I really don't understand Christianity. I mean even the moral side of it is just, self explanatory. If you go around being cynical and or murdering people, you probably feel pretty negative. If you don't then your an asshole.
Like I said before a lot of people go to church out of straight fear. They don't want to go to hell. And for some reason, so many people actually participate in church, that your kind of a minority for not going. Which makes some people second doubt themselves.
I could see going to church for something to do. I'd imagine you get bored while your old with nothing to do, and it would make you feel part of something. I believe a lot of older people go for that reason too.
The fact that indulgences existed is what made me suspicious. We learned that in like middle school and ever since then, I've had very high doubts of Christianity's belief system. If you give the church money, you go to heaven? How convenient!! The church in ancient times was after power and money. That is it. The followers being mere pawns. I remember reading something about them torturing galileo also, forcing him to say that his beliefs of astronomy were wrong. Then he was placed under house arrest for the rest of his life.
Nowadays its a lot more reasonable.. The church actually benefits the community. But still a lot of people preach and preach it and do not think for themselves what so ever.
Another example I think of sometimes is the whole virgin Mary thing. It was said that Jesus was put into her, without her having sex. Obviously. But back then how could they tell that someone had never had sex? The only way would be to see if the hymen was broken. Which sometimes it breaks without even having sex. I could see a bunch of people huddling around her making stories like 'SHE HAS THE GOD CHILD, SHE IS A VIRGIN SHE HAS NO HYMEN!'. And then her being like.. 'Yeah, yes. Yes!'
I don't know, I'm not saying I'm completely against it. Or that I'm completely right. I just don't buy it.