Ok a quick search told me where to buy a setup like that... pretty durn simple there... anyway is that the RR size tank? Thats what Im thinking about purchasing.
Do you run any speial kind of regulators off the valve or run straight from the valve into a trashbag or similar... Sorry to ask somany questiong, just curious in doing this same type of thing.
I don't really know the specifics on the tank - a good friend has some and he'll lend me the tank. It holds like 20lbs, around 300+ balloons (evidently, how could I keep track really). No regulator, just crack the valve and fill your balloon. I like the punching bags =)
It is quite loud though, and there are silencer adapters, but my house it pretty sound proof it seems.
Theres automotive, food, and medical grade. Automotive grade has an additive to discourage use (tastes like shit and will kill your brain). Food grade is what your get in your little whippets or likely what you get at concerts. This is medical grade, it kind of turns you into a gas snob =)