I fixed steamed dumplings tonight. About 2 1/2 hours of prep and steaming. After steaming I toasted them in the oven to give the won-ton skins a little crunch. I made a hoisin/oyster sauce dip with spring onions, minced ginger and a sprinkle of chili pequin to give it a bite.
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Here are the ingredients
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I don't have a food processor so it took me a bit of time and effort to mince the pork. I then scrubbed my hands and the cutting board with scalding hot water and bleach. Blech. I hate working with pork. It's slimy and easy to spoil. I placed the pork in the fridge while I prepped the rest of the ingredients (you can never be too careful with pork).
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1/2 lb. of shrimp shelled and deveined.
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Then chop the shit out of that shrimp. Show it who's boss.
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You have to be careful with ginger. She's a fickle bitch. Too much and you're eating potpourri. Too little and you're eating a bland meatball wrapped in dough. 1/2 tsp. if you please.
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Water chestnuts have a way of adding to a recipe without providing a flavor overload. It adds a nice crunch to the dumpling.
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Add all the finely chopped ingredients (damn my arms are sore).
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And mix that shit. By the way, the fine white powder in the previous pic is not cocaine. It's cornstarch. Get your mind out of the gutter.
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Dumplings prepared for steaming. Finally.
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Finished product.
I ended up making about 50 dumplings. I had to steam and toast in batches. Oh, I lined the steamer with romaine leaves. It keeps the dumplings from sticking and from getting soggy.