Who Believes This Is Possible?...


Well-Known Member
I was thinking that If one day our world was going to end, we knew when, lets say for arguments sake we were going to be hit by a comet. I'm sure the higher powered people on this planet would try to save themselves, save people, so that we could keep our civilization alive. Even, if it was to be for a short period of time, since we have not found a planet that can sustain life such as ours we could inhabit.

WHAT IF, this has happened before, although, it wasn't Earth. It was another planet with another intelligent civilization (I'd say human, but evolution may say otherwise). Lets say their planet was coming to an end, and they had the technology to save their civilization by transporting 2 people (adam and eve?) here. Who knows what happened to the other civilization, might not even ended? I'm just saying. What if, that;s how we got here.
Maybe that's why we're so different to other species on this planet.

This is not a religious theory, whether God exists or does not. This is just a theory I have considered "possible". Unless someone can shut me down:-?



Well it is possible.


That is the slightly more technical broader theory that life may not have originated on this planet.

Although I think it is interesting I think we nearly have how life originated here figured out. Always something to consider though.


New Member
as one of many random mechanisms for spreading genetic information, DNA or not.


Ha! Gotta Love Goobers!

Humansity can now make custom life

ITs scary that these guys are willing to be designers.

Against the law or not, custom designed lifeforms are here.




Well-Known Member
Well, if it happened on this planet then Adam and Eve would have been single celled organisms, or a species that became an evolutionary dead end (at least as far as the modern genome pool is concerned).
Human lineage certainly goes back far beyond the first proto-humans.

For an off-world species to have similar genetics to those already living here, the odds would be infinitesimal. For said species to have the codon positioning, chromosomal variations, junk DNA, and transcription errors of a terrestrial species the odds against would be so great as to approach infinity.


Well-Known Member
Well, if it happened on this planet then Adam and Eve would have been single celled organisms, or a species that became an evolutionary dead end (at least as far as the modern genome pool is concerned).
Human lineage certainly goes back far beyond the first proto-humans.

For an off-world species to have similar genetics to those already living here, the odds would be infinitesimal. For said species to have the codon positioning, chromosomal variations, junk DNA, and transcription errors of a terrestrial species the odds against would be so great as to approach infinity.

An unlikely birthplace by all what modern science has proven, but scientific study can only be based on the initial idea of what assumptions are held at the time. Many people believe in Panspermia or variations of this and it's an awe inspiring and 'possible' thought (I remind you that nothing is impossible :) ). In the Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy, the "useless" third of the Human Golgafrinchan society (the telephone sanitizers, hairdressers etc) are the ones who populate Earth, replacing the caveman (by this, I assume Neandertals) which is a funny twist on extra-terrestrial beginnings.

morgentaler - As far as I remember, Panspermia claims a "Seed Of Life", which in my view is that very single celled organism, perhaps spawning life on not just our planet, therefore giving all life in the Universe the same beginning. Symians are advanced, but their body shapes are 'simple', efficient and perhaps obvious in stature for a smart creature, providing effective arboreal and terrestrial coverage. Any planet with trees (....), providing it has the basic mammalian predecessors would contain typically primate life.

Also currently, all life that we know is carbon based and the only planet that can support life is Earth, further reinforcing the idea that a distant super earth would contain similar genetics and a similar atmosphere. Depending on its nearest stars distance (which would have to be close to identical of us to the Sun), most flora, fauna etc would adapt to similar lifestyles and physical appearance.

It's possible, but I still belive Hominins and our ancestral species evolved here on Earth. You SHOULD write a story, I'm attempting one at the minute.


New Member
For an off-world species to have similar genetics to those already living here, the odds would be infinitesimal. For said species to have the codon positioning, chromosomal variations, junk DNA, and transcription errors of a terrestrial species the odds against would be so great as to approach infinity.
Never say Never.






Well-Known Member
morgentaler - As far as I remember, Panspermia claims a "Seed Of Life", which in my view is that very single celled organism, perhaps spawning life on not just our planet, therefore giving all life in the Universe the same beginning.
Yup, that's what I was getting at. If he/she wants to consider an off-world seed, they'll need to go far back beyond the appearance of humanity to the very first organisms simply from the gene lines and the progressive phenotypes that go back beyond what we can extract DNA from.

Also currently, all life that we know is carbon based and the only planet that can support life is Earth, further reinforcing the idea that a distant super earth would contain similar genetics and a similar atmosphere. Depending on its nearest stars distance (which would have to be close to identical of us to the Sun), most flora, fauna etc would adapt to similar lifestyles and physical appearance.
I wouldn't exactly say that the only planet that can support life is earth, since we know that water is present on a few other planetary bodies in the system. We simply don't have the means of detecting life if it's present yet.
Plus the narrow "goldilocks zone" that gets thrown around by Terra-centric people is much wider than the claimed 1% (7-10% just for us). Since we now know that life can exist at volcanic vents (extremophilic bacteria), the possibility of life existing in a much wider zone on another planetary body is higher then we've ever previously considered.
Our ecosystem is based around the oxygenated atmosphere created by those early sea-dwelling single celled organisms, and they just happened to poison the existing ecosystem with that noxious oxygen, so we might see substantial variance from earth elsewhere. In the same way that Australia differed so much in creatures from other continents.
I imagine we'll find creatures that are as amazing to us as the tubeworms and anglers of the deep ocean on Europa or another moon eventually :)

It's possible, but I still belive Hominins and our ancestral species evolved here on Earth. You SHOULD write a story, I'm attempting one at the minute.
Ditto :) And I'm working on a few screenplays at the moment. Coming soon to a theatre near you... (hopefully) :)


Well-Known Member
Ok so its a nice thought but in what futuristic travel did they arrive in and why where all the B.C. civilisations such as the caveman genre only just capable of fire, not rockets etc, also would Adam n Eve looked like apes? and how do you explain multi-nationalities... it is a head fuck and I don't have the answer I believe in science not a shitty book but even science chokes at some point in early evolution, I still wanna know whats the point of being born, living, learning, loveing, familly emotions and memory when oneday its all taken from you with nothing but dust left behind? whats THE FUCKING POINT???? now I am alive I don't want to die ..EVER!!! The thought of leaving my familly, daughter, and day to day way of life sucks! but back to the point!... the chances are our plannet will be hit by something theres to much crap in space and the immence power it would hit us at would kill ever human and the only things that could survive a cockroaches and bugs possible birds the fragments of planet Earth would spin off and could possible form a few smaller plannets if oxegen water and light from the sun were still available wether they smaller planet Earth particals would still orbit the/our sun i dont know and failing that the meteor or what ever could just strike at a crazy speed and force and just turn our planet and everything on it to dust, but try not to think about it to much or you'll go mental, and really loose it! just enjoy your fix wether its life n travel, beer n chips or a joint and some good company, enjoy life for now cos any day could be our last - STELTHY


Well-Known Member
i dont think it is possible that life was brought to earth. i believe that there is other life on other planets though.......but...... if the intelligent beings were so intelligent to bring life millions of light years away, i think that they would have been smart enough to write it down and make written history immediately. every1 would know how we got here then. not unless the thousands, that came, all of differnt color 2 of each color, had small babies around the same age, and the parents taught them absolutely nothing, including how to speak and just watched them and let them do what they wanted, and did absolutely nothing to help them what-so-ever and let them get older and make their own writen history, then when they got old enough to take care of themselves and the babies were speaking a language the parents just couldn't understand they died or left the planet. maybe that was the plan when they brought their babies. that's engenious. they were pretty intellegent.


Well-Known Member
Most likely the live on earth arrived in this world by a meteor or a asteroid not aliens although the live in earth as very diferent types of organism we all come from the same single cell organism we all share genetic markers that proves that. And although we cant prove it we weren't brought here by aliens you have to remember that to travel here from another planet will take years even iff you travel at the speed of light wich then you would have to count for relativity.


Well-Known Member
Most likely the live on earth arrived in this world by a meteor or a asteroid not aliens although the live in earth as very diferent types of organism we all come from the same single cell organism we all share genetic markers that proves that. And although we cant prove it we weren't brought here by aliens you have to remember that to travel here from another planet will take years even iff you travel at the speed of light wich then you would have to count for relativity.
This is breaking news to me, early organicmeteorite:
The best is at the bottom of the page. This is a possible pre sun rock wth a variety of organic chemicals, hitting in 69, never know, maybe a marker of the hope for change around that time. :-? I guess this could back up theories of how life arrived/ began here, which may answer alot.


Well-Known Member
when a star explodes, it leaves a gigantic nebula(dust cloud in space). nebulas are created from all the settled debree that the star did contained. gravity is always present on anything that has weight. when the dust settles, the debree is a lot more dense within the center of the nebula. as gravity pulls the elements in the center of the nebula towards each other, there is a great deal of friction. with friction comes lightning. lightning plays a tremendous roll of the creation of new elements from the very basic(hydrogen and helium). when lightning strikes within the nebula it shatters all the elements that it hits, dispersing them into single electrons protons and neutrons. these loose protons nuetrons, and electrons soon bond with other hydrogen atoms. a hydrogen atom contains one proton and one electron, a positively charged hydrogen ION in just one proton, and a negitively charged hydrogen ion has one proton and two electrons. the actual hydrogen atom(one proton and one electron) will bond with a loose neutron creating a hydrogen isotope. isotope is defined as any atom with a different number of neutrons than it would have if it were the actual atom.(hydrogen atom=1 proton and one electron. +charge hydrogen ion= one proton. -charged hydrogen ion=one proton and two electrons. hydrogen isotope=1 proton, one nuetron and one electron). two hydrogen isotopes will bond together to form helium(2 protons, 2 neutrons, and 2 electron) stars burn by nuclear fusion. a star is made of mostly hydrogen and helium, the two lightest elements, located in the first two positions on the periodic table of elements.
a star burns by nuclear fusion. nuclear fusion occurs when two atoms collide with each other. when they collide with each other, it acts in the same way as when lightning strikes an atom. the two atoms become positively charged when they collide creating energy. think of two cars colliding, there will be debree that flies off in different directions and the total mass of both cars put together after crashing is actually less than what the mass would be if the two cars' total mass was calculated before they crashed. the lost debree from the atoms will soon bond with other atoms to create isotopes and isotopes will bond with each other to creat other atoms.
trillions of years ago, there was a tremendously large star that was created by the big bang. that particular star had used nuclear fusion so much that within the core of that star, the gaseous isotopes combined so much that they created a mantle that no longer was gas. while the actual core of the sun remained gaseous to continue nuclear fusion. the weight of the iron mantle grew so large that the gaseous core of that star could no longer support it. resulting in a small scale explosion compared to the big bang. the nebula was so large that it created millions of smaller stars and they created the milkey way.
stars continued to pull more and more of the gas out of the nebula, leaving the solid mater, which is less affected by gravity in space. gas can be pulled from farther away, to a heavier source than a solid object would be. the solid matter then began to collide and make the planets around the stars, and were held in place by the star's gravity that they orbitted. as these small bodies of solid matter collided, they too would cause a lot of friction. as they collided they bonded each other in a type of planetary nuclear fusion. the core of the objects, which are much hotter than the outter layers were spilled to the top as they collided. the molting lava would soon break down the metal atoms and release the gas elements by breaking away many isotopes from the metalic atoms. as these gasses were release they soon bonded to create the gasses that we now know. many of such gasses would soon start floating freely in the above space outside of the cosmic body to bond with any other proton electron or nuetron that they were pulled to. soon these gaseous elements were causing friction within our atmosphere, creating lightning to start the process all over again. the lightning would disipate many of the atoms completely but some survived being half destroyed and over millions of years of degeneration and reproduction, the first forms of oxygen were created in a form of ozone. the ozone atoms and isotopes were then broken down to bond with hydrogen, creating clean fresh water that rained down on earth to cool it. millions of years later water would prove to successfully create single celled life forms around the vents of lava spewing out of the core into the seas that the rain caused. soon after oxygen was created carbon di-oxygen was formed, from the waters sprang many carbon dioxygen consuming plants and reefs, which were able to create oxygen thousands of times faster than nuclear degeneration.
meanwhile on the high lands, where lava spewed above the seas. gasses from the lava vents spewed into the sky. life was also being created there by heat. millions of oxygen and heat consuming single celled microbial life,not suitable for water were being formed. while the atmosphere began to fill with rain, friction started to brew. lightning once again would be as necessary to life as water. lightning can break down nitrogen, phosperous, potassium, carbon and any other element necessary to life. lightning breaks these elements down and turns them into peptides and amino acids that the single celled microbial life could bond with and creat double celled life that continuously multiplied and reproduced to creat larger life forms and within the smallest cells dna would soon follow. Soon, these amino acids and peptides would find there way to the seas, and the single celled life forms in the water would also become multicelled organism.
knowing that stars explode every year, and have for millions of years, knowing what processes go on here, we should also consider that millions of lightyears away the same thing is happening. why wouldn't there be life on other planets?


Well-Known Member
Most likely the live on earth arrived in this world by a meteor or a asteroid .
wrong, if an asteroid hit earth all life will be discentegrated immediately, even the life on the commet meteor itself. Earth made all of its life by creating heat and lightning to break down elements that are necessary for life, life is created over millions of years not soon after a commet hits..
This is breaking news to me, early organicmeteorite:
The best is at the bottom of the page. This is a possible pre sun rock wth a variety of organic chemicals, hitting in 69, never know, maybe a marker of the hope for change around that time. :-? I guess this could back up theories of how life arrived/ began here, which may answer alot.
sure commets also hold the ingredients for life as well. they are simply the discentegrated parts of the planets as they crashed together. all of the solid mater in the universe already contains the proper ingredients for life from the stars that exploded. but commets dont have the moulting center that the earth does to creat multi-celled organisms.
the nebula after a star explodes has everything to creat life and when commets and planets form they too have all the ingredients(all the elements that the stars provide when they explode) to make their own type of life. everything is made up of some kind of element which can be broken down into isotopes that can be broken down even farther to create gas and other elements through nuclear degeneration by lava and lightning or other high intensity heat. that is why lava spews out gas from the vents it comes from along with the solid matter that it came from. because the iron core contained everything the stars did until it burns the gasses out of the moulting core