What's For Dinner Tonight?

I wonder if you preferentially wrap the heads. Imo one of the hallmarks of perfect asparagus is letting the tips cook cooler or more briefly than the stalks. I used to hate the stuff. Now it's one of my favorite (read: least-despised) veg. cn

<add> I am a huge, huge fan of baking bacon in a shallow pan in the oven. Baked bacon is just right every time, cooked but not burnt. Imo.

Well the asparagus bundles were really a garnish for the Quelites. I placed them hot on the salad so it wilted a bit and the hot juices spread throughout the salad. The salad also had fresh pinto beans and chili pequin.
Carne Seca, next Master Chef? Thanx for the advise earlier I'm going to keep my menu, but add some chilled fruits with some freshly squeezed orange and lime (just a lil of both). Thanx again bud... stay high.
Well the asparagus bundles were really a garnish for the Quelites. I placed them hot on the salad so it wilted a bit and the hot juices spread throughout the salad. The salad also had fresh pinto beans and chili pequin.

You. You could turn me, you know. I who dislike food that cannot fight or run. cn
Carne Seca, next Master Chef? Thanx for the advise earlier I'm going to keep my menu, but add some chilled fruits with some freshly squeezed orange and lime (just a lil of both). Thanx again bud... stay high.

oh HELL naw... as you can tell, Meta and CN are taking me to task for my asparagus. Which I deserve. I am merely an amateur who loves to cook. :p
You get your bacon to cook all the way through that way? If you blanch the bacon first, it provides for a crisper product after baked. I prefer my asparagus blanched and shocked, then grilled with some olive oil, salt and pepper, and freshly chopped tarragon.

That's my method. Except, if they snap, you didn't cook long enough, if they droop like noodles, too long. I also scrape off all the outside, except the tip. The outside cell wall is what holds the bitter. They get quite sweet if done properly.


I have my own vegan parmesan recipe using: almonds, nutritional yeast, salt and citric acid. I also add a cup of soy cream.
Taking to task? Oh heaven forfend. But seriously ... next asparagus (if you preblanch the stalks, or something) will be epic. A gustatory jubilee. cn
That's my method. Except, if they snap, you didn't cook long enough, if they droop like noodles, too long. I also scrape off all the outside, except the tip. The outside cell wall is what holds the bitter. They get quite sweet if done properly.


I have my own vegan parmesan recipe using: almonds, nutritional yeast, salt and citric acid. I also add a cup of soy cream.

Ever try a raw shaved asparagus salad? Just take a peeler to the stalks once you've trimmed the tough bottoms, and peel off thin long slivers of sweet crunchy raw asparagus. Dressed with a little citrus vinagrette, maybe toss with some frest herbs and halved cherry tomatos for some color? You'd be surprised at how good asparagus can be raw!
That's my method. Except, if they snap, you didn't cook long enough, if they droop like noodles, too long. I also scrape off all the outside, except the tip. The outside cell wall is what holds the bitter. They get quite sweet if done properly.


I have my own vegan parmesan recipe using: almonds, nutritional yeast, salt and citric acid. I also add a cup of soy cream.

Nutritional yeast is surprisingly yummy stuff. My xgf had a popcorn recipe: pop the corn in a minimum of canola. Garnish with flax oil, Bragg's Aminos (a sort of mild soy sauce, essentially) and nutritional yeast. Can't look at death-by-moo movie popcorn any longer. I'm ... roont. cn
i want to cook asparagus now. i always fry with garlic in olive oil or bacon fat for a few minutes... then add a tiny bit of water (couple tblspns), cover, and turn down the heat. steam for another 10 minutes or whatever. open the lid, throw in some butter and fresh squeezed lemon.

Ever try a raw shaved asparagus salad? Just take a peeler to the stalks once you've trimmed the tough bottoms, and peel off thin long slivers of sweet crunchy raw asparagus. Dressed with a little citrus vinagrette, maybe toss with some frest herbs and halved cherry tomatos for some color? You'd be surprised at how good asparagus can be raw!

I love to pick it, wash it with the hose and then eat it. I love raw asparagus.
i want to cook asparagus now. i always fry with garlic in olive oil or bacon fat for a few minutes... then add a tiny bit of water (few tblspns), cover, and turn down the heat. steam for another 10 minutes or whatever. open the lid, throw in some butter and fresh squeezed lemon.

Keep the rubber band up near the crowns. that way you can stand the stalks in the hot water, then just moments before done ... snip the rubber band. (Top tip: find and remove rubber snake before garnishing and serving.) I actually had one of those fancy steamer/standup inserts for some calphalon, but I was married then ... :( cn
i want to cook asparagus now. i always fry with garlic in olive oil or bacon fat for a few minutes... then add a tiny bit of water (few tblspns), cover, and turn down the heat. steam for another 10 minutes or whatever. open the lid, throw in some butter and fresh squeezed lemon.
I almost exclusively reserve the bacon fat sautee for brussel sprouts...OMG, you haven't had delicious until you've had a thoroughly cooked brussel sprout that has been sliced in half, and carmelized in bacon fat...Brussel sprouts have a tendency to be bitter if not prepared properly, and this is HANDS DOWN my favorite recipe for them. Just cut in half, blanch, shock, and cook in bacon fat with S&P till the outer leaves get a nice golden brown on them, and turn a bit crispy on the edges as they fry in the bacon fat....mmmmmmm...
I'm making eggs benedict in 5 hours... I'm excited. and maybe... I can save some hollandaise for some asparagus... how bout that.
I'm making eggs benedict in 5 hours... I'm excited. and maybe... I can save some hollandaise for some asparagus... how bout that.

Y'know what is an awesome sub for the oinky stuff? Salmon. Even lightly smoked sardines are really good as the meat. I call it Eggs Maledict. I make a holl/mayo hybrid that gloriously offsets the mild smokiness of the fish. Jeeezus, the munchies will be murderous tonight. cn
I'm making eggs benedict in 5 hours... I'm excited. and maybe... I can save some hollandaise for some asparagus... how bout that.

Hellz yeah, and some poached salmon and you'll have a dinner worthy of a 1970's cooking magazine cover...Haha, I'm screwing with ya, I was raised eating that exact meal.