Plants grow under light more so than not. Many studies have shown that increasing DLI has a positive correlative influence to plant growth, when mitigating stress. I’m proposing a cloudless season, where irrigation replaces rain. Again this hypothetical is in a controlled growing environment.
If I could legally grow in a fully equipped, climate controlled, light deprivation greenhouse in my backyard, I wouldn’t care much about LEDs and “indoor”growing.
If you have some links to some 380nm-780nm LED chips that have a true sun imitating spectrum for for each hour of the day, please post the links and help a brother out. Otherwise, as a hobbyist non-academic pot grower, I think I’ll have to make do with the chips I have available to me. Which seemingly nobody else is using in grow fixtures, because the ppf/joule won’t be high enough.
If the plants perform “better” (there’s that word again) under a broader spectrum compared to a run of the mill “grow” spectrum, for similar electrical usage, then that’s a win in my book. If plants perform ”better” under a changing broad spectrum, than a static broad spectrum, that would be another win. That’s all I want to know.
I just watched this video and it might allow you to draw some conclusions. The presenter is Mitch Westmoreland who was a PhD candidate under Bugbee at the time the video dropped (11/23). As best I can tell, his PhD work is/was on the topic of lighting for cannabis.
I don't know if the text below is verbatim but it is what I captured in my notes. I think it's from the 40:00 mark
"This is really one of the other reasons that light quality gets too much attention. If you deliver more light to the plants and nothing else is limiting, the yield just keeps going up. Physiologically, this is amazing."
"light quality" - spectrum
Westmoreland's work supports Bugbee's statement that' light quality drives plant shape, light quantity drives plant yield.
Westmoreland discusses the results of his research as well as providing some details. It's not an "intro plant lighting" video but, if a viewer has picked up the basics of plant lighting, it provides an extremely valuable body of knowledge.
Though this doesn't address your issue directly, the results that he discusses re. light quantity are very similar to the results that are discussed in the attached paper.