What's Inside Your Medicine Cabinet?

has any of you guys done 2-cb, its the worst too snort a thought my nose was melting cuz that stuff but awsome high though
I haven't tried it yet but two of my really good friends swear by it and I was with one of them when he took it it seemed like it was good
has any of you guys done 2-cb, its the worst too snort a thought my nose was melting cuz that stuff but awsome high though

Yes had a good amount of 2c-b a few months ago... great experience! If a lsd trip could be condensed in 4 hr's that's how it will feel like.... like a mini episode of good acid! I snorted about 8 mg's and didn't feel no burn.... so it varies within people and the purity of product I guess. The body high is triumphant and the close eye visuals are just so freaking fantastic, constanly white light bombarded me like spoonfuls of ephiphanies... completely and utterly Amen like! Oh hell bromo mescaline :)
hmm what all is in my toybox some dif greens, hash, honey oil, hits, boomers, 2cc, 2ce, 2cp, 4acodmt, jwh 018 and 073 and a couple rolls and i think thats it
No need to have a water bottle around, you got a gulp of saliva to swallow son :lol:

Ah yes I forgot to add my WOW to the pic list... that'll go up on the next exclusive photo shoot! When we gonna kick it 562K! The sands awaiting for ya ;)

Will definitely hit you up bud. It's been hard with my relatives coming over this week, they've deffff been overstayin their welcome. Haha
yea you will hear my trip report when i try it out. you know anyone who has tried the mix?

ghb is nice, i tried 1700mg for my first time. i could have done more tho, glad i didnt over do it.
yea you will hear my trip report when i try it out. you know anyone who has tried the mix?

ghb is nice, i tried 1700mg for my first time. i could have done more tho, glad i didnt over do it.

Ghb can be ugly in higher doses... good you started low!

I'm afraid not... but all reports again sound very promising.
yes it can..

my girl just took 1600mg. she weighs 109, i weigh 135. i think that should be good for her first dose. let you know how it goes...
Ghb.. Is it good? i looked it up so i know what it is, but what are the effects like to you?

i'm his girlfriend and i took 1800mg and it was very euphoric like mdma i didn't feel nauseas at all because i ate a whole meal beforehand and i did not drink any alcohol at all it can make u go unconscious it i didnt feel dizzy just happy n drunk. also i was sick and the g made me feel alot better.
Awsome sounds pretty sweet have to look into that some more thanx for the input

Hence why GHB is phrased liquid ecstasy... had about 5 grams two months ago... but that is long gone ;)

Oh opana's are very rare painkillers... I got about 300 oxycodones... kills righteous pain haha
I used to be extremely addicted to oxycotton no less than 120 milligrams just to start the day, I got them for free so money was never an object with this drug, went threw withdrawls in jail and now any strong painkiller just brings back the "illness" for me.... sucks.....sorta