What to do? Small grow area


Well-Known Member
what would you say about phasing out the mg? when to stop putting it in? do you need to continually feed with this slow releasing stuff?
this is MG in a shaker type container? haven't used that for a while, but i don't think it's all that slow release, but my info could be old
in general, the usual recommends are to stop feeding at 2 weeks prior to chop, i use organics which makes for a bit different timing


Active Member
it says slow release..but who knows

I've heard multiple different things about germination/planting, but personally what do you think is best...just let the seed crack open than pop it? or let a decent amount of the root tip come out first?


Well-Known Member
if it says slow release, it's probably just that, use with caution, MG time release is notorious for causing troubles for our favourite plant
it can be used, i've seen grows that have been great, but it has its tricks, if you over water, you over fertilize, and that will give the classic MG burn
and yes, let the seed crack, but once it shows tap root, it can go into the soil


Active Member
Switched back over to Veg, chopped the plant n put it in re-veg as well as a new seed in the dirt. have the correct spectrum this time and 78 watts, wish me luck!


Active Member
when can i take the plastic bag (makeshift humidity dome) off? makin my room smell like plastic..with a tinge of melt. Though i cant see/find any plastic melting or anything


Well-Known Member
i've done cloning without a dome, it can be done, though a dome does give you some more humidity
if you're smelling a bad plastic smell, that can't be good, i'd yank it, or find a substitute covering


Active Member
Its a seed not a clone....works for both tho?

humidity is so low where i live tho...almost always around 30%.....yanked the bag...see if the smell goes away now. HOPEFULLY. or else i gotta start checking electrical or somethin


Active Member
Alright cool, another one has just barely popped..gonna wait till mornin than throw her in some soil as well. ill throw a picture up or update whenever theres something new


Well-Known Member
i've done several revegs, at least 2 weeks most times, maybe a bit more, at 3 weeks growth should be going strong


Active Member
4 seeds in the dirt, old lady re-veggin, 2 x 26 w on the seeds and 1 26 on the re-veg...though all in an enclosed space so they get some of each others light


Active Member
Still catching a wiff of what smells like plastic...maybe it's just risidual smell that is in my room still. the lights smelled like it a bit (the bulb) electrical sockets seem to be fine and shouldnt be over riden with 3 26 watts and a fan+powerbar+timer... any guesses?


Well-Known Member
i'd guess it's one of the bulbs, if you have a spare you could swap out 1 at a time and see if it goes away


Well-Known Member
if 1 smells bad, i'd be scared to keep running it, cfl's do fail, sometimes in a bad way though i've never had it happen


Active Member
I thought i had a spare..but i opened up the box and part of it is shattered....they got mercury in em :S....maybe this was producing the smell..gonna rid it of the room and hope so!. ...what dangers do you speak of? fire? or just them burning out/shattering?

on a different subject..been having smart meters installed on my street today. meters that can read where, what and when you consume power...anyone know if i am fucked? or good to go considering the size of mine?