What to do? Small grow area


Active Member
i wasnt meaning that the 6500 k was lumens...i meant say, a 42 watt 4100k bulb is 1500 lumen 2 of those are 3000k (example, dont remember exact numbers)..like i said...which equal what you said is the per sq foot amount you want. if i meant 6500 K..i woulda put the K. so i mean two 42 watt bulbs........if it was only 1 square foot


Active Member
so yea, please don't assume, when i had the right numbers....because from what ive read flowering oyu want 1500 -3000 lumen, so i went in the middle at 2700. and i raed that veg you want 6500 LUMEN, correct me if im wrong if that isn the right amount of lumen...


Active Member
i do understand the difference, and that you want both spectrums, but i just wanted to know how much lumen per square foot..i know that 1000K doesnt equal 1000 lmn


Well-Known Member
i do understand the difference, and that you want both spectrums, but i just wanted to know how much lumen per square foot..i know that 1000K doesnt equal 1000 lmn
Lol sorry dude! I just saw a lot of K's at the end of everything so I got confused in my state, and I see a lot of people that skim read stuff (specially if it's long) and just ask questions that have already been answered :s ... note to self don't go on forums on too much booze.

Anyway (on a more helpful note) during veg you want between 1500 lumens and 3000 lumens per square foot with 6500k bulbs.
during flower you want between 2500-5000 lumens per square foot with 2700k bulbs, so get few of those 42w bulbs @ 2700K.

Personally like I said before, I'd just jam them all in to 1 space, if you don't want to be switching up bulbs.

If I were you I'd grab:

2x 42w, 6500K. These bulbs should have about 2,772 Lumens (each) give or take.
3x 42w, 2700K. These bulbs should have about 2,600 Lumens (each) give or take.

(Total of 13,340 Lumens roughly) I have about 11,000 Lumens per sq ft in my grow cab, and would like more if I can find space.

Should give you enough light for a full grow and be over your lumens per square foot but would be a good starting point.

More lumens/wattage, so long as you can control temps will generally = more bud and healthier plants.

So just got a question or two having to do with buying some new equipment / equipment i got. Right now my equip. is 1 13watt 3000lumen 1 23 watt 4000lumen 1 23 watt 2700lumen
And you sure these numbers are right? I don't know any 13w CFL that puts out 3000 Lumens, that sounds a bit high. IF those lumen outputs are really the Kelvins then the 3000 and 4000 I don't think are any good for plants, the 3000 might be ok for flower.


Active Member
No worries man, help is help even if it comes with some booze :P. im almost possitive one of them is 3000k and the other is 4100k...don't really wanna double check as the lights are plugged in and on lol. I'm pretty much just hopin these lights do something while i wait for the monday after this monday to get some decent lights.

How much would the suggested amount you said come out on the elec. bill? noticeable? Also, don't know if anyone has experience, but i live in a place where by the end of the year everyone will have a stupid fuckin smart-meter..should i be worried?


Well-Known Member
Well you'll have to work out how much energy they use:

first you work out the kW your using by adding all the Wattages together and dividing by 1000.

(42 x 5) / 1000 = 0.21kW


The equation we'll be using is - energy (kWh) = power (kW) × time (h)

Which works out to - 0.21Kw x time (h)

0.21kw x 12h = 2.52 KWh a day. For Flower (12 hours of light a day)
0.21kw x 18h = 3.78 KWh a day. For Veg (18 hours of light a day)


I don't know how much electricity costs per KWh in your area I'm in the UK and it costs 8p Per KWh, if I was running those lights it'd cost me 20p a day for Flower or 30p a day for Veg.

So find out your energy cost (I think a lot of people in America pay 8c per KWh) so, 2.5 x Cost per KWh (for Flower) and by 3.8 x Cost per KWh (for Veg) which really isn't expensive, if you do pay 8c per kwh you'll be paying 20c a day for flower or 30c a day for veg.

One money saving tip, if you have an on peak and off peak time run lights on at the off peak time, my off peak cost is only 6p/KWh so I run my 12/12 cycle from 5pm to 5am to save as much money as I can :)

And with such little light I don't think you'll have any worries about getting caught, I think you can add about 1000w of equipment per bedroom in your place without raising any suspicion, don't hold me to that, I don't know exactly what those smart meters are, we don't have em over here (I don't think) so do a bit of research into them see what they do but as a general rule 1kw per bedroom should technically be fine.


Active Member
im rocking 5 6700k and 4 2700k through the whole cycle and it works great...but i do have a bigger space than you. Your doing good, good luck


Active Member
ye just worried cause my bro moved back in and is living in the least energy efficent place and are bill has already gone up pretty big from that...im probably just paranoid, but i can't help not wanting my house raided...I'll check back in in a week or two barring any retarded events with my plant...when its been a week into new lights.. put up some pictures than too

is red stems for fan leaves and red/purpling of new leaves bad?


Well-Known Member
Red stems is usual, purpling of leaves should be ok look in the plant deficiencies section but I think it just may be to do with colder lights off temps, my seedlings had purple leaves to start with, grew out of it once the leaves fully matured.


Active Member
ok thanks. Found a chocolope seed in my bag...gonna see if she'll pop :P doubt it, but gotta try anyway. I love the strain so i'd be stoked


Active Member
temps, of course, can be tricky
mostly it means the greater your ventilation/air flow the lower the grow temps
temps in the 70's are ideal, less stretch, happier plant, 80's is fine for the most part
90's aren't necessarily deadly, but it's the danger zone, some plants can deal with it, some can't
I read something like this every day, and insist on pointing out that indoor growers do fine in AZ where a "cool" room hits the mid 90s sometimes, and that's *with* a $200 air conditioning bill :-) Helps if you can introduce CO2.


Active Member
Shit came up and i haven't gotten more lights yet..oh well for now. this one will be quite small, but gaining experience. ill try to put up some pictures. I'm having trouble sexing it, i think it is either a hermie or a male......remember its only like 50 cfl watts...so id say not all that bad. though NEEDS to be improved

Camera isn't the greatest...everything looks completely green. ......The main shoot has tons of white hairs comin off it, and some of the other branches got a little bit of the same...but on some branches im noticing little oval shaped seed lookin things, never clustered.only found 3 on the whole small ass plant. What ya think? cant wait for my next plant, new lights, reno my box...ahh it'll be great.



Active Member
trolls...i hate trolls

I am aware my grow isnt anything great, gotta start somewhere, especially with next to no budget for it whatsoever. Learn how to grow for when I do got a budget / license to grow.