Which is the most valuable to protect?

What needs the most protection?

  • Money

  • Politicians

  • Children

  • Jewelry

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O well that puts it into perspective. Guards should protect money and jewellery due to thieves. Not sure if they should have to be armed though.
Not sure why you put children in your poll. Seems strange that they should need armed guards, in your scenario are they in max security prison?

At school.
Since my son was old enough to talk, I'll ask him, "what does the Wu Tang say?" and he'll begrudgingly respond with "best protect ya neck..." It's really the only life lesson I've ever instilled into him.
I remember telling my daughter, very sternly, that Wu Tang Clan ain’t nothin’ to fuck with. She was speechless with laughter for about ten minutes. *SO* gratifying
At school.
School? No there should not be armed guards, high fencers or metal detectors at schools. That's a no brainer I would of thought, those things exist in prisons. Schools should be a place where students feel comfortable and safe not scared hemmed in and watched. Its worked for hundreds of years and there is no need to change it as creating a scared population of children creates an even more scared adult population.
School? No there should not be armed guards, high fencers or metal detectors at schools. That's a no brainer I would of thought, those things exist in prisons. Schools should be a place where students feel comfortable and safe not scared hemmed in and watched. Its worked for hundreds of years and there is no need to change it as creating a scared population of children creates an even more scared adult population.

Interesting. It certainly did work 100 years ago here in the US but not so much anymore as we are all sadly aware. Back then guns were much easier to get in the US than today. You could mail order a 9mm semi- auto handgun and a 30 round magazine right to your house with no background check or age restrictions. Same for a .308 with detachable 25 round box magazines 80 years ago.

There's a stigma about protecting kids at school with arms. I feel it too so I'm not insensitive to the issue, and I'm a parent. I'm just not so sure that ditching the gun free zone signs and having some undercover armed leo posing as assistant principals or janitors isn't a like right now good option.
Interesting. It certainly did work 100 years ago here in the US but not so much anymore as we are all sadly aware. Back then guns were much easier to get in the US than today. You could mail order a 9mm semi- auto handgun and a 30 round magazine right to your house with no background check or age restrictions. Same for a .308 with detachable 25 round box magazines 80 years ago.

There's a stigma about protecting kids at school with arms. I feel it too so I'm not insensitive to the issue, and I'm a parent. I'm just not so sure that ditching the gun free zone signs and having some undercover armed leo posing as assistant principals or janitors isn't a like right now good option.

I'm in Australia and like every first world country in the world apart from America we don't have a discussion about having to have armed guards, high fencers and metal detectors in schools.
Perhaps tackle the issue at the roots.
Interesting. It certainly did work 100 years ago here in the US but not so much anymore as we are all sadly aware. Back then guns were much easier to get in the US than today. You could mail order a 9mm semi- auto handgun and a 30 round magazine right to your house with no background check or age restrictions. Same for a .308 with detachable 25 round box magazines 80 years ago.

There's a stigma about protecting kids at school with arms. I feel it too so I'm not insensitive to the issue, and I'm a parent. I'm just not so sure that ditching the gun free zone signs and having some undercover armed leo posing as assistant principals or janitors isn't a like right now good option.

The Stigma could be blamed on the parents inability to see problems within their own children.

Freedom to be ignorant costs our nation, much more then it's worth
I'm in Australia and like every first world country in the world apart from America we don't have a discussion about having to have armed guards, high fencers and metal detectors in schools.
Perhaps tackle the issue at the roots.

That's what I'm trying. So if we look at the data here, as guns get harder to get, these school shootings seem to be going up. So there's a cry to do something now. And that something is always more restrictions on guns.

So since the trend from 100 years ago to now is without question that guns have become harder and harder to get, and the trend from 100 years ago to now is unquestionably that these school shootings are going from less to more, it seems our solution is adding to the trend. And the trend tells us the gun is not the root.

Does Australia really not have armed guards for moving money to and from banks? No armed guards for politicians or at jewelry stores? I didn't know that. Visiting OZ is on my bucket list. New Zeland too.
Interesting. It certainly did work 100 years ago here in the US but not so much anymore as we are all sadly aware. Back then guns were much easier to get in the US than today. You could mail order a 9mm semi- auto handgun and a 30 round magazine right to your house with no background check or age restrictions.
You’re not even trying to sound legit. Germany adopted the 9mm in 1908, and it had little exposure in the US until returning GIs Brought Lugers home from the war. No “mail-order…9mm semi-auto handgun” to order, no 30-round magazine, not in 1922. It was certainly possible to buy firearms thru the mail in the 50s & early 60s, but those were war surplus from European countries: Mosin-Nagants, Mannlichers, Enfields, WWI Mausers. US stuff *rarely* - and again, mostly WWI. And M1 carbines….

Nothing cool, trust me. I looked.
That's what I'm trying. So if we look at the data here, as guns get harder to get, these school shootings seem to be going up. So there's a cry to do something now. And that something is always more restrictions on guns.

So since the trend from 100 years ago to now is without question that guns have become harder and harder to get, and the trend from 100 years ago to now is unquestionably that these school shootings are going from less to more, it seems our solution is adding to the trend. And the trend tells us the gun is not the root.

Does Australia really not have armed guards for moving money to and from banks? No armed guards for politicians or at jewelry stores? I didn't know that. Visiting OZ is on my bucket list. New Zeland too.
This is America. The only time a gun is hard to get is when it’s sold out. Ammunition, same.
That's what I'm trying. So if we look at the data here, as guns get harder to get, these school shootings seem to be going up. So there's a cry to do something now. And that something is always more restrictions on guns.

So since the trend from 100 years ago to now is without question that guns have become harder and harder to get, and the trend from 100 years ago to now is unquestionably that these school shootings are going from less to more, it seems our solution is adding to the trend. And the trend tells us the gun is not the root.

Does Australia really not have armed guards for moving money to and from banks? No armed guards for politicians or at jewelry stores? I didn't know that. Visiting OZ is on my bucket list. New Zeland too.
Give all the kids guns then if you think more and easily obtainable weapons will solve the issue. We just introduced gun laws, seems easier and judging by the success of every country who has i recon it's a proven winner.

Yes they do use armed guards for moving money and that's why i said money and jewellery to protect them from thieves but you don't have that in the one poll answer. Yes our PM has a small security detail. But we have no armed guards or guards at all in schools, no high fencers and no metal detectors. But we don't have school shootings due to our gun laws. I'm sure sooner or later some copycat will copy a US style shooting but it wont be a daily thing like America due to America's gun culture that Americans don't seem willing to change.

What happens when your armed guard starts shooting children?
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You’re not even trying to sound legit. Germany adopted the 9mm in 1908, and it had little exposure in the US until returning GIs Brought Lugers home from the war. No “mail-order…9mm semi-auto handgun” to order, no 30-round magazine, not in 1922. It was certainly possible to buy firearms thru the mail in the 50s & early 60s, but those were war surplus from European countries: Mosin-Nagants, Mannlichers, Enfields, WWI Mausers. US stuff *rarely* - and again, mostly WWI. And M1 carbines….

Nothing cool, trust me. I looked.
No your totally right. I was conflating the 1911 and the Hi-power that FN finished for Browning after moving to Canada from Germany. The 30 round mags for the 1911 looked ridiculous but they were a thing. Thanks, that does read pretty dumb.

So yeah I was mainly talking about the 1911 and the M1's that could be mail ordered up through the 60's with 30 round and 25 round magazines respectively.

This is America. The only time a gun is hard to get is when it’s sold out. Ammunition, same.

I mean I would say that's subjective. Weather it's hard today or not. A someone in Manhatten or Chicago might disagree for example. So what I view as empirical is that it's much harder today, than 100 years ago, as you said when you could just mail-order with no restrictions. That is, that every decade since there have been new regulations, no?
Give all the kids guns then if you think more and easily obtainable weapons will solve the issue.
Not that we would but that's illegal dude. It's not that I think more and easily attainable weapons will solve the issue, I'm just noticing its not the root cause.
We just introduced gun laws, seems easier and judging by the success of every country who has i recon it's a proven winner.
So Australia had a buy back program after Port Arthur, but it was compulsory; that is, confiscation. In the US that would violate our 2nd, 4th and 5th ammendments.

Ok, so don't get all mad but; are there not more guns in Oz now then there were before the NFA confiscation?

Of the 13 mass shootings there in the 18 years before the NFA were 11 not committed with guns unaffected by the NFA?

Then I was reading that mass killings without a gun was 0 before the NFA and went to 6 afterwards
Yes they do use armed guards for moving money and that's why i said money and jewellery to protect them from thieves but you don't have that in the one poll answer. Yes our PM has a small security detail. But we have no armed guards or guards at all in schools, no high fencers and no metal detectors. But we don't have school shootings due to our gun laws. I'm sure sooner or later some copycat will copy a US style shooting but it wont be a daily thing like America due to America's gun culture that Americans doesn't seem willing to change.
I'm not so sure it's due to your gun laws. For example after your NFA, our gun homicide rate fell 50%. I don't know why yall don't have school shootings but I would like to know honestly.
What happens when your armed guard starts shooting children?

I don't know honestly. Maybe they can be well paid as incentive? It just seems like Americans are trying to fix a symptom of something and not the thing.
Not that we would but that's illegal dude. It's not that I think more and easily attainable weapons will solve the issue, I'm just noticing its not the root cause.

So Australia had a buy back program after Port Arthur, but it was compulsory; that is, confiscation. In the US that would violate our 2nd, 4th and 5th ammendments.

Ok, so don't get all mad but; are there not more guns in Oz now then there were before the NFA confiscation?

Of the 13 mass shootings there in the 18 years before the NFA were 11 not committed with guns unaffected by the NFA?

Then I was reading that mass killings without a gun was 0 before the NFA and went to 6 afterwards

I'm not so sure it's due to your gun laws. For example after your NFA, our gun homicide rate fell 50%. I don't know why yall don't have school shootings but I would like to know honestly.

I don't know honestly. Maybe they can be well paid as incentive? It just seems like Americans are trying to fix a symptom of something and not the thing.
Maybe it's time to amend the constitution....again
Not that we would but that's illegal dude. It's not that I think more and easily attainable weapons will solve the issue, I'm just noticing its not the root cause.

So Australia had a buy back program after Port Arthur, but it was compulsory; that is, confiscation. In the US that would violate our 2nd, 4th and 5th ammendments.

Ok, so don't get all mad but; are there not more guns in Oz now then there were before the NFA confiscation?

Of the 13 mass shootings there in the 18 years before the NFA were 11 not committed with guns unaffected by the NFA?

Then I was reading that mass killings without a gun was 0 before the NFA and went to 6 afterwards

I'm not so sure it's due to your gun laws. For example after your NFA, our gun homicide rate fell 50%. I don't know why yall don't have school shootings but I would like to know honestly.

I don't know honestly. Maybe they can be well paid as incentive? It just seems like Americans are trying to fix a symptom of something and not the thing.
Why would i get mad for? My granddaughter goes to school with no high fencers, no metal detectors and no guards. She is growing up without constant fear.
In fact anyone in Australia can walk around without fear of some loony shooting them.

Yes we have more guns now than when we did in 1996 when we introduced gun laws. Think about that for a moment..

We don't have school shootings for the same reason we don't have mass shootings. Gun laws...

America doesn't have to copy Australia's laws, there's every other first world country to also look at. Simply having gun amnesty's, registered firearms and licensed responsable owners in a federal approach will make a big difference. Your children deserve to go to school not prison.

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