What's Inside Your Medicine Cabinet?

few personal hits of white on white, some looney tunes blotter, some 2cb gum sticks, quarter gram of hash, approx. half gram of jwh 18, gram of salvia 30x, some bud, some xanex, maybe an ambien in there, some mushrooms, martini stuff...

I have a ever shrinking assortment of goodies.... Hopefully some shamans make there way to me soon.

Gotta love those safari wearing, dread dangling Shamans :D

That's a nice arrangement of "brain inducing accessories"... its more than I have in a long shoot. I would kill for some Looney Tunes ;)
im familiar with alot of other opiates but not the raw form. i hear it smells very good when burnt.

smells awsome, taste pretty good to, like the best hash coupled with a few vicodin

Don't we all. I would love to bundle up some Opium in a nice crafted Hookah... oh the splendid aroma's. Kick off my sandals in sand and light up a toast to the rarity of Old Candy herself ;)

yeah its a real treat, a rare one also
Is the medicine cabinet empty?

I'm sure we all need are daily intake of Vitamin C & D. A Medicine Cabinet is as viable as a Refrigerator Door. As one opens another closes. If its interesting enough, please provide the masses with a chemical makeup. I'm all "Clear Eyes" out! Someone lay the way to new a new "graduated flask" foundation. ;)
My medicine cabinet has nothing fun in it. Because fun stuff goes in the safe. Or my pocket.
I seriously need to stock up though. Right now I've got some Provigil, some buprenorphine (yuck), some weed and some oil, and a bunch of antidotes (antipsychotics and Narcan) and some miscellaneous add ons (some antihistamines, antiemetics). And I'm sure I have some dxm around but yuck. As soon as I get a new sep funnel I'll be doing some extractions. And hopefully I'll be getting RXed some nice opioids again. Then some sedatives to complete the collection.
I've got about half a gram of weed right now and that's it. I'm waiting on an order of MXE to come in along with some AM-2201 and JWH-122 in a blend. I'm probably going to order some 4-ACO-DMT and 4-FA.
I was thinking about ordering some 4-ACO-DET. Do you have any experience with that chem? It looks pretty nice to me.
My medicine cabinet has nothing fun in it. Because fun stuff goes in the safe. Or my pocket.
I seriously need to stock up though. Right now I've got some Provigil, some buprenorphine (yuck), some weed and some oil, and a bunch of antidotes (antipsychotics and Narcan) and some miscellaneous add ons (some antihistamines, antiemetics). And I'm sure I have some dxm around but yuck. As soon as I get a new sep funnel I'll be doing some extractions. And hopefully I'll be getting RXed some nice opioids again. Then some sedatives to complete the collection.

Gotta agree that's a lot of miscellaneous crap...

I'm glad your investing in a DXM Extraction and now lowering yourself to pungent syrups and such. If things spur in the right direction I'll have a lacrosse bag full of, " grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a saltshaker half-full of cocaine, a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers." Only in a Hunter S. Thompson world. If I was to endorse anything else I would be a hypocrite. I want my living room to smell like an Opium Den again. It's been far too long. But with things like these no rush is involved. Otherwise, I'll consider myself a fiend, maniac, a sloop tied to lost causes. Let these moments engage you not enrage you ;)
Gotta agree that's a lot of miscellaneous crap...

I'm glad your investing in a DXM Extraction and now lowering yourself to pungent syrups and such. If things spur in the right direction I'll have a lacrosse bag full of, " grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a saltshaker half-full of cocaine, a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers." Only in a Hunter S. Thompson world. If I was to endorse anything else I would be a hypocrite. I want my living room to smell like an Opium Den again. It's been far too long. But with things like these no rush is involved. Otherwise, I'll consider myself a fiend, maniac, a sloop tied to lost causes. Let these moments engage you not enrage you ;)

The sep funnel isn't for dxm. I've never really cared for the stuff.
The miscellaneous stuff comes in handy. You never know when you'll need something. The antidotes especially. It's a damn shame that it's so hard to get Narcan in most locations.
The sep funnel isn't for dxm. I've never really cared for the stuff.
The miscellaneous stuff comes in handy. You never know when you'll need something. The antidotes especially. It's a damn shame that it's so hard to get Narcan in most locations.

Oh. My assumptions carried me too far.

Yeah, like a girl needs accessories. Drugs must have accessories too. The antidotes carry mystical powers... not none by many. Narcan? Splendid, I got some Wikipedia action on the way :D
ya mix em together, speedball

Speed Balling. That'll lead to a precariously fast death. But it's all in good sprits eh?

MXE is another dime a dozen kind of research chemical. I'm sure it's scheduling will be fast approaching. Not a bad compound if you know how to control your impulses. I enjoy the fact that I can insufflate 300mg's of Ketamine within a nights march and be sleeping like a baby within the next 2 hrs; without any visible recognition the next day. You can play and not be punished. Just be sure to have a MG Scale around and you'll be fine ;)