What's Inside Your Medicine Cabinet?

I used to be extremely addicted to oxycotton no less than 120 milligrams just to start the day, I got them for free so money was never an object with this drug, went threw withdrawls in jail and now any strong painkiller just brings back the "illness" for me.... sucks.....sorta

Dude really for free.... oxy's are more expensive then ecstasy nowadays. That's why you became an addict los... because they were free ;)

But addiction is all a state of mind.
yea I mean if they had cost me the price they are now never would have happend
you seen what they do now to keep people from blasting them?
was inside my medicine cabinet

whats the first pic? crystal? idk because ive never even seen that shit. but in my cabinet i have marijuana jwh-018 and sometimes lsd. cant wait to get some shrooms and dmt.
Ah some more dmt on the psychedelic richter-scale! Bountifuls of it, you possess... the natural element of dimethyltryptamine... i fuckn love saying that word!
ahhh the old oil dome!!! Beastly florida.......someone knows how to toke it up.....this is becoming my favorite treat!!
Older pic buts syill yum....... Heres 2 grams ketamine, some sour d and lemon skunk. Lemon was sooooo yum. And last but not least 4 fatty tabs of mesc, Enjoy cuz I did :hump:


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Older pic buts syill yum....... Heres 2 grams ketamine, some sour d and lemon skunk. Lemon was sooooo yum. And last but not least 4 fatty tabs of mesc, Enjoy cuz I did :hump:

Bit fuzzy with the pics... but nice little stash... always nice have different marijuana strains! Tabs of mescaline... sorry buddy... no pills contain mescaline... whoever told you that just juked you!
Im going on thirty dude, Im far from getting juked there buddy. No one said pills I said tabs of mescaline. And it happens my buddy is the one who made these off his san pedro's. So I decline your expert opinion dude.
I preffer putting mesc in capsules too, frig it is more bitter than molly. I get about 200mg into one.