Which is the most valuable to protect?

What needs the most protection?

  • Money

  • Politicians

  • Children

  • Jewelry

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What is "most valuable to protect" is completely subjective per household. We dont have kids, so that doesn't apply to me? Or do you mean like all the children of the world?. .. if so, why would i give a shit about all the Jewelry of the world as one of the other options? Makes no sense.

So, we have no kids. .. we don't possess enough jewelry to "protect" but it's insured anyway. ... my money is "safe" from a modern standpoint. .. and i give zero fucks about any politician's safety but I 100% wish none any harm, even the kooky wacknuts they don't deserve death threats.
School shooting by country
Jan 2009-May 2018

School shootings are considered by many to be an epidemic in the United States, as is gun violence in general. According to data from Everytown Research, the United States averaged just over 87 school shootings each year from 2013 to 2021, resulting in an annual average of 28.4 dead and 59.6 wounded. A 2018 CNN feature used slightly tighter criteria and tallied a comparatively lower 288 school shootings in the United States between 2009 and 2018—however, the country with the second-most school shootings during that period, Mexico, experienced only eight shootings during that same time period.

It's really a no brainer isn't it? If people are using guns to shoot kids then we need to stop these people having access to guns, especially guns that shoot a lot of people. That's done by making having a gun a privilege and not a right. By trying to stop unstable and violent people from obtaining guns. Same kind of idea as a driving licence and a vehicle.
And as Aust proved it can be done very, very quick.
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What happens when your armed guard starts shooting children?

Wikileaks reports it and Julian Assange is held prisoner for exposing the corruption, lies and murdering of the people who want to be the only ones that have weapons?

...not to mention My Lai massacre.
That's done by making having a gun a privilege and not a right.

Democide is the word you might consider. Empire and collateral damage are other words to consider.

When you turn a "right" into a privilege, it necessarily involves government enforcers using guns or threatening the use of guns (offensively, not defensively) against otherwise peaceful people. How would you solve that problem?
Wikileaks reports it and Julian Assange is held prisoner for exposing the corruption, lies and murdering of the people who want to be the only ones that have weapons?

...not to mention My Lai massacre.
True,The war on Free press is a problem in America at the moment. Let's hope the country has a true democracy where the vast majority not only votes but find it incredibly easy to do so.

Amazing that My Lai is under reported. Nothing to do with Gov controlling the media and the school curriculum of cause..War crimes right there.
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Democide is the word you might consider. Empire and collateral damage are other words to consider.

When you turn a "right" into a privilege, it necessarily involves government enforcers using guns or threatening the use of guns (offensively, not defensively) against otherwise peaceful people. How would you solve that problem?
Lots of ifs and buts there as you are well aware.
What are the government enforces using and waving their guns around for? Do they have good old paperwork to fill out if they upholster their weapon?
Do not the police just hang out when there are shootings and wait til its safe for them?
True,The war on Free press is a problem in America at the moment. Let's hope the country has a true democracy where the vast majority not only votes but find it incredibly easy to do so.

Amazing that My Lai is under reported. Nothing to do with Gov controlling the media and the school curriculum of cause..

My Lai was the one we hear about. Friends from years ago in Cambodia had their parents executed in front of them for the "crime" of being educated. The instability the USA sowed in VietNam / IndoChina helped that to occur.

I think USA imperialism and wars of aggression have alot to do with the indoctrination of government schools and media control.

Without that indoctrination, and media manipulation the soldiers would (should) know that murder is murder and there is no such thing as "collateral damage". It's just murder dressed up in a rationalization.

I'm glad you seem to be against war and senseless murder. That's one reason I don't want governments being the deciding entity on guns, they've been throughout history the most heinous abusers of weapons.
Lots of ifs and buts there as you are well aware.
What are the government enforces using and waving their guns around for? Do they have good old paperwork to fill out if they upholster their weapon?
Do not the police just hang out when there are shootings and wait til its safe for them?

I am no fan of Police, since gun use or the threat of gun use in an offensive manner is how Police are funded. Without that threat, security would be funded by customers who aren't captives and willingly pay for a service from a host of security providers. That's a peaceful solution.

Fuck the Police.
I am no fan of Police, since gun use or the threat of gun use in an offensive manner is how Police are funded. Without that threat, security would be funded by customers who aren't captives and willingly pay for a service from a host of security providers. That's a peaceful solution.

Fuck the Police.
id rather police like majority of services to be public owned. Public owned, public funded, public safeguards. Its also usually cheaper than privatisation and employs more people.

Fk the Poo Poo. Tax collectors for The Man.
Give all the kids guns then if you think more and easily obtainable weapons will solve the issue. We just introduced gun laws, seems easier and judging by the success of every country who has i recon it's a proven winner.

Yes they do use armed guards for moving money and that's why i said money and jewellery to protect them from thieves but you don't have that in the one poll answer. Yes our PM has a small security detail. But we have no armed guards or guards at all in schools, no high fencers and no metal detectors. But we don't have school shootings due to our gun laws. I'm sure sooner or later some copycat will copy a US style shooting but it wont be a daily thing like America due to America's gun culture that Americans don't seem willing to change.

What happens when your armed guard starts shooting children?
Explain how a law prevents anyone at anytime losing their shit? They cant they dont. Try enforcing laws we have. How come after every one its the same thing,”the signs were there but missed or ignored or DAs letting people out time and time again to reoffend. Seems alot of people, citizens or not think its the same everywhere. Try buying one in Massachusetts.
No your totally right. I was conflating the 1911 and the Hi-power that FN finished for Browning after moving to Canada from Germany. The 30 round mags for the 1911 looked ridiculous but they were a thing. Thanks, that does read pretty dumb.

So yeah I was mainly talking about the 1911 and the M1's that could be mail ordered up through the 60's with 30 round and 25 round magazines respectively.

Face it, neither of us knows any details about how guns were purchased 100 years ago…and being fixated on how different it was 100 years ago isn’t doing your ‘argument’ any good at all: that was during Prohibition, when we had Al Capone, Lucky Luciano, and Murder, Inc. - that is, the rise of the Mafia & “organized crime”, and killing sprees that are *still* shocking. Getting guns during THAT doesn’t seem to have been much different then now…just, probably NOT thru the mail.

I mean I would say that's subjective. Weather it's hard today or not. A someone in Manhatten or Chicago might disagree for example. So what I view as empirical is that it's much harder today, than 100 years ago, as you said when you could just mail-order with no restrictions. That is, that every decade since there have been new regulations, no?
I’ll agree that YOUR take on it (the ‘unavailability’ of firearms) is subjective - you’re still stuck on that 100-years-ago idea. There’s an INSANE level of weaponry in public hands today, with there being significantly more than one gun per gun owner, RIGHT NOW, to start with.

Your notion that shootings are going UP be cause weapons are going DOWN makes no sense: shootings are increasing as the number of weapons ON THE STREET increases. Recent SCROTUS rulings have vastly increased the number of places people can carry concealed without license or permit - people who don’t NEED to*get* guns, because they *HAVE* guns. And then there’s OPEN carry - which, like it or not, does not and *has not* reduced violence ANYWHERE. The recent NRA convention in Houston WOULD NOT ALLOW MEMBERS TO OPEN-CARRY on the convention floor. That’s some stone-cold irony right there.

A different view is that more guns in more hands in more situations results in more shootings, more menacing/brandishing charges, more *bodies* - and more general alarm at the prevalence of weapons & the frequency with which they’re used.

It’s really pretty simple: all gun-owners are *law-abiding* gun-owners until they break the law. People who do NOT go armed rarely shoot people…pretty obvious to me, but then, I’m not pining for the fjords of yesteryear, when organized gang violence was BIG NEWS.

If you have any data supporting your idea that ‘as guns get scarce, there are more shootings’, I’d love to see it. I’m sure a lot of people would love to see it.
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[question - what do you do if your armed guards start killing children?]

I don't know honestly. Maybe they can be well paid as incentive? It just seems like Americans are trying to fix a symptom of something and not the thing.
…so…your plan is to pay every armed person a “don’t kill any kids” retainer, in hopes that they’ll take the money instead of killing kids? That’s gonna blow a huge hole in every budget…and do you have ANYTHING to point at that makes you believe that surrounding ourselves with weapon-carriers would mean anything in terms of crime & deaths by shooting?

What about all the weapon-carriers who *aren’t* on retainer? Shall we rely on “Christian charity”?
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Why would i get mad for? My granddaughter goes to school with no high fencers, no metal detectors and no guards. She is growing up without constant fear.
In fact anyone in Australia can walk around without fear of some loony shooting them.

Yes we have more guns now than when we did in 1996 when we introduced gun laws. Think about that for a moment..

We don't have school shootings for the same reason we don't have mass shootings. Gun laws...

America doesn't have to copy Australia's laws, there's every other first world country to also look at. Simply having gun amnesty's, registered firearms and licensed responsable owners in a federal approach will make a big difference. Your children deserve to go to school not prison.

Ah, right on. I opted for private school, no fences and whatnot. What's gun amnesty?
id rather police like majority of services to be public owned. Public owned, public funded, public safeguards. Its also usually cheaper than privatisation and employs more people.

Fk the Poo Poo. Tax collectors for The Man.

I don't think "public owned" is the right word to use, it's the word "they" want people to use, but most government entities are not really owned by the public. For instance, if "we" own the military, how come you or I can't say, "stop killing people half way around the world, and until you do, I ain't paying you" ?

When police or any other government "service" provides a service, they don't get real consumer feedback, since the customer is captive and can't escape paying for a "service" at least some of the individuals in the public never asked for or wanted.

That feature, a captive customer base, doesn't provide the market feedback mechanism that a private service provider gets. If consumers have choices and could walk away from a lousy government service provider, like they can with private business which must compete for your business, the service provider is incentivized to improve or go out of business.

In that sense, the public has more choice and the business arrangements are voluntary versus held together by threats of force...with guns. (which is how so called "public services are paid for).

Glad we agree, on fuck the police though! Useless cowardly parasites enforcing laws, many (most) of which have nothing to do with actual justice.
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Ah, right on. I opted for private school, no fences and whatnot. What's gun amnesty?
I was a Private school boy.
Private or public should have no fencers not sure what fees should have to do with fencers and metal detectors and armed guards.

We have a perminate gun amnesty in my state. Other states have gun amnesty's a couple times a year. Its for people who come across a gun or have a gun that they no longer want. It may be registered or it may not be. The handing in person may have a gun licence or not. They can contact their local police or fire arms dealer and take it in no questions asked.
Explain how a law prevents anyone at anytime losing their shit? They cant they dont. Try enforcing laws we have. How come after every one its the same thing,”the signs were there but missed or ignored or DAs letting people out time and time again to reoffend. Seems alot of people, citizens or not think its the same everywhere. Try buying one in Massachusetts.
People can still lose their shit- but if said person has a violent history then they are not allowed a weapon nor a licence. A real life example: A person i know lost his shit and got violent and the police were involved. The very first thing the police did was confiscate his weapons and suspended his gun license.

People get fined for driving over the speed limit. We don't just remove speed limits because we catch people speeding. We punish them and may even remove their licence and vehicle.
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