Dog fights.
My daughter just moved back home from college for the summer. She has been wanting to get her own dog for a while now and found one at a shelter. A 9 month old American bulldog male (Winston) that took a shine to her. The first time I met the dog it tried to bite me. Oh well it will learn the pecking order.....right?
We already have 2 dogs, a 7 yr old pit/lab mix (Ozzie) and the dog I got when we moved up here, a 3 yr old American bulldog/rotti mix (sheriff). Sheriff is the alpha of the house but has always gotten along with Ozzy.
So we introduce the new dog into our home, and my daughter went back to college for her last week. The dogs all got along great, no problems, even when my wife brought home meat bones and gave them all one. So last Friday my daughter comes home for the summer. The dogs got all excited and within 15 minutes Sheriff had a bone and Winston tried to take it. Instant dog fight, Sheriff had Winston by the head and Winston was snarling and trying to bite him in his side. The only way I can get Sheriff to unlock is to stick my hands in his mouth, so I do and Winston almost bites me. Winston ended up with some teeth holes in his head. I threw every dog bone away.
A few days latter, the wife and I are outside working on the GH and all of a sudden we hear my daughter screaming. I run inside and both dogs are attacking Ozzy. I unlock Sheriffs jaw and my daughter pulled Winston of his side. Ozzy had a cut behind his ear, some holes in his head and a cut on his side. So I locked Sheriff in a room for a while. OK now I'm starting to get worried. I don't know why Sheriff would go after Ozzy, and for both of them to attack him.....
This Friday, a couple friends stop by and Sheriff always begs for the beer boxes and takes them in the other room and him and Ozzy tear them up. Well wouldn't you know, once again Sheriff nails Ozzy and Winston goes at ozzy's back. So someone pulls Winston back and I get Sheriff off Ozzy by putting my hands in his mouth. As soon as he tastes me he lets right go. All of a sudden who ever has Winston let him go and he come in from behind me and attacks Ozzy's side. This gets Sheriff going and he lunges for another bite. I grabbed his mouth trying to stop the bite before it happens... bad idea.. I get bit and my finger gets ripped open.
I don't fully understand why Sheriff is acting so aggressive all of a sudden. He was my daughters baby and they always had cuddle time. Now she brings this other aggressive dog into our home. I'm sure he's just trying to show dominance but why is he attacking his brother that he's lived with his whole life and always played well with?
And why were there no dog fights the whole first week till my daughter came back home?
Sheriff and Winston (Winston sitting)
Yesterday I fenced in a section of the front lawn for the dogs to get more exercise. Only letting them out 2 at a time.
Sheriff and Ozzy checking out the area.
I also got the fan hooked up in the seedling GH so we can start loading it.