What to do? Small grow area


Active Member
hmm. any suggestions? ive tried using different water as apparently different kinds (rain,tap,distilled) have different nutrient lvels. not gonna go buy nutes if im not sure thats the problem..there shouldnt be salt buildups as ive given it enough water to get a pretty good amount of run off. water is some of the cleanest in north america, but the soil was sitting in the rain for who knows how long. (was in a slightly open bag)


Well-Known Member
an open bag of soil and rain is not a good combination, that is a very possible problem
if water gets in, it can remove nutes, or concentrate them to the bottom of the bag, i have seen some posts on this being a trouble


Active Member
hm, sounds veerry possible..as i had to use the bottom of the bag and the bag was quite ripped + i live in a (temperate) rainforest


Active Member
oh ya..and apparently our rain has had a decent amount of radioactive shits in it from Fukishima...greaat hahahh

could it be from misting it too much every night?

im contemplating just re vegging it and cloning without letting it bud out..as i dont think it will produce much at all? what do you think? re-veg, get new soil n stuff clone, n throw it out...or try n bud it


Active Member
preeetty sure its a hermie, found a small cluster of roosters...but theres white hairs coming outta all the non fan leaves shoots, especially the main one (looks like its already forming bud)........when i told a guy i knew i had a hermie, he recommended i throw it out and start from scratch? reaaally unsure what to do right now in terms of just let it bud out..than go get some different shit, just throw it away period, try to reveg and clone in in hopes that i dont get more hermies?...really not sure, especially considering my budget seems to be either enough or nothing day to day...help please :P


Well-Known Member
there is no easy call on a hermie, when you have just 1 plant, it could be worthwhile
it is possible to pluck balls, though it's not too entertaining
sometimes, the balls will subside after a while, other times they just keep coming


Well-Known Member
revegging is pretty easy, doing one right now, just throw the light schedule back to 18/6
you can get by with less light, takes a few weeks to start putting new shoots, looks crappy for a while


Active Member
will all the clones be hermies? or was the hermie made through stress/light leaks or something..not too knowledgable about herms


Well-Known Member
probably you will have a hermie in the clones, that's just an opinion
some plants will hermie from stress, i think they're the minority
i've had a few hermies, and seemed to be in the genetics,
not sure what your seed source was, but bag seed does have a rep for having hermies pop out


Active Member
so all clones will be hermie or some?...im not sure what kinda seed it was. Either way im gonna re-veg n try to clone, until i can find some clones or go to the seed bank


Well-Known Member
it's usually an all or nothing deal if the conditions are the same for all the cuttings/clones
however, you could be lucky and have a plant that doesn't like rough treatment and only hermies under poor conditions, no way to be sure other than try


Active Member
fair enough...there was deffinetly a ton of rough treatment....probably won't post any more pictures until im ready to harvest, just waiting for next grow really.....


Active Member
ever try mollasses growone? Imma try it for either the rest of this grow, or the next one. Just wondering if you had an opinion on it.


Well-Known Member
i use molasses, big fan of the stuff
i use as the base for brewing teas, basically add molasses and some other stuff to water and keep oxygenated
it's good because it has all the trace minerals, bit of nitrogen, and a nice shot of potassium
using it unfermented is something i haven't done, may be some risks with that, the sugar can draw pests


Active Member
so you'd say its better to mix in a tea, boil/refridgerate rather than just adding mollasses to water? what my plant is doing now deffinetly sounds like a sulphur deficiency


Well-Known Member
these kind of teas don't need boiling, boiling would actually defeat the purpose
idea is to ferment the molasses/water/and other stuff, can take weeks to do for some ingredients
keep it well shaken(or bubbled) for oxygen, this gives an aerobic bacteria 'soup'
sounds disgusting, but soil(at least organic soil) is alive with bacteria, some good, others not so good
teas add nutrients and feed the soil bacteria, which in turn feed the plant from soil breakdown
as far as sulphur deficiency, it's possible, more likely it's a more involved situation
PH off, soil locked up, etc. - so adding one nutrient often won't help much, but you never know, it could be a single missing nutrient


Active Member
yee, its probably just generally screwed lol..i just need her to last until i harvest - reveg - clones

Do you have a favourite tea? I was looking at the banana/mollasses/water mix, seems really easy and good, but seems to not have an even array of different nutes.


Well-Known Member
i pretty much just use 1 tea, molasses and bone meal
the bone meal is MG organic(6-9-0), quite the amount of slow release nitrogen
into a 1/2 gallon container go 1 tsp of bone meal and 1 tsp of molasses
takes a good 2 to 3 weeks to get ready, and has a very'interesting 'odor', but have found it to be a good feed for blooming
it's all i use for feeding, other than what i mix into the soil


Active Member
where do you get bone meal?...im on week 4 of flower so i guess that puts it outta the question, though i was gonna wait till next time anyway. When did you start durin giving it to her?