What's your opinion/experience exercising and is strain /trics dependent?

The yk11, s23 and two compounds in the shred (s4 and mk 2866) are all sarms. As far as how I like them the strength gains are real the endurance is out of control. the only side effects has been pimples. I still have a bunch of pre-ban prohormones too (ibe, cutting edge labs, aps when they were the shit) I’ve ran Anavar, and few mild anabolics and the sarms are not to be underestimated. I’m only 39 and after each run I do a good pct clomid and a good otc test booster. I get bloodwork before and after and even at my age my test levels are in the high 700’s.
I never had any real issues with sarms and they do give results. I think the biggest side was a yellow tint when you got near bright lights. But it was a known side and that yellow haze only lasted a minute. S something yk11 always sounded promising
I never had any real issues with sarms and they do give results. I think the biggest side was a yellow tint when you got near bright lights. But it was a known side and that yellow haze only lasted a minute. S something yk11 always sounded promising
S4 will do it and its if you start going over 50 mg a day. I’m stacking all of the shit in the picture. While they’re all androgen Modulators they all hit different receptors.
I knew it started with s been awhile, before covid since I played with em. I remember but don't quote me something about it binding to a receptor in the eye. Been looking more into peptides Haven't been able to lift in a great while due to a surgery and I'm at the tail end. Was hoping bp157 would speed things up. I ran a few sarms/serm stacks enjoyed em all. Good luck on your goals
I knew it started with s been awhile, before covid since I played with em. I remember but don't quote me something about it binding to a receptor in the eye. Been looking more into peptides Haven't been able to lift in a great while due to a surgery and I'm at the tail end. Was hoping bp157 would speed things up. I ran a few sarms/serm stacks enjoyed em all. Good luck on your goals
Hell yah and yes s4 will bind to the ocular receptors Mk 677 would be best given it’s a hgh product and looking at blood work it works
Trail running is fun, pavement is good and treadmills have their place. outside is always done with a weight vest https://www.weightvest.com/product/100-lb-v-max-short-weight-vest/
This is the one I use. I'm able to keep a to keep an 8 min mile with this thing on. I can go faster but only when I’m really wanting to get shit done Fast. All I can say is fuck snow I lived in Michigan for 8 years in the snow belt and that shit is something I had to nope out on. Lake effect snow even worse. Michigan esp northern Michigan where I lived was beautiful no doubt. I went on torch lake often.

damn that's mad brawlic, i need to try something like that although not that much to start wow
damn that's mad brawlic, i need to try something like that although not that much to start wow
They’re easily adjusted. Taking out enough to start and build up. This is my third one they hold up fine just ended up leaving one in Afghanistan, one got borrowed indefinitely lol and now this one
last summer at 45 1/2 yrs my routine every other day was smoking weed then running 2.5k on grass and doing 20 sets of weighted pull-ups from a tree all together non-stop, followed by 10 more sets at resting heart rate, followed by running across two football fields of 6 foot tall grass twice, followed by running the perimeter of a small island through the brush

having said that i think i prefer indica for exercise
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Trail running is fun, pavement is good and treadmills have their place. outside is always done with a weight vest https://www.weightvest.com/product/100-lb-v-max-short-weight-vest/
This is the one I use. I'm able to keep a to keep an 8 min mile with this thing on. I can go faster but only when I’m really wanting to get shit done Fast. All I can say is fuck snow I lived in Michigan for 8 years in the snow belt and that shit is something I had to nope out on. Lake effect snow even worse. Michigan esp northern Michigan where I lived was beautiful no doubt. I went on torch lake often.
Your not missing out, LOL
My brothers live up in Northern MI, and totally understand what you mean about "snow belt" LOL. We are all behind in snow fall this year, them not so much, but us in lower MI are about 14" behind schedule. We got our 1st "Lake Effect" last week off Lake Huron, and the wife thought it was "The Big One" but I told her the worst is yet to come!!!!!! Unfortunately I'm stuck here, and can't move if I wanted to, LOL
I like cardio after getting high. resistance and weight training not so much. on a related note, I am super prone to anxiety (diagnosed panic disorder) and I found that getting back to regular exercise has done more for to alleviate it than everything else I've done put together. I also enjoy getting stoned infinitely more after working out because I know that the chances of it triggering a panic attack is almost zero.
Doesn't matter what strain I smoke, I'm always completely lacking energy and motivation if I smoke before a workout. It's an extremely noticeable difference for me.

Might come down to the fact that I use it as a psychological crutch to relax or sleep. Could be behavioral patterns kicking in after a smoke, but I definitely have zero energy after smoking.

I can happily go for a hike or fishing, but as soon as I try calisthenics or weight training on weed I feel like I have a person hanging from every appendage.
Very much strain-dependent in my view. Some sativas push you to do stuff. Being idle just does not feel right. If you smoke for relaxation then you are probably smoking indicas. If you are not growing it yourself and it's commercial then sativas are not economical. So to say it doesn't matter what strain you smoke the effect is the same means you are smoking couch lock indicas all the time.
Very much strain-dependent in my view. Some sativas push you to do stuff. Being idle just does not feel right. If you smoke for relaxation then you are probably smoking indicas. If you are not growing it yourself and it's commercial then sativas are not economical. So to say it doesn't matter what strain you smoke the effect is the same means you are smoking couch lock indicas all the time.
I grow sativa base plants myself, and mainly smoke sativa. Don't like couch lock. I'm aware if what strains I'm smoking. But thanks for assuming you know more about my scenario and experience than I do.

I crash harder off sativa a few hours after smoking than I do off indica.
I grow sativa base plants myself, and mainly smoke sativa. Don't like couch lock. I'm aware if what strains I'm smoking. But thanks for assuming you know more about my scenario and experience than I do.

I crash harder off sativa a few hours after smoking than I do off indica.
I don't exercise very much, sorry if I offended you.
Daily vape and yoga is my youth nectar. Love that it keeps me body weight strong without fatigue. Limitless difficulty too at least for me.

I used to train hard a lot more. I have an old MIR weight vest that can hold up to 48lbs and would do hiit plus jump training. Train doing pretty much anything and then instantly lose 30lbs, you’ll freakin annihilate it.

Smoking definitely affected my performance (lungs) no matter how little. Edibles do too but because they mess with my mind/body connect.

Vape can turn on the god mode though for certain things. Especially biking or skiing for me. Music on, instantly in the zone. Let it rip and just fly. Especially if you can actually take flight. Even for a moment. Nothing exists there. Time slows and you try to stay but it slips away as you touch back down and things return to normal.

Few serious injuries later and yoga helps keep me pretty calm these days lmao.
i love doing abs high. instead of suffering i start thinking about some random shit while doing planks and all of a sudden i hear alarm to change sides. only problem is i forget what i did soo i have to have a paper with me or something to keep me on track