What's For Dinner Tonight?

Mom wanted a pot of chili and some pintos for her dinner tonight. We made enchiladas and burritos out of them. We had cantaloupe and honey dew melon for dessert to cool off from the chili. The beverage was virgin Sangria made with sparkling grape juice.
did you just say an enormous bacon baguette with ketchup, english mustard and a coffee with two sugars shaken not stirred?
Whats for dinner?

Beans, rice &
Jesus Christ!!!

Whats for breakfast?

Oatmeal, toast &
The Holy Ghost!!

Thats what we sang all day at the orphanage
I made enchiladas topped with poached eggs for breakfast. Tonight I'm flirting with the idea of making Chili Rellenos w/ Refritos and Spanish Rice.
Wow... I'm the last post in this thread. I think I'm obsessed with food.

Today I was in Durango and ate at Francisco's with some friends. I had Pollo Asado. Francisco's is a must visit if you're going to Durango. The food is outstanding and the service is exemplary. I ended up eating myself into a stupor. It will be my only meal today. I think I strained an eating muscle..... :(
Left over Mexican and honey Brown. Carne sounds like he's always cooking some bomb food. I'd like to try those enchiladas with the eggs.