WhiteWidow, First Grow


Well-Known Member
when is the best time (as in clock time 00:00) to repot the weed plant? usually id do this around mid-day, though some plants are abit different. as im going to repot now into their final pots.

Can the plant take abit of a kickin, or is it sensitive?
I got 5x 30cm pots today. Was the biggest pots they had. Thats whats crap about local stores as varitey is very limited. What id do for a store that sells Perlite/vermiculte, good ferts, big pots, good variety of soil, lime, i could go on and on lol...

Plants are doing okish, though the bottom 3fingered leaves are starting togo yellow and limp but rest of plant is doing fine. Ive now switched to a mister for watering as soil was getting abit compacted, couldnt push my finger down an inch to test moisture in soil.


Well-Known Member
I cant answer your questions as well as others because I grow hydro, but I can relate with you on the leaves problem. I just put these BB's under this 600 hps and I have been watering 3x a day and the leaves started drooping. The temps hover around 76f with the light on, so I figured it was overwatering. I changed it to 2x a day so hopefully they perk up.



Well-Known Member
thanks for reply guys...

Johnnyblunt; my temp is around the same as yours to, but it can jump to 80F. I dont think my bottom leaves will recover as theve yellowed now. They havbe perked up abit today. Hope ur plants perk up too....

Greenthumb: yea ill be repotting tomorrow as plants seem to be perking up and dont want to stress em out too much. so ill yet them have a wee rest for another 24-48hours then i put them in there final big pots.

Few pics: this one, u see the bottom leave has totaly wilted

Look good from the top (these pix took yesterday)


Well-Known Member
I noticed you havent pruned any of your plants. Your still vegging so its not too late. Ive pruned off bottom branches which resulted in faster growth for the top branches. Your plants look good but you should look into it.


Well-Known Member
thanks for your info johnnyblunt:

I did wonder about pruning the bottom branches but i didnt want to shock them over more at the moment. So do i just remove the bottom branches, or do i do 2 or 3 stems?? I did wonder aswell about pruning the top of the plant to encourage 2or3 more tops?? is this correct? i hear so many things that its hard to take it all in and put into practice.

I will add pix tomorrow of the plants in their new pots. They def look better.

thanks again mate.


Well-Known Member
Ill give you my opinion once your new pics come out, but as for those bottom leaves cut them now. Since there already dying, it wont effect the plant as much as cutting off green, lush leaves would. When you top a plant cut just the new set of leaves once there developed, and the 2 internodes left will take off. I read in someones post that if you cut the top at a certain point, more tops will develop but Ive yet to try it.


Active Member
Ahh, I haven't checked back in for a while since my grow went south, but it's great to see how well you're doing. It's also frustrating to know that my plants would have been around the same size had I not had to chop them.



Well-Known Member
hi guys, thanks for the replies.

Yea sorry to hear pntbalking, that was a dam shame :( I had to throw 2 out (well gave to a freind with 2 cfls), so i can only do 3 outta the 5, which is a shame. ;)

Johnnyblunt, some pix for u mate...for everyone really



Well-Known Member
looking green, cant see any yellow so doing real well. Does your light go up any higher. Looks like you have about 3 feet of vertical space which is the same as I got. When are you planning on flowering.


Well-Known Member
nice..what happened to the bottom fan leaves? did ya prune them off?
Hi spittn4cash, no havent done it yet mate. wouldnt mind taken one for a cuttin, but i wont get a propagator till tmrrow. i could do with rooting hormone.

looking green, cant see any yellow so doing real well. Does your light go up any higher. Looks like you have about 3 feet of vertical space which is the same as I got. When are you planning on flowering.06-22-2007 06:28 PM
I plan on flowering within next week or 2. funny u should mention yellow lol a leave at bottom again is turning yellow, only 1 plant though. not major. ill post a pic when i get a chance.

hey check out my new pics mate there awesome got her out for some trophy shots really happy=)
ive already looked buddie ;) awesome, thats all i can say


Well-Known Member
hi guys, heres a few pics from today; 25th june

This is plant three, if u look closely at the tip of this plant, youll see it has 3 flowers appearing at once unlikt the normal 2.



Well-Known Member
man those plants couldnt look happier! the leaves are nice and straight with no signs of burns, overwatering, or insects. Ur doing a great job man, keep it up


Well-Known Member
thx spittn4cash, its comments like that which give u a boost ;) cheers bud!

when i said 3 flowers, i ment 3 leaves. at the tip of nthe plant, 3 leaves are appearing at once, rather than 2. is this normal?

More vids and video for 26thjune 07 YouTube - 26june 07 video



Well-Known Member
female, female lol i have one female. I forgot to switch the dam plug on this morning so it has had 12hrs kip. Ive just checked them and one of them has 2 small white hairs coming from stem of plant, where new sprout appears.
Now, should i start for flowering now? as i dont want to revert back to veg stage?? any advice appreciated.

PS got a loan of my mates 10mp camera, so some good pics posted later ;)


Well-Known Member
Even without the new found hairs, I would start flowering anyway. Do you have a pic of your headspace. If you dont have much space, you might want to top some of the plants before you start the 12/12 cycle, but it looks like they should all fit. Nice lookin plants.