White Widow, Stealth, HPS


New Member
IT odes not look like over fertilizing to me..

CC- I would transplant to 3 gallon containers and use a soil that is well known.. like black gold or fox farm....

ok. i didn't think it looked like nute burn.

i got some new soil. i cant go to 3 gal pots but i will upsize.



Well-Known Member
i was thinking nute burn,but i would go with GK he knows a hell of alot more then i.I had that problem but i think my ph was out which coupled with a salt buildup in cold weather locked out the P.but im just trying to figure out things as i go,no matter how many books i read i cant solve the problem so im experimenting right now,as well as haveing what you have i had a wax like builup on my leafs,so i will watch yours good luck.


New Member
i was thinking nute burn,but i would go with GK he knows a hell of alot more then i.I had that problem but i think my ph was out which coupled with a salt buildup in cold weather locked out the P.but im just trying to figure out things as i go,no matter how many books i read i cant solve the problem so im experimenting right now,as well as haveing what you have i had a wax like builup on my leafs,so i will watch yours good luck.
hmm. well, write back when you fiqure out the answer to either issue.


Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
What soil did yo get?

Is there perlite in the soil?

Can you change your water source...? just for a few waterings


New Member
the soil is mirical grow organic. i've always used it with success.

i've added perlite. and the water is reverse osmosis.

i think i've settled on rootbound as the problem. it's time to move on to phase 2 in my grow; free the roots.


New Member
Hey closet. I'm impressed buddy.
I expected you'd be this organized. Nice cabinet.
And I agree that if you are growing healthy thriving plants, you can manipulate them to grow almost anywhere.
I've since some sweome looking bonsai weed plants.
Very condense smaller plants.
Nice job closet.:mrgreen::peace:
hey all. i've got the plant size ideas all worked out in my head. my last grow in the single cab next to this one gave me some experience so i know what these plants are capable of. (see my previous grow in my sig)

this will be a lesson in LST by the time this grow is over. i intend to wrap these girls spirally and train them well as my blooming bitches! :twisted:

marijuana is a great plant. she can take what i'm about to give her. plus, just wait and see...one lucky girl in here is going to get a shallow water culture base. i'm gonna push these girls all the way!


New Member
thanks, lace.

just wait for a posts in a couple of day. made some great upgrades to the system. going hydro-organic. a new hybrid system.

coming soon...


New Member
Introducing the CC Hydro-Organic Small Water Culture system:

A hybrid system combining organic soil with hydroponic growth.

3 weeks old - letting them get root bound:

While they are growing the roots I want, I begin their LST training.

Finally, when they begin to show signs of root bound, it is time to move to Phase II - Transfer to hydroponics.

Final step: cover reservior with black plastic to protect the roots:

To me, this is the perfect system. All the benefits of organic soil combined with the growth capabilities of hydroponics but without the PH mess.

To see a full explaination of this grow system, please visit this thread:

Peace :joint: :peace:


Active Member

Did you ever nail down the cause for the yellow leaf/brown spot problem. I ask because many of the leaves on the plants in my current grow look absolutely *identical* to your photographs.

I'm also growing White Widow (f2s from Heaven's Stairway bought about 5 years ago). I'm growing in a DWC bubbler system with pH ranging from 5.7 -6.0. Nutes (in distilled water with weekly water changes) were initially at 600-700. I thought it might be nutrient burn but I've backed them down to 450-500 ppm but I still have the problem (plants are about 10 inches high with 9-10 internodes). Temps run at a daytime high of mid 80s to a night-time low of high 60s.

I have four plants in a 8 gallon reservoir - each plant exhibits the problem. In addition to (or maybe because of) the leaf problems, the rate of growth for these plants is also way slower than my previous Blueberry and C99 grows.

My nutes (dynagrow) are also about 5 years old. I wonder if things may have degraded with age.


New Member
quick update:

I am 2 weeks into flower and had unpresidented success. I wittled down to 9 of my best plants from 20 seedlings. I got 8 out of 9 females! Amazing! What bitter-sweet success, actually... Because I only have room for 5 plants. Which means 3 ladies are getting the ax!

I never liked killing little girls. But at least I get to select the best plants from my stock. Sticky, White Widow buds are on the way!


New Member
5 strong girls out of 20 seedlings. I intentionally over germinated to cherry pick the best girls and I believe I have.

The small water cuture idea is a very good one. But I needed more experience in the hybrid system. The majority of plant roots failed to
grow thru the rockwool bottom and into the water. But one did. And she is my fastest growing, fastest flowering, thickest stemmed plant.

Hard to tell because the container is makeshift, but I can tell she will serve me well.

The other four plants I re-potted into good ol' safe, organic soil. They're doing great and I expect a good yeild from each.

From these last pics, you can really see the LST at work. I have only 20 inches of hieght to work with and about 8 inches is the pot. I have to
train these bitches good. But they dont seem to mind. And even with all the 'stress' of LST, I still have 8 out of 9 female count.:hump:

From what I've read, I believeI can expect a 1/3 greater yeild from the one hydro/organic hybrid system I have. If it is true, I will continue to
grow hybrid now that I have some experience with the details.

Wish me luck...:joint:


New Member
thank you. :-)

when you LST heavily, each node has a chance to grow into a mini branch. i myself am curious as to the size of the final cola on each of these mini colas, if i've done it right.


New Member
My camera is not that great for foliage. But this is the latest at 5 weeks into flower. We've got nice frosting. :blsmoke:

3 to 4 weeks left, I suppose. Can't wait.


Well-Known Member
wow awesome, how much room is left for vertical growth. i suppose its getting tight in your space. great job.


New Member
yeah, its tight. but all buds are within 8 to 14 inches away from the bulb so lumens are high. i'm waiting for these girls to fatten up in the next few weeks.