What to do? Small grow area


Well-Known Member
if you're going to transplant, it's easier to dot it sooner than later
bigger a plant gets, the more trouble it is to transplant


Well-Known Member
if you want it to grow tall and not out then trim off the lower branches...that way she will keep growing up and not out...just like topping redustributes the growth from up to out...lollipopping does the opposite...causes the plant to grow up and not out...


Active Member
Missnu..got limited space in all directions, thanks for the suggestions though...ill transplant in the next couple days.

What is a scrog screen? Not LSTing this grow but most likely the next so tryin to get informed bout it all


Well-Known Member
i'd say this. after you've finished this run. let's start from scratch. see what we can do, you know? grow space, lighting, technique. if you are already in flower this time, just lst and enjoy your smoke. good luck man. :peace:


Active Member
id have to agree with you nnthsttrls..im just paranoid/afraid to LST as i got no other seeds or plants....think i should chance it?


Well-Known Member
a scrog screen is screen with 1 1/2 inch mesh(if memory serves) that you have fixed between the plant and the light
idea is to grow a 'screen of green' with buds popping up through the wholes, supposed to be very efficient


Well-Known Member
lst is a very safe method, but if it's going to cause major anxiety(which i suffer from) might be better to do the least possible
bigger pot maybe, or stick it out in the current pot, transplanting is more nerve wracking than lst IMO


Active Member
ye i suffer from major anxiety and is one of the main reasons i smoke it..THOUGH I HAVE NONE TODAY. and feel shittier than usual....ill probably transplant once more, wait a couple days and than LST...if it fucks up....it fucks up n ill go buy some seeds


Well-Known Member
good luck to fellow anxiety sufferer, it does suck, i've been doing a strain hunt for a while now
there are good strains out there that help, and i've barely scratched the surface


Active Member
when i go to buy seeds ill deffinetly be looking for advice on that! I can't believe i didn't even think of the strain correlation..usually i dont have a choice about what strain i smoke..or a very limited selection. Also suffer from severe nausea pretty much all day everyday ...


Well-Known Member
Check out my previous grow (or current grow) I used a ScrOG screen, if anything it's safer than LST just because you don't have to bend as severely.

Here's a pic of my ScrOG:

Screen mostly full

Filling it in veg (half full)

All you do in ScrOG is pull branches under and along the screen, you don't have to tie anything just lightly pull and tuck :)
It's a wonderful technique that serves to keep your plant as short as possible, I think the total height of this plant was about 3 inches under the screen and then 5-10 inches above that were buds.

Definitely do a search for specific strains relevant to your situation :)

1 Last thing, if you get stuck with anything just do a google search but write this:

site:rollitup.org your question here

That'll give you every answer relevant to your problem on RIU from waaay back to present so you don't have to search too hard through this forum. I don't know why people don't really do it more often because it's so useful!


Active Member
i do reading in other sources, but i find the forum the best source because A) you read 2 different sources on the internet n they say 2 different things B) you get a range of feedback and can ask your exact questions...with pictures too :P

I think imma just LST it this time or i miiiight just grow it normal, but im deffinetly gonna consider scrogging for my next one


Well-Known Member
I go hard on my girls, I abuse them bad, break stems, twist them, push their head down when I feel like it.. I do it all, everyday. You would be surprised what abuse these girls can take, even if she is your only one.