What's Inside Your Medicine Cabinet?

ate 3 4mg tabs of 5-meo-aMT ooo ya fucker from what i can remeber my whole room was orange there was a bar in my bathroom what i dont remember is 2 hours of supposedly different personalities to the point none of my close frineds could even see "me"

Possesion is a bitch
A bottle of rum too... you sure are pressing the boundaries mate! This episode could of easily lead to a common story of dehydration. Play more cautiously when tripping ;)
A bottle of rum too... you sure are pressing the boundaries mate! This episode could of easily lead to a common story of dehydration. Play more cautiously when tripping ;)
i always push the boundaries and always keep a bottle of water next too me while i drink/trip so dehydration wasnt the reason,its never happened before and i hope i doesnt happen again.
Damn! Mexican pressed brick Weed is so fucking rare nowadays ever since the semi-legalization of medical weed. I remember the days in highschool breaking up dime size baggies... it was such an art just breaking it up... removing the stems and seeds and rolling that shit up. Actually, some people prefer the high over some high grade cannabis. But it could be a chore on the lungs for sure lmfao...
Damn! Mexican pressed brick Weed is so fucking rare nowadays ever since the semi-legalization of medical weed. I remember the days in highschool breaking up dime size baggies... it was such an art just breaking it up... removing the stems and seeds and rolling that shit up. Actually, some people prefer the high over some high grade cannabis. But it could be a chore on the lungs for sure lmfao...

its even sorta rare here and theres no medi-weed to take its place, borderwars have put a stop to 250-300 dollar pounds that use to supply my area with a all day way cheap smoke suplly.. i'd much rather prefer the good stuff though...
A damn shame that the State has deprived you of that privilege. I suppose there crown hailers for alcohol though ;)

they keep making the laws on booze more and more lenient, of course its slowy getting better for pot, felony two years ago was two ounces now that marker is at three ounces, lol still illegal still go to jail though, its dumb
hi ok in my medicine chest i have 4oz spacequeen, roughly 20oz glycern tincture, 6grams hash oil, 180 10mg methadone(yes it is for pain), 65 4mg hydromorphone, 17 75mg fentanal patches(im to lazy to get up to check the spelling), a half oz of mushies, and like .3 DMT oh and 12 cups butter in the freezer
hi ok in my medicine chest i have 4oz spacequeen, roughly 20oz glycern tincture, 6grams hash oil, 180 10mg methadone(yes it is for pain), 65 4mg hydromorphone, 17 75mg fentanal patches(im to lazy to get up to check the spelling), a half oz of mushies, and like .3 DMT oh and 12 cups butter in the freezer


Can I see some of that cannabis LOL!
hi ok in my medicine chest i have 4oz spacequeen, roughly 20oz glycern tincture, 6grams hash oil, 180 10mg methadone(yes it is for pain), 65 4mg hydromorphone, 17 75mg fentanal patches(im to lazy to get up to check the spelling), a half oz of mushies, and like .3 DMT oh and 12 cups butter in the freezer

That's one hefty cabinet you posses! Various methods and routes of cannabis... willing to donate some butter for my big brownie sale :)