What's Inside Your Medicine Cabinet?

No, people have just been taking it for godknows how long, mate. :D
I very rarely post only based on theory, it avoids alot of confusion.
well I have not sampled this, but I got it from a very trusted source in the entheo community.
It is well documented, just google a little.
sorry to renew an old thread but i had too tell someone lol.
got another package today so in my medicine fridge i have 1g phenazepam,10g DXM,1g salvia 10x,56 sugar cubes dosed with 2c-p,230mg of aMT and 14g liberty caps on the way also i have 5 blotters of bromo dragon-FLY and 100mg 5-meo-dmt.
again sorry for old thread renewal but im just soooo excited :D
sorry to renew an old thread but i had too tell someone lol.
got another package today so in my medicine fridge i have 1g phenazepam,10g DXM,1g salvia 10x,56 sugar cubes dosed with 2c-p,230mg of aMT and 14g liberty caps on the way also i have 5 blotters of bromo dragon-FLY and 100mg 5-meo-dmt.
again sorry for old thread renewal but im just soooo excited :D

whats amt like?
sorry to renew an old thread but i had too tell someone lol.
got another package today so in my medicine fridge i have 1g phenazepam,10g DXM,1g salvia 10x,56 sugar cubes dosed with 2c-p,230mg of aMT and 14g liberty caps on the way also i have 5 blotters of bromo dragon-FLY and 100mg 5-meo-dmt.
again sorry for old thread renewal but im just soooo excited :D

Thanks for reviving this thread... I too would be jumping with static if I had such a wide scope of mind boggling psychedelics! Will be updating my cabinet as I received some rare pressed 2c-b tabs... so pretty to the naked eye ;)
I just got some new stuff, took a picture and now the pic is gone!

Oh well, just a few tiny paper squares ;)

I'm sure you guys could imagine :D
i heard something really fucked up the other day. this dude was totally convinced his tabs were pressed with viagra. haha that would be so ridiclious. u never know though, the will press anything into pills these days.