What's Inside Your Medicine Cabinet?

I don't really know the specifics on the tank - a good friend has some and he'll lend me the tank. It holds like 20lbs, around 300+ balloons (evidently, how could I keep track really). No regulator, just crack the valve and fill your balloon. I like the punching bags =)

It is quite loud though, and there are silencer adapters, but my house it pretty sound proof it seems.

Theres automotive, food, and medical grade. Automotive grade has an additive to discourage use (tastes like shit and will kill your brain). Food grade is what your get in your little whippets or likely what you get at concerts. This is medical grade, it kind of turns you into a gas snob =)

Yeah the RR is apx 20# so probably the same tank. Yeah the place im getting the setup at also carries the medical grade. a search told me not to huff the auto stuff lol. But yeah ill look into investing a bit more $ into a regulator for the sound issue (as our walls and floors are so thin we can hear oppossums fucking at night under the house!!!)
Yeah the RR is apx 20# so probably the same tank. Yeah the place im getting the setup at also carries the medical grade. a search told me not to huff the auto stuff lol. But yeah ill look into investing a bit more $ into a regulator for the sound issue (as our walls and floors are so thin we can hear oppossums fucking at night under the house!!!)

Sounds good, with a regulator you could make a gas mask too =) but you really need someone to administer that for you

If you can get medical I highly recommend it! and yeah, the automotive stuff should not be consumed as you realized =)
I was saying that i agree that adderoll is awesome, but i have never taken it with any type of opiate.

huh? oxycodone is an opiate...., dont do that man your gonna die.:wall: not sayin your gonna die the first time you do it, but you are doing serious damage to your heart.
i did send u a lil pic of my left overs (crushed up fine) but i forgot and went out on the weekend and did it haha, but 8th of oct im getting another G so il post proper pics then :D
So the tank is done - can anyone explain how the wob wob turns into the present reality. like deja vu?

i.e. do a balloon, fish out or whatever, as you come back, you hear "my shoes are green" but alll wob wob wob, then like 30 seconds later, reality appears, and someone says "my shoes are green"
Nothing yet can reach the potential of some well crafted molly... getting engulfed by euphoria is a very hard thing to replicate! Where the hell is my damn charger :lol:
You end up not gettin the O?

Yeah I am, not till 27th of october though (my half term) a week off from college + work, going down like 300 miles.. to get it :) but I have mates there so its all good and fun. Cant wait though.. gonna be sweet XD