Maravillosa, I might have this wrong but thought I read that you posted someone was sensitive or allergic to THC? I was just wondering how so? Since quiting smoking and then coming back to it myself, I'm pretty sensitive to it now as well. Just curious, not trying to pry into your business. Sorry if so.
This might be a long read. Is it possible that the cannabis you're using now is more potent than it used to be? There are some strains out there that have almost no CBD, and if the plant material is older, thru the curing process it'll be higher in CBN & also THC, because the acid chain is unstable, it breaks away and will vent as cO2. So, THC-A becomes THC, and makes a more potent joint.
I was referring to concentrates; a medicinal dose of decarboxylated oil, taken orally. has at least 10 times the amount of THC one would consume through the combustion route of administration. If one does not slowly adjust and move their doses up in increments, there can be serious physical and psychological side effects. My mom experienced constricted blood vessels in her legs, and very cold feet. Cannabidiol behaves like an antidote, and stops the psycho activity without reducing the amount of THC in the blood stream. A very good reason to have some high CBD grass on hand!
The high CBD California strain, AC/DC is known to perform medical miracles, and I believe Bodhi breeds with this plant. It's name is an abbreviation for Alternative Cannabinoid Dietary Cannabis. A lot of patients juice the raw flowers from this and high THC strains. There seems to be some disagreement, or debate between the awesome SoCal Dr. Frankel and the equally awesome NorCal Dr. William Courtney, as to the benefits of consuming the two main cannabinoids with their acid chains in tact. The beauty of juicing fresh flowers is the lack of any psycho activity, the cannabinoids are in the form of fatty omega acids, and there's no degradation of the terpenoids. If I lived in Cali, or CO, I would have lawful access to both, and I'd help my mother experiment with juices and tinctures. In fact, this thread has taken me on a journey, and has helped me psychologically to move in a completely new and unexpected direction. So, I've decided that someday, when my duties are finished here, I want to relocate to a new place where I can be of assistance helping frightened cancer patients. There are a lot of pitfalls and stumbling stones that hedge up the paths of uninformed patients; they are often preyed upon by sociopaths disguised as oncologists. Hind sight is 20/20, and the things I've personally witnessed, and the wealth of knowledge I've acquired can be a blessing and a great comfort to someone recently diagnosed, or a patient that's been jumping the cancer hurdles. Learn how to protect yourself from this horrible disease! This is a great video.