White Picket Fence Garden or Odbsmydog's Organic Outdoor 2010!


Well-Known Member
Nice! I am from the bay area in walnut creek. Are those sativa or indica? Big leaves like those make me think indica....


Well-Known Member
Nice! I am from the bay area in walnut creek. Are those sativa or indica? Big leaves like those make me think indica....
They are a f1 hybrid of lavender and satori I made last season. so some are more indica and some are more sativa. stoked to try all the pheno's.

Back home after a long greyhound ride. Will post pics of the garden later, it's looking great after the week I didn't see it, might need to top again.


Well-Known Member
Well I decided to take some pics before I took a nap. Will post some more later of the stalks and what-not. these were taken at like 7 am so it's right in the morning sun. one is of the mushrooms sprouting up from all the myco I gave them before I left and they have been getting watered a lot. one of the tops is a jack herer and the other is the more indica pheno of the sat-lav



Well-Known Member
Alright heres some evening pics. and some good ones of the middle of the plants taken from above. shows the branching and supercropping pretty well. I also put a 5 gallon bucket next to some of the plants so you could get an idea of how big they are getting.



Well-Known Member
Glad to see you made it home, and the garden is looking done.....SO you figure you have a few more weeks before they really start flowering?


Well-Known Member
Glad to see you made it home, and the garden is looking done.....SO you figure you have a few more weeks before they really start flowering?
Oh yeah, I don't think they will start flowering for at least 2 weeks if not a month. but who knows. I've never grown this hybrid before.. That's one of the reasons I feel like I need to stay home and not travel so much even if it's just vegging, cause I'm not really sure what their gonna do..


Well-Known Member
Ok, so since my plants were nearing my fenceline and hadnt even started flowering yet I decided to go give it a little haircut by topping the tallest shoots and super cropping the second tallest, so hopefully the shorter ones will catch up while the taller ones are stunted and I will have a nice hedge of cola's.

I got some good pic's of the process of supercropping including an accidently broken branch and how to easily fix it with tape. also a couply good pics of the topping.

And the paint is almost finished finally, just gotta tape off the metal pieces on the door and paint it. threw in a nice side pic of the pretty paint and some of the gaurd pups.



Well-Known Member
yeah your going to have to start giving them more water more often. they are looking good though, just a little thirsty.
btw have any of yours started budding yet?


Well-Known Member
yeah, i flooded them really good yesterday and now they are looking tip top. I will post pics tomarrow!


Well-Known Member
well, I guess I wasn't able to get those pics up and now that I'm finally back online its too dark to take any. going to warped tour in sacramento tomarrow, will try to post pics in the morning before I leave.


Well-Known Member
nice grow bro. and beautiful dogs, i cant believe u let them in your garden mine are weed munchers and will eat a plant in a second if i turn my back ha. but with the heat i think the sunscreen fabric is prime and still gets good amount of sun just keeping it cool which will help keep growth from stopping when it gets way to hot which in cali it does in some place like where I am from. also its good cover from the sky