What would you like to do if money were no object?

Buy some nice land in the up,buy a bunch of toys,and just chill with the fam,help some people that really deserve it,and live a happy life close to nature and good people who share the same views.My motto is good friends/family,good food,good laughs
implement a massive recycling program, i mean if money is no object, then i should be able to use advertising, to educate. and to spread the knowledge world wide.
i really believe we all need to recycle as much as possible. Im not a "tree hugging hippy", not far from it, but resources are limited, and we would benefit from not just throwing shit away.
we have become a very wasteful society.

encourage some form of homeless self help situation. I imagine a place/places around the country where homeless people could go. they would have to work the common farm, and support system within area. The people would grow their food, and make as many of the supplies they needed. providing a self sustaining community. housing and all that. kinda like the amish but with out the limitations on technology.

Id lobby to make Dunkin Donuts the nations official coffee (ok i lie, i wouldnt lobby, id just bribe people till it became so, jus like they do now)

Id have to make sure there was some involvement with children's cancer/burn patients. It sucks to see kids having problems like that. life is hard enough with out tossing all that on top of it.

probly to many things really.. lol.

I could go on an on. Id be a dangerous person to the establishment if i had money.

Great post! Not a big doughnut guy. As long as we can close down Mc D's in lieu of making Dunkin Donuts the nations official coffee! heha
you guys are the type of people who would actually watch this documentary. It is very informative. Its incredible. Check it out.

[video]http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=thrive+what+will+it+take+documentary&mid= 1E915516EC528C9773271E915516EC528C977327&view=deta il&FORM=VIRE2[/video]
Buy some nice land in the up,buy a bunch of toys,and just chill with the fam,help some people that really deserve it,and live a happy life close to nature and good people who share the same views.My motto is good friends/family,good food,good laughs
sounds like the best plan........
No, were the free fucking thinkers that will send Piers Morgan FUCKS LIKE YOU BACK TO YOUR COUNTRY! "Go back to were you came from, boogie woogie!"


I'm sure Alex Jones would have no problem taking all of your money...... He's been taking other people's money by making stuff up and just simply fear mongering for two decades. If you think he's telling the truth you just want him to be but he's not, he's just trying to make money.
If money was no object. First pay off nations debt, second fire congress, third lower retirement age to 59, forth close are borders to all trade.
I would travel in style and see the world and buy tons of land wherever I thought it might be a nice place to live.

I forgot about buying land lol, I always say buy a boat and sail all over the world but having a private island would be nice to come home to.

If you buy your own island, can you somehow make it a private nation? Like just tell the government since it's not on any part of their soil anymore, you want to become independent.
Slightly agreed. Still if you remove the current system and bring back cave people, most of the world will be better off. A lot of people try to say we have it better but that is at the cost of the rest of the world. No faith in this system. Bring on the next! Most of the last 100 years of progress have been raping the earth and I am yet to see a political party that has any interest in stopping the major companies and properly charge them with the crimes the commit against the people of our planet! Not making up rules or expecting to win..... Give em nuf rope they hang themselves!

Educate the world so they understand that the system hasn't failed them but understand that with enough effort and time change can be implemented. Educate before you consume.... You'll never be disappointed. Democracy is a slow moving beast and it was designed that way...... Giving up on it is irresponsible.

Most people say they give up without even trying to play the game. It's easier to work with your opponets and find wiggle room rather then disengaging the system itself and still expect change. If you feel like your only option is to take down the government you aren't doing enough work on your end.

Poltics is a game and you just can't make up your own rules and expect to win. If you want to win you have to play by the games rules. People who give up and say they'll change society is like pretending you can score a touchdown in basketball and expect to win. No one else holds that change as a game winner so therefor you won't win the game.
All sounds great for a democracy, how about educating the people that we are not a democracy. and what the differences are.

Yes no one knows we are a republic but it's the closest thing to democracy the founding fathers could agree on. The founders were afraid of a complete democracy because it could often lead to mob rule or abuse by the few on the whole. The problem is NO ONE votes in non presidential election years and couldn't even list their local politicians by name. Those people who get elected locally city, county and state are the ones that move up to the national offices. No ones putting in the work on the local level so nothing will happen at the highest level.
Slightly agreed. Still if you remove the current system and bring back cave people, most of the world will be better off. A lot of people try to say we have it better but that is at the cost of the rest of the world. No faith in this system. Bring on the next! Most of the last 100 years of progress have been raping the earth and I am yet to see a political party that has any interest in stopping the major companies and properly charge them with the crimes the commit against the people of our planet! Not making up rules or expecting to win..... Give em nuf rope they hang themselves!

Then you should be the change...... not just someone who points out problems. Generaly people are more willing to jump onto what things are going wrong rather then get there hands dirty and create change.

Major industry has only been around for 150 years here in America booming at the turn of 1900 and still climbing to this day. That's a blink of an eye in historical terms. Shift takes time and for major self realization and change by industry the time isn't here yet. Industries make their money off of people. People do not educate before they consume so they can't create change because most people stay willfully ignorant as long as the bubble they live in stays unaffected. The goal would be to teach people how to see the chain of reaction from their actions instead of not thinking about others.
My family spends as little as possible on big companies. I'm teaching my children to provide there own food and protect there home. I have not filed taxes in close to 15 years. I was very involved in some of the earlier medical movement (oregon 98-99). I have done just about everything possible as a city dweller to disconnect myself from the system. This internet here is probably my single biggest vice. No problem changing anything but others. Have got my hands very dirty and I am more than happy to lend a hand or some cash to anyone that wants to see it all fall!

I'm not trying to point out problems but am constantly amazed at the ignorance of others to even notice them. Don't worry though if I get around to changing anything big you will all notice, thats for sure!
Well then that's good but like I said earlier disengaging from the system is not fixing or changing the system.

There are too many people to convince on a national level to ignore the system so it would never catch on and create change.

Not participating in government just means the only people left who really vote are based in faction and no compromise. It shouldn't just be the two hard left/right voting segments that decide the fate for the country.