Who is Bodhi, Where is Home?

Maravillosa, I might have this wrong but thought I read that you posted someone was sensitive or allergic to THC? I was just wondering how so? Since quiting smoking and then coming back to it myself, I'm pretty sensitive to it now as well. Just curious, not trying to pry into your business. Sorry if so.

This might be a long read. Is it possible that the cannabis you're using now is more potent than it used to be? There are some strains out there that have almost no CBD, and if the plant material is older, thru the curing process it'll be higher in CBN & also THC, because the acid chain is unstable, it breaks away and will vent as cO2. So, THC-A becomes THC, and makes a more potent joint.

I was referring to concentrates; a medicinal dose of decarboxylated oil, taken orally. has at least 10 times the amount of THC one would consume through the combustion route of administration. If one does not slowly adjust and move their doses up in increments, there can be serious physical and psychological side effects. My mom experienced constricted blood vessels in her legs, and very cold feet. Cannabidiol behaves like an antidote, and stops the psycho activity without reducing the amount of THC in the blood stream. A very good reason to have some high CBD grass on hand!

The high CBD California strain, AC/DC is known to perform medical miracles, and I believe Bodhi breeds with this plant. It's name is an abbreviation for Alternative Cannabinoid Dietary Cannabis. A lot of patients juice the raw flowers from this and high THC strains. There seems to be some disagreement, or debate between the awesome SoCal Dr. Frankel and the equally awesome NorCal Dr. William Courtney, as to the benefits of consuming the two main cannabinoids with their acid chains in tact. The beauty of juicing fresh flowers is the lack of any psycho activity, the cannabinoids are in the form of fatty omega acids, and there's no degradation of the terpenoids. If I lived in Cali, or CO, I would have lawful access to both, and I'd help my mother experiment with juices and tinctures. In fact, this thread has taken me on a journey, and has helped me psychologically to move in a completely new and unexpected direction. So, I've decided that someday, when my duties are finished here, I want to relocate to a new place where I can be of assistance helping frightened cancer patients. There are a lot of pitfalls and stumbling stones that hedge up the paths of uninformed patients; they are often preyed upon by sociopaths disguised as oncologists. Hind sight is 20/20, and the things I've personally witnessed, and the wealth of knowledge I've acquired can be a blessing and a great comfort to someone recently diagnosed, or a patient that's been jumping the cancer hurdles. Learn how to protect yourself from this horrible disease! This is a great video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DchOfBeDypg
Hey bud. Late night and just waking up here. I'm not going to lie but ^^^ all that is over my head right now. lol I'll definitely come back to it and soak up its knowledge, appreciate you posting it, have a good one.
Hey bud. Late night and just waking up here. I'm not going to lie but ^^^ all that is over my head right now. lol I'll definitely come back to it and soak up its knowledge, appreciate you posting it, have a good one.

I also quit using for a long time, I quit smoking cigarettes over a decade ago, and I remember my last joint in 01 was Mexican shit brick that gave me a panic attack. I used to ponder those huge fields of schwag and all the effort required to smuggle it here; it never made sense to waste so many resources on garbage. I hope American growers will take control of the market thru quality products.

When I get my hands on some real high quality CBD meds, I will be freely sharing genetics
Wow, a lot of hate directed towards a man who doesn't deserve it. Bodhi is probably one of the top breeders around right now, and besides, most people smoke weed just to get high, no medical reasons. Because of this, most breeders are catering to that side of the industry. There are some who do it strictly for medical reason, but it's still a business and profit is not a dirty word. I mean, you do want good breeders to be able to sustain themselves to keep doing this right? Or maybe they should do all this work for free and go get a 9-5 to pay the bills?
Look at the number of seed breeders selling the same high THC based product, the same genetics, and calling them by different names. There's so many new seed companies that have to be the old guys using this marketing strategy to dupe their customers into buying the same shit with a different name. I would dare to say that 95% of the shit being sold at the tude is bred & grown by a small number of clowns duping the public. SoCal's Dr. Allan Frankel has a report on some interesting test results, and based on the terpenes of a few rare CBD strains, he found they're the same strain being sold under different names. So, if the names and the marketing of rare CBD strains that dying patients need so desperately are being disguised to dupe the customer, how much more are people being screwed by breeders with their THC gear? After dealing with oncologists that have sold their souls for money, I see others everywhere doing the same thing. It's not about wanting something for free, money isn't the issue, it's about the availability of real medicine instead of a million strains that do only one thing. All liquor gets you drunk, and all modern pot gets you stoned. Where's the 20:1 and 24:1 high CBD gear? Why are people needlessly suffering and dying? Wait til it hits your family, 1 in 3, and some say 1 in 2 will now get cancer in their lifetime. I believe in karma, what you send out comes back to you again. Why is proliferating psycho-activity more important than saving lives?
Stick with real breeders Mr. Nice gives discounts to med patients not sure about the CBD lines he has but you can e-mail Simone that runs the auction at mrnice.nl they are all supposed too breed true for high CBD and all different lines only one regular seed version so far I'm thinking either that Sweet and Sour Widow or Cannatonic is what the pollen chuckers are using maybe the z7 or 8 they sell at MNS. Most the seed industry is all about money fuck the plant fuck the customers most won't even replace old non germinating seeds even the rich ass Greenhouse and they get a lot of non germinating seeds. Most don't actually breed they just purchase a clone/s spray some chemicals on it and sell I don't usually buy fems for that reason as I want to do a little breeding I'm going too hit the sweet and sour widow with a few males from a normal line so I have some CBD just not the 1:1 my mom has MS it does work but she likes the high THC better so I figure maybe if it just had some CBD it should be better.
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I also quit using for a long time, I quit smoking cigarettes over a decade ago, and I remember my last joint in 01 was Mexican shit brick that gave me a panic attack. I used to ponder those huge fields of schwag and all the effort required to smuggle it here; it never made sense to waste so many resources on garbage. I hope American growers will take control of the market thru quality products.

When I get my hands on some real high quality CBD meds, I will be freely sharing genetics

I have some news for you... Breeders are working hard on it, but fact is even the best CBD rich types test only 4/10 as CBD rich phenotypes. Then you don't know if it is going to be a male. So you get your high CBD pheno, then cross it out to something else to share the genetics, only around 4 out of every 10 seeds will be like that, 6 if you are immensely lucky.

Please, PLEASE, go past the breeding section and learn how this works! Even with the best high CBD types, there is work for you to do in selection!! Don't plant one seed, get two packs and choose the best!

That is what a good caretaker will do, and why he will be worth every cent.

You have to work hard from your side too!

Screw the law. It is a plant. Help your mum.
Has anyone ever found Bodhi's personal seed bank website? Ever consider why there's little to no information regarding this breeder? Most successful breeders/seed banks of this magnitude have nice websites, that is, most except Bodhi. I stumbled across some info a few years ago about an unnamed seed trekker that was mentioned in an article. It seems he gathered seed from the different altitudes of the Annapurna range in the Himalayas. The person being interviewed had worked on Wall Street and quit to start a seed company in Colorado. I found it curious when the Bodhi Nepali Watermelon Hashplant, an Annapurna Landrace, and only 4-5 other strains were first being offered on the Attitude's site. I found it curious because I knew Nepali genetics wasn't a Bodhi thing, but the Colorado breeder's genetic mainstay.

Ever wonder why there's no photos of Bodhi's high CBD strains, or why they're always sold out? With the advent of information about CBD, kids being cured of rare forms of epilepsy, and families moving to CO so their kids can have access to cannabis, plus the facts concerning Cannabidiol's ability to stop the metastasis of super aggressive breast cancer, is it fair to ask why Bodhi doesn't have a unlimited supply of seeds of their high CBD strains? Does anyone else smell a rat? Maybe you need several family members to first die of cancer before you wake up and smell the rat too. I firmly believe Centennial seeds is also the owner and breeder of Bodhi seeds. Considering the Federal legalities involved with Americans selling seed internationally, how far can an ex Wall Street man be trusted to do the right thing? Here's an analogy that will give you some insight of how corporate elitists think and behave.

Diamonds have been proven to be intrinsically worthless, but the De Beers family has a monopoly on global diamond mining, and they artificially control supply and demand of a worthless product to keep prices high. Moreover, they started global propaganda, deceiving both men and women into believing an engagement ring is both necessary, and should cost three months wages. Look how the sheeple fell for this bullshit, and still do. How many of you would look like an asshole if you gave your beloved a box of candy and a card asking for her hand? That's how our ancestors did it before the aristocracy taught/deceived us into paying them to get married. Tennessee is working on a medical bill that will allow concentrates; I wonder who'll be making these? Without the valuable Terpenes, which are easily lost if great care isn't taken, concentrates will only provide little medicinal benefit to cancer victims. What's being considered first, the $30,000 doses of chemo, or the patient's recovery? I can tell you from my personal dealings with sneaky ass big pharma elitists, and anyone making a lot of money selling weed and seed, they're cowards and don't give a shit about anyone but themselves.

Anyone selling the amount of high dollar product that Centennial, Bodhi and countless others are selling should have a special website for cancer and victims of other diseases to get discounted, or even free seeds. I have spoken to many pollen chuckers that would love to do this, but 1% of the nation's people control 99% of the money, so we have to rely on the wealthy to help us out. Isn't that a joke? Considering the wealth of information available on cannabis as a medicine, and the ridiculous amount of money being charged for a $5 pack of seeds, it seems they all want us to remain stupid and high, not healthy and well. Everyone growing should be making seeds from all the breeder's strains and giving them away. Except for the old school breeders like dj short, who literally risked life, liberty and happiness to bring the new hybrids to the modern world, who has really earned the world's respect? Did Bodhi ever run from the cops in the middle of the night to bring you his strains? No, he was sipping wine while selling $5 packs for $85.

Forgive me if I offended you, 28 months of visiting cancer clinics will wake YOU UP!
I definitely sorry 2 hear about your illness, however I can't help but feel like this was some what of a personal attack. Why do you need additional website info? If you Google you can find tons of info via Bodhi or people who has ran his gear. I don't know the cat personally but I can say his gear is 1st class & speaks for itself. His prices are a steal for what you would get. I see a lot of breeders charge $100+ for 6 fems or only 10 regs & the majority of the breeder's don't have ANY cbd rich strains. So I think you're way off on the $5 a pack pricing though. Tylenol cost more tha that... What about electricity? Food? Trial & error? Energy? Supplies? Time etc? All the other things that go along with creating these strains.

I personally have bred a Harlequin like strain with about 2:1 or 5:2 cbd ratio & it helps treat tumors & pain. It took me a while to reach this point it wasn't just pollen chucking! So who better than the man/woman doing the work to price it?

Who cares if Bodhi came from wall street or if he has a personal website. As long as he keeps pumping out quality I say let the man do his thang!
Why in the hell would you guys bump this idiot's thread?

I would be willing to bet if OP had a pheno of Charlotte's Web he would grow it and sell the shit out of it.
The funny thing is, this thread is shitting on breeders who don't have a nice fancy website but also shitting on people for charging money for their time, energy, and product.

Get real, breed your own seeds and stop whining.

Let the seed companies focus on what they do and you focus on what you do.
Super real post......for real.

It's like 75% less stressful,thinking this way.
cant go wrong with bodhis gear. its always been 100% for me and to this day his black triangle is my most favorite strain behing the tranquel elephantizer remix and dank sinatra. he is doing it all for the right reasons and sends love and good vibes in every pack of seeds.
I chose to try Bodhi seeds because first, his descriptions lit me up and made me smile, and the overwhelming positive ongoing reviews, testing, and reports on this forum and others. He also breeds with interesting lines..I'm new to all this, and have been blessed to have such good consistent results with most of my seeds. The 1female Prayer Tower I was able to take to completion is still one of my top 3 favs, and I only grew one plant. That tells me Bodhi produces awesome genetics, or I'm extraordinarily lucky. I don't much believe in luck. Anyway, Maravilloso, it's pretty easy to find fully legal, standardized CBD oil and whole plant extracts online. They're not cheap, but they work in my experience, no reference to cancer etc. The items I found were made from industrial Canadian hemp, naturally high in CBD, and were decarboxylated, easy to eat, and legal in all 50 states. Just FWIW, if it's easy to find something high THC, you can supplement the CBD you require in ways that don't involve hunting for and growing the plants. Good luck.