White Widow 3 Weeks


Active Member
well sense i moved them outside i have become more paraniod about nights, rodents, and the storms weve been having. but hte plants themselves rae doing great. i do feel that i am alittle behind in how taller they should be but i plan on moving one in a new pot with new soil, and theres miracle grow in the soil already and the bag stated it can keep your plants fed for up to 6 months :mrgreen:. we also took advantage of the storms and collected lots of rain water. i just hope we have a harvest before august, because were moving to another town :cry:. i like the place were im keeping the plants, all sun and its perfect cover from any people. as i said before give tips to help out, i honest tip goes along way.



Well-Known Member
Looking good, looks to have slowed down a bit with the transition to outside. You need to prop that seedling up or it may fall ove as it's rather stretched .GL


Well-Known Member
that plant looks bad at 3 weeks mine is at 1 week and catching up to yours already.... u did something that stunted its growth

mine is 400 wat 18/6


Well-Known Member
looks healthy but a little small for 3 weeks, i'm guessing that the MG soil is causing the growth stunt. Miracle gro has time-released nitrogen that can be too strong for young plants, the best thing you can do is transplant into organic soil and your plants will take right off