What's Inside Your Medicine Cabinet?

No you may loose weight from impurities and cut. But your making it to where its the puriest mdma it can be. So it will improve the roll :)
i was debating it. would it make a significant difference in the quality of the roll?

Yes, you would lose some product in the process. I'd say you'll lose about 25% depending on the efficacy of the acid/bases used. Have you tested the molly with an EZ Test Kit or similar regent kit? If the product fizzed rapidly and turned black you have some high quality MDMA. If it reacted slowly and turned black with small remnants of brown I would consider doing a wash. Your brain will thank you later. ;)
Splendid! The good Mother provides again...

Read numerous accounts that this particular plant is about 2/3rds weaker than Hawiian Baby Woodrose. However, there is no nausea involved which is a plus in many peoples books. It seems as though some vendors carry better quality seeds. Some report that they need to consume about 90-120 seeds for true LSA qualities to manifest themselves!
Read numerous accounts that this particular plant is about 2/3rds weaker than Hawiian Baby Woodrose. However, there is no nausea involved which is a plus in many peoples books. It seems as though some vendors carry better quality seeds. Some report that they need to consume about 90-120 seeds for true LSA qualities to manifest themselves!

That's a lot of munching! I hadnt heard of woodrose. Will read up on it. Thanks for the info. On a separate note I'm astounded by the breadth and depth of your knowledge of chemistry, pharma, botanicals and trends in the scene. I get out to the left coast occasionally. Would spring for a bottle of good- scratch that - *great* scotch to sup with you and engage in a wondering, profound, and ultimately meaningless conversation over a long repast. No agenda...just to satisfy a personal curiosity.
That's a lot of munching! I hadnt heard of woodrose. Will read up on it. Thanks for the info. On a separate note I'm astounded by the breadth and depth of your knowledge of chemistry, pharma, botanicals and trends in the scene. I get out to the left coast occasionally. Would spring for a bottle of good- scratch that - *great* scotch to sup with you and engage in a wondering, profound, and ultimately meaningless conversation over a long repast. No agenda...just to satisfy a personal curiosity.

Yes. Plenty of munching to keep your palette entertained. Although, I'd advise you to steer clear of eating HWB seed for your stomach and sanity sake. It's a god awful experience. Just ask any 50 year woman about the most severe menstrual cramps shes experienced and multiply the pain by 10 and you'll arrive at your answer. The pulp must be absent from all seeds before devouring or shear disappointment will soon ensue. By the way, thanks for all the kind words. I try my best to provide the masses with the most up to date information to feed there pretty little heads. I'm your personal Erowid and Wikipedia wrapped into one meticulously crafted black bow of wonder! Scotch sounds nice but authentic European Absinthe sounds even better. Anytime when you're in the West Coast area send me a kind PM and we can rant about everything under and above the rim of the sun. :D
The medicine cabinet is a virtuous wonder to most as it lays bedridden to the concept of masking a sickness. It opens and closes like a stale set of crackers without much thought considered. Whether the medicine lies within the closets of your bathroom or nestled among the top shelfs of your most highly selected crafts of liquor it remains a Godsend to that unmanageable ailment that suckles at the core of your soul. Reach inside and you'll be amazed at what you can find! :D

I might throw a weekend parade if some DMT Fumurate and WoW LSD blankets found there way to me. I'm a sampling kind of lad. I want supersonic samples. I want thrust. I want 300 miles of intergalactic spaciness. All will be determined in a weekends time! So, my cabinet has been very sterile, cold, and practically empty for the past 6 months for the most part. A medicine cabinet feels genuinely authentic when an entheogenic presence graces the air! ;)
hmm mine changes to much right now 4 or 5 g dmt ,25inbome 25c nbome apvp pentadrone 4 meo pcp, mxe 2fma, etizolam, phenazapam. little lucy and some boomers. i think thats it
Mine got replenished with some of the Endo 100mg MSContins. There's even a few of them left. For now.
i have etizolam buy the cases not garbage press either still in the pharmy blisterpacks. i have become quite the respected vendor while youve been gone. and they love my $100 a g doc
knocked down the mxe priceses i sell mine for $25 a g thats my retail prices my group buy prices are even better $50 g's of doc. $55 g's of nbomes. it took a while but i have finaly bypassed all the middle men
At the moment not much. I'm due to stock up soon I'm sure. Generally when I run across something that interests me I buy a pretty decent supply of it. I just managed to run out of everything at about the same time. I'm sure I'll be encountering something before long. All good things in all good time.
Ohh Yes You are My friend ...
You are aqua !
Nothing more important than this ... alone
<------ Had to re-register to say that ... and nothing but ...
Now I am off to the other side.
Puff !

MrED ... loving Your brain @ it's current capacity !
