What's wrong with micacle grow potting soil?


Well-Known Member
About the taste if you flush properly & have good genetics their will be no problem with the taste.
if your in this to grow for your own enjoyment... you will enjoy the few dollars more you spend on fox farms ocean forest pottin soil... and if u cant afford that then look at the happy frog by fox farm... soil is important as light and water.... if one thing is overlooked it can mean the whole system wont generate as much yield... miracle grow leads to bad defficiancies and doesnt grow a plant to well... check out the white trash challenge grow on youtube.com


Well-Known Member
every plant will produce... it just will not produce optimum. i prefer to get the full potential out of my plants.. fertilizer alone can drastically affect the thc content of the bud


Well-Known Member
I use the organic choice miracle-gro or something like that. it doesn't have any nutrients in it, no time release crap.
The bag says "Exclusive mix of all natural organic ingredients and feeds up to 2 months". It doesn't say anything else about being time released and is .10-.05-.05. With that ratio should I be adding?


Well-Known Member
By the way thc content itself is strain related & most of the people on here are growin in a cfl world & closet or carboard room in somebody elses house with no ventilation & asking questions most of us learned on our own. Yes there are better soils out there to grow but most people should learn to grow something first before asking questions about soil. Plus if u dont flush & cure it right it will taste like shit.


Well-Known Member
To grow good weed you have to have optimum conditions which starts at proper lighting & ventilation before what kind of soil to be used.


Well-Known Member
Alright guys, Im gonna chime in.

Miracle grow and other cheap synthetic ferts are bad for one big reason, their synthetic.... Which means your soil doesn't truely retain the nutrients, instead in leaches out. It is made from oil. It creates an "addiction" for your plants, meaning they can get to a point where they need it to continue growing strong after a couple weeks. They can jack up your Ph. Very easy to cause nute burn. And the list can go on.

Unfortunatly many people live in locations where the only soil they can get is from wally world, or home depot which only sell MG and Jungle growth. I use to love Jungle growth, but now they add time release as well. So I too am stuck with MG soil, but I use the organic brand. My input on it....

The soil is decent and moderatly loamy, but per 2 gal pot I still add 4.5 cups of vermiculite. Due to one of its primary ingrediants being peat moss it is very acidic, so I have to add 3 tblspn of dolmite lime (regulates Ph to 6-7) to the 2 gal mixture as well. Also I HATE the ferts, I wish I could remove them. When I lived out in the country I found the best soil was just by mixing lake silt, FL dirt (60% sand, 40% soil), composted manure, and some vermiculite with limestone mixed in, it was only at that time did I have no problems (nute burn, Ph, toxic salt build up).

Anyways I've rambled too long and want 2 go to bed. Final point, if you can aquire foxfarm, do it.... MG SUCKS


I'm afraid it is too late and I see a lot of negativity surrounding the Organic miracle grow potting soil. I haven't really found out what is wrong with it though? Does it really matter if you have the best soil the first time around?

Peep game use the MG cactus palm and citrus soil you well have less probs let me take that back you wont have any probs unless you over feed your gurlz.
The soil is hella good for drainage and after 3 weeks you can feed your gurlz like regular potting soils peace.......

Oyea ima add some more pics of some root porn 1 WEEK THANK YOU

All from MG cactus palm citrus soil



Active Member
What about the MG Perlite with an NPK of 6-1-4? I have two 8qt. bags of that and one 12qt. bag of none nuted perlite.


Well-Known Member
Many fertilizer are synthetic, the soil itself is very far from it though because you can't create soil its natural. On that all those fertilizers rinse from the soil, the only reason organics don't is because they are largely little bacteria that just multiples, where synthetics turn to salt. It in no way means that synthetic fertilizers are no good though, and at worse you have to do an extra flush or two throughout the grow to rid the soil of the salt buildups

Now I've never tried MG organic, but I did some very healthy plants in MG moisture control and yes I did add fertilizers. As always when your not sure of the current nutrient content of a grow medium, start easy and keep an eye out for nute burn and you'll be fine, and of course wait till the plant is a couple weeks old so if it does get some nute burn it is able to survive/recover. Also adding perlite is a good idea on almost any soil.

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
Nothings wrong with it...

The people who bitch about it dont understand how to use it correctly.
Or, most new growers will use it and blame the plants death due to the soil..

Although its not the best..its definatly do-able.


Well-Known Member
how can u honestly tell people miracle grow soil is going to produce as well as a fox farm organic soil??? \... a difference of a few dollars....... ive been over soil for years and when i did use it i tried the miracle grow stuff and all it led to was problems... and miracle grow will not grow an optimal plant i will say it, knowing it is true...and anyone who thinks that it will grow a optimal plant is clearly not up to par with todays cannabis growing..check out youtube even... that will give u a taste of how crappy miracle grow is


Well-Known Member
check out the studies done with cloned plants under the same light... everything the same... end of the test they measured thc... now being a lab test it was completely free from any kind of scrutiny.... certain fertilizers will give you a higher thc and yield... and if anyone else thinks i am wrong go on youtube... and search for nutrient tests... thc will vary from nute to nute... so people dont start telling me i am wrong because if you look around you wont need to be correct and look silly

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
1. YOU provide me with these so called studies
2. I didnt tell people miracle grow was better than fox farm..i said its possible to use...
3. Obviously you havent been over soil for years cause that "few dollars" is a 30 dollar difference
4. Quit getting all your info off of youtube........


Well-Known Member
let me tell you as i used it about a week or two age. To start, It has terrible water retention. The soil has little bugs in the bag. It has no perlite. My plants look very unhealthy compared to the plants i used fox farm happy frog.

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
You do realize your watching a promotional video right?
Your being suckerd into beleaving THEIR product is better than others..

Ok so lets multiply that 30 by..hmm 10 bags lets say. I think thats an extra 300$
And with your grammer, i would guess your not a day over 17

Nutrients are their to help growth and bud production..so they say.
But in no way does it reflect on the amount of thc being produced.

And like i said before..miracle grow isnt the best, but it definatly works.

Once again...quit getting all your info off of youtube.


Active Member
Just make the matter a bit more complicated (lol) I am not in US, but I got a bag of MG soil, I use it as a basic nute mix in my soil, 40% perlite/vermiculite, 50% coco and 10% MG soil. I won't dare to use 100% MG soil from the beginning as I don't want to burn the seedling. What I found is coco is cheap and works great for me. People don't want time release because you don't know how much nute you have in the soil, if this is your first grow then you will want to give it nutes everyday, but don't do it, burns DO happens and SLOW your grow. which imply to the case of unknown amount of nute in the soil.

First grow is really a big biology+chemistry experiment its fun and you will find ways to fine tune what you do, lot of adjustments. Just started my first grow myself not long ago and I do agree not to use 100% MG soil.

I also recommend a early flower or an autoflower strain for first grow, not saying you have no skills but they seems to be more forgiven. Even look for a strain that known to grow easy. When you got your first harvest, you have perfected your setup, THEN get a not so easy grow strain, since you have a stock of stuff to smoke you don't need to worry much.