What's Inside Your Medicine Cabinet?

oooo the beautiful 3,4,5-trimethoxyphenethylamine i have never tried YET but when i do im sure it will be one of the most enjoyable experiences in my life.
update of medicine cabinet:
5 5-meo-aMT blotter
500mg 2c-e going too be dosed at 10 mg onto sugar cubes
500mg 5-meo-dmt
about 4 grams of dxm left me n the gf munch 4g in 2 days i have no recollection relly of teh 2nd day
30 Seroquel
45 chlopromazine
56 mirtazipine
14 melliril
72 2c-p sugar cubes
and the amt is finished
i had my first proper 5-meo-dmt experience last night most definetly one of thee most beautiful chemicals i have ever tried!
Between myself and a friend:



Santa Cruz Haze
Lemon Diesel
Blue Widow
Blue Dream
Queen Goo

and some local indoor organic herb reminiscent of GHSC's Trainwreck.
good boabbymac, but maybe some pic's
dude im a bit skeptical about putting pictures up as many of these chemicals are class a's in my country and im recently got raided by the police a few months ago but just believe me my cabinet is stocked up i have no reason too lie.
dude im a bit skeptical about putting pictures up as many of these chemicals are class a's in my country and im recently got raided by the police a few months ago but just believe me my cabinet is stocked up i have no reason too lie.

I believe you.

I thought the same thing when I read martins post.

None of us are serious though, right? :) It's all a big funny joke when we all pretend to be drug users :D
a large benzo collection from pins to bars. they are of great help. 8ball Columbian marching powder. some days im really dragging. and loads of mescal for spiritual use and for tantra. others for meditation, nectar of the poppy. and lots of water.

everything has it's place and balance. and of course, everything in moderation.


love is the law, love under will...
I believe you.

I thought the same thing when I read martins post.

None of us are serious though, right? :) It's all a big funny joke when we all pretend to be drug users :D

I'm a junkie and I'm fucking proud about it :lol:

Nah folks I'm what you called an educated, sound minded consumer of drugs or more politely said (consumer of God's food) ;)
a large benzo collection from pins to bars. they are of great help. 8ball Columbian marching powder. some days im really dragging. and loads of mescal for spiritual use and for tantra. others for meditation, nectar of the poppy. and lots of water.

everything has it's place and balance. and of course, everything in moderation.


love is the law, love under will...

Columbian marching powder you say... that has a classic ring to it :)

Getting scales off that Peruvian Flake... snort, snort!