Zig you should recrystallize or at least wash that molly.
i was debating it. would it make a significant difference in the quality of the roll?
Splendid! The good Mother provides again...
Read numerous accounts that this particular plant is about 2/3rds weaker than Hawiian Baby Woodrose. However, there is no nausea involved which is a plus in many peoples books. It seems as though some vendors carry better quality seeds. Some report that they need to consume about 90-120 seeds for true LSA qualities to manifest themselves!
That's a lot of munching! I hadnt heard of woodrose. Will read up on it. Thanks for the info. On a separate note I'm astounded by the breadth and depth of your knowledge of chemistry, pharma, botanicals and trends in the scene. I get out to the left coast occasionally. Would spring for a bottle of good- scratch that - *great* scotch to sup with you and engage in a wondering, profound, and ultimately meaningless conversation over a long repast. No agenda...just to satisfy a personal curiosity.