no worse than what you have now, maybe better, some extra organic in there would be good if you can find it