Who is Bodhi, Where is Home?

Has anyone ever found Bodhi's personal seed bank website? Ever consider why there's little to no information regarding this breeder? Most successful breeders/seed banks of this magnitude have nice websites, that is, most except Bodhi. I stumbled across some info a few years ago about an unnamed seed trekker that was mentioned in an article. It seems he gathered seed from the different altitudes of the Annapurna range in the Himalayas. The person being interviewed had worked on Wall Street and quit to start a seed company in Colorado. I found it curious when the Bodhi Nepali Watermelon Hashplant, an Annapurna Landrace, and only 4-5 other strains were first being offered on the Attitude's site. I found it curious because I knew Nepali genetics wasn't a Bodhi thing, but the Colorado breeder's genetic mainstay.

Ever wonder why there's no photos of Bodhi's high CBD strains, or why they're always sold out? With the advent of information about CBD, kids being cured of rare forms of epilepsy, and families moving to CO so their kids can have access to cannabis, plus the facts concerning Cannabidiol's ability to stop the metastasis of super aggressive breast cancer, is it fair to ask why Bodhi doesn't have a unlimited supply of seeds of their high CBD strains? Does anyone else smell a rat? Maybe you need several family members to first die of cancer before you wake up and smell the rat too. I firmly believe Centennial seeds is also the owner and breeder of Bodhi seeds. Considering the Federal legalities involved with Americans selling seed internationally, how far can an ex Wall Street man be trusted to do the right thing? Here's an analogy that will give you some insight of how corporate elitists think and behave.

Diamonds have been proven to be intrinsically worthless, but the De Beers family has a monopoly on global diamond mining, and they artificially control supply and demand of a worthless product to keep prices high. Moreover, they started global propaganda, deceiving both men and women into believing an engagement ring is both necessary, and should cost three months wages. Look how the sheeple fell for this bullshit, and still do. How many of you would look like an asshole if you gave your beloved a box of candy and a card asking for her hand? That's how our ancestors did it before the aristocracy taught/deceived us into paying them to get married. Tennessee is working on a medical bill that will allow concentrates; I wonder who'll be making these? Without the valuable Terpenes, which are easily lost if great care isn't taken, concentrates will only provide little medicinal benefit to cancer victims. What's being considered first, the $30,000 doses of chemo, or the patient's recovery? I can tell you from my personal dealings with sneaky ass big pharma elitists, and anyone making a lot of money selling weed and seed, they're cowards and don't give a shit about anyone but themselves.

Anyone selling the amount of high dollar product that Centennial, Bodhi and countless others are selling should have a special website for cancer and victims of other diseases to get discounted, or even free seeds. I have spoken to many pollen chuckers that would love to do this, but 1% of the nation's people control 99% of the money, so we have to rely on the wealthy to help us out. Isn't that a joke? Considering the wealth of information available on cannabis as a medicine, and the ridiculous amount of money being charged for a $5 pack of seeds, it seems they all want us to remain stupid and high, not healthy and well. Everyone growing should be making seeds from all the breeder's strains and giving them away. Except for the old school breeders like dj short, who literally risked life, liberty and happiness to bring the new hybrids to the modern world, who has really earned the world's respect? Did Bodhi ever run from the cops in the middle of the night to bring you his strains? No, he was sipping wine while selling $5 packs for $85.

Forgive me if I offended you, 28 months of visiting cancer clinics will wake YOU UP!
He breeds near Santa Cruz CA.
It is common knowledge out here.
Had room to germinate two Apollo 11, both are doing well. Thanks for info on the open pollination. The A11 is still available at Midweek Song...I don't usually plug banks but in this case they got a good deal with your choice of freebies. Each one was in it's own little plastic vial. My next order though I think I will request no tin. Does Apollo 11 indicate sex on it's forth node like other C99/ Princess related strains?
But anyway getting back to how you are trying to call out Bodhi as a rip-off artist: That made me VERY angry. Seriously. What is your problem?! Do you have ANY idea how many extraction labs run Bodhi ONLY?! Look up Green Dot Extraction Labs for one. You have any idea how many caregivers grow Bodhi only?! Have you seen the threads, spoken to people, educated yourself?! No. You are being ignorant as to the reality of the situation.

The medical oil scene is being led by Bodhi growers so :P

Bodhi's best cuts are available to buy if you know where to go. People keep it on the DL because if people know it sells out NOW.

If you read up about Bodhi, you will learn it is a one-man show. If you start buying his gear, you will learn that there are assholes that buy 20 packs at a time, and THAT is why you can't find any. He has limited resources. ONE MAN. HE CAN ONLY DO THAT MUCH. His beans are perfect. 100 percent germ rates. Each pheno is a keeper.

Bodhi HIMSELF is a medical user. You know what, he can't even type without pain. And he actually took the time to answer you. I am so angry with you. I don't know if he could afford his speech to text gear yet. And he is going to live with that for the rest of his life. Your cancer will end. Not to be funny but I have had cancer in the family twice. A musician suffering carpal tunnel syndrome is not having a better time. It is devastating. It is my idea of hell, losing my ability to play.

Get off your high horse. And apologize to B. You owe him that.

Go take out your horrible temper on Swerve.
I love Bodhi's seeds but you are wrong about germination rates and i don't appreciate being called an asshole.
I buy far more than twenty packs at a time. His gear is that good.
Bodhi is #1
After extensive research and spending lot's of money on shitty seeds from several banks.
I'm not here to promote seedbanks, but please don't give a bad rep to the best out there. I only buy from 2 seed banks. Bodhi is at the top of the list and has been worth every cent. Genetics are solid.
Look at the number of seed breeders selling the same high THC based product, the same genetics, and calling them by different names. There's so many new seed companies that have to be the old guys using this marketing strategy to dupe their customers into buying the same shit with a different name. I would dare to say that 95% of the shit being sold at the tude is bred & grown by a small number of clowns duping the public. SoCal's Dr. Allan Frankel has a report on some interesting test results, and based on the terpenes of a few rare CBD strains, he found they're the same strain being sold under different names. So, if the names and the marketing of rare CBD strains that dying patients need so desperately are being disguised to dupe the customer, how much more are people being screwed by breeders with their THC gear? After dealing with oncologists that have sold their souls for money, I see others everywhere doing the same thing. It's not about wanting something for free, money isn't the issue, it's about the availability of real medicine instead of a million strains that do only one thing. All liquor gets you drunk, and all modern pot gets you stoned. Where's the 20:1 and 24:1 high CBD gear? Why are people needlessly suffering and dying? Wait til it hits your family, 1 in 3, and some say 1 in 2 will now get cancer in their lifetime. I believe in karma, what you send out comes back to you again. Why is proliferating psycho-activity more important than saving lives?
I feel like you’re wrong there, I know for a fact someone offered me a high cbd cultivar but had to turn it down, because FOR ME I NEED MORE THC:CBD, as high cbd strains actually cause anxiety in me, I need at minimal a 2:1 thc:cbd so I feel like you’re attacking a breeder, whom I don’t know personally, but I do know this, his fear is cheaper than most other breeders, he has phenomenal crosses of great medical value, at around $70 a pack, I understand you think cancer should get it free, well it cost to produce everything!!! So my suggestion is get on instagram, reach out to breeders, like I said I was offered, FOR FREE A HIGH CBD CULTIVAR, but turned it down because I can’t grow under my lease! Just my two cents, as Bodhi seems pretty down to earth, and has a charity organisation for one of his companies, he has three Bodhi, Supernatural and Neirika.
To answer the Hitler bit, which has simple answers, it's called morale. You bomb the shit out of the people to keep the morale low, you try and kill the queen you make them fight harder. It's really simple common sense.

Like others have said, there is lots of CBD stuff out there, do it yourself. People have already helped by making these strains now they are supposed to give them out for free to every Tom Dick and Harry who has cancer regardless of what it cost them to make these genetics in the first place? 1-2 people in america with cancer is 150 million, you saying they should give out seeds to 150 million people without trying to recoup anything? I mean that's what you are saying, you say discount but want free.

is Chemo free? you make no sense. You come off as someone trying to use a horrific illness to get free shit.

A pack of seeds is pretty cheap cancer medication compared to the alternatives. How about you look at it that way and stop trying to get over on people with sad stories and telling them they are heartless. I have a heart, I feel terrible for people who are suffering, I however get kind of aggravated when someone is trying to use an illness for their advantage.

I'm confused, bodhi is the %1 for not giving you free shit? get real.

"Except for the old school breeders like dj short, who literally risked life, liberty and happiness to bring the new hybrids to the modern world, who has really earned the world's respect? Did Bodhi ever run from the cops in the middle of the night to bring you his strains? No, he was sipping wine while selling $5 packs for $85."

are you for real? you must be a troll. I don't run DJ's gear because it's fucking insanely priced, but from what I have read his blueberry still hermies and other people have better more stable versions. You are talking about $5 packs for $85? what about DJ's $350 packs? Are you fucking kidding me? What about DJ's $30 a bean? Where's all Dj's high CBD gear, quick google search returns no results of DJ's CBD meds so how about them fuckin apples?

Being high doesn't make people dumb, people are dumb before they get high, I think that was your issue with this post and maybe you should have kept it to yourself.

Im disgusted by this.
I'm actually hoping to stir up people to think about our global situation. Regardless of the differences between us as nations, cultures or peoples of the Earth, we are still a family of human beings, and we are more closely related genetically than a clan of chimps. But man, the most intelligent creature seems to be the only animal that feeds on his own kind, he consumes his fellow man economically. I counted 135 seed breeders on the attitude's site, and these are probably subsidiaries of 8-10 companies marketing the same genetics under different breeder and strain names. One of the biggest scams and marketing ploys I ever saw was the Kush craze; for instance, pre-98 Bubba Kush, this was a scam concocted by the Dutch, and 10's of millions of Euros were made by screwing dumb asses with a catchy bogus name. Kush strains have been marketed for years that have no genetic link or heritage to anything from the Hindu Kush region of the Himalayas.

There are powerful corporate elitists that dictate who can sell seeds, and there's likely a commandment that seed banks can sell only 1:1 cbd strains, which they've successfully duped growers into believing they're high in cbd. There's lack of seed of the highly coveted 20:1 & 24:1 strains which are the most medicinally effective strains for fighting cancer and other serious ailments. At $30,000 for a dose of chemo, do you think the big pharma cartel will stand idly by without working to hinder access to alternatives? The only people being cured either have lots of money, or live in CA and CO.

Jesse Ventura stated that the simplest definition of fascism is when corporations and religions combine to take over governments. Every cancer clinic I've visited, and every chemotherapy infusion suite I've seen had the affiliated hospital's religious name, ie methodist, or baptist hospital. Corruption in high places is the real bitch, they've got one hand on the throat and the other one squeezing the nuts. Out of the 135 breeder names, shouldn't there be at least 10% with large a supply of real medicine? Out of the 135 company names, where are the heroes? Do they exist anymore? It appears that the agenda is to keep everyone so stoned, dumbed down and too passive to fight for basic human rights. Man is the king of the Earth, he has dominion over all the plants and animals, so why in the hell do most people have to hide from the cops to exercise their constitutional and God given rights to health and the pursuit of happiness? I'm frustrated.
holy shit i know this is old, but this and the OP's comments might be the stupidest comments i ever read...EVER!!! on any forum. EVER!!!!

i mean to cite something jesse ventura said in suppoort of your point just shows the depths of your ignorance. also i would suggest picking a better tqarget than bodhi for these rants as he is literally the antithesis of the ppl and entities you speak of. i mean to attach bodhi to this rant shows you don't even have cursory knowledge of cannabis culture or bodhi seeds.
as for the community as a whole within 2 months of being on this forum i have been generously given several genetics by kind ppl and my situation was far from dire, i also know these same ppl who gifted to me also gift a shit ton and i mean a shit ton to veterans and other ppl in need of medicine for free. i feel like you shoud stop being so angry and let a little light shine thru your soul, and perhaps as ghandi and bodhi put it "be the change in the world you want to see"

for god's sake bodhi is begging ppl to f2 his gear and work with it and he gives out so much free not via bodhi seeds it is not even funny. bodhi is trying to teach you how to fish but you keep begging for a fish
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Has anyone ever found Bodhi's personal seed bank website? Ever consider why there's little to no information regarding this breeder? Most successful breeders/seed banks of this magnitude have nice websites, that is, most except Bodhi. I stumbled across some info a few years ago about an unnamed seed trekker that was mentioned in an article. It seems he gathered seed from the different altitudes of the Annapurna range in the Himalayas. The person being interviewed had worked on Wall Street and quit to start a seed company in Colorado. I found it curious when the Bodhi Nepali Watermelon Hashplant, an Annapurna Landrace, and only 4-5 other strains were first being offered on the Attitude's site. I found it curious because I knew Nepali genetics wasn't a Bodhi thing, but the Colorado breeder's genetic mainstay.

Ever wonder why there's no photos of Bodhi's high CBD strains, or why they're always sold out? With the advent of information about CBD, kids being cured of rare forms of epilepsy, and families moving to CO so their kids can have access to cannabis, plus the facts concerning Cannabidiol's ability to stop the metastasis of super aggressive breast cancer, is it fair to ask why Bodhi doesn't have a unlimited supply of seeds of their high CBD strains? Does anyone else smell a rat? Maybe you need several family members to first die of cancer before you wake up and smell the rat too. I firmly believe Centennial seeds is also the owner and breeder of Bodhi seeds. Considering the Federal legalities involved with Americans selling seed internationally, how far can an ex Wall Street man be trusted to do the right thing? Here's an analogy that will give you some insight of how corporate elitists think and behave.

Diamonds have been proven to be intrinsically worthless, but the De Beers family has a monopoly on global diamond mining, and they artificially control supply and demand of a worthless product to keep prices high. Moreover, they started global propaganda, deceiving both men and women into believing an engagement ring is both necessary, and should cost three months wages. Look how the sheeple fell for this bullshit, and still do. How many of you would look like an asshole if you gave your beloved a box of candy and a card asking for her hand? That's how our ancestors did it before the aristocracy taught/deceived us into paying them to get married. Tennessee is working on a medical bill that will allow concentrates; I wonder who'll be making these? Without the valuable Terpenes, which are easily lost if great care isn't taken, concentrates will only provide little medicinal benefit to cancer victims. What's being considered first, the $30,000 doses of chemo, or the patient's recovery? I can tell you from my personal dealings with sneaky ass big pharma elitists, and anyone making a lot of money selling weed and seed, they're cowards and don't give a shit about anyone but themselves.

Anyone selling the amount of high dollar product that Centennial, Bodhi and countless others are selling should have a special website for cancer and victims of other diseases to get discounted, or even free seeds. I have spoken to many pollen chuckers that would love to do this, but 1% of the nation's people control 99% of the money, so we have to rely on the wealthy to help us out. Isn't that a joke? Considering the wealth of information available on cannabis as a medicine, and the ridiculous amount of money being charged for a $5 pack of seeds, it seems they all want us to remain stupid and high, not healthy and well. Everyone growing should be making seeds from all the breeder's strains and giving them away. Except for the old school breeders like dj short, who literally risked life, liberty and happiness to bring the new hybrids to the modern world, who has really earned the world's respect? Did Bodhi ever run from the cops in the middle of the night to bring you his strains? No, he was sipping wine while selling $5 packs for $85.

Forgive me if I offended you, 28 months of visiting cancer clinics will wake YOU UP!

HA I just found this today as well and now I'm dumber forever. FUCK this might be the worst thing I've read in a long time.
Whoa there easy now lol. Let me help you find some peace.

For one thing, you are looking at the situation from a very strong personal moral standpoint. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this. But I would like to ask you to consider the following: Is your moral code theirs to adhere to?... Other people's Karma is theirs. The flow of energy they create is theirs. The choice of whether or not you want to be part of their Karma is YOURS ;)

Secondly, I do NOT believe it is all a 'scam' as you say. The pre-98 Bubba is not something cooked up by the Dutch. It is something held onto by the Californians. If you really look deeply into modern Canna history, you will find that for each pioneering Dutch company there was a Californian gifting genetics and holding their hands, teaching about breeding etc. The Brotherhood Of Eternal Love has been carrying cuts since the 60's. The 60's. These genetics and 'secrets' were, and still are, the livelihood of many good people. Protecting these genetics is what keeps bread on the table.

It is in this way that legends are born. Everybody had the bud, nobody had the cut. So then along come the Dutch or English or Spanish breeders. Their customers WANT that Bubba, or Girl Scout Cookies, or OG, or whatever. So they do their research and do their best to re-create these legends. They are not doing a bad job a lot of the time. Sometimes, a cut makes it over and the best they can do is BX and do what they do. But please do keep in mind, their customers ASK them for it. There is absolutely no moral issue with pleasing your long-standing clients.

I understand your thing with Kush. But please keep in mind that OG Kush and Kush have little to do with each other. There is not a single breeder that claims for them to be similar. How OG Kush as a name came about is an interesting story, and has more to do with it's similarity to a mountain grown Kush. 'It looks like Mountain Kush, but this stuff was grown by the OCEAN' OG Kush stands for Ocean Grown Kush. It is JUST a name. It is more Thai than Indian/Paki. Most people realize this my friend.

So it is up to you to choose the vibe you like. Bodhi made me laugh my ass off with the descriptions. THAT is how I chose him. I loved his humour, and I bought the beans. So then I discover he is a great guy. Trust your gut. Go with what feels right.

I have only two breeders I buy from and will recommend for another person's lab. Bodhi and Gage. Run by GOOD people. And they bring the FIRE. Stick to those two and you will not need to worry about the 133 other guys ;)

You have a PERFECT weekend!
Not trying to bump an old thread but og kush comes from overgrow forum back in the day people up there traded there best cuts hashplant Thai and an Afghan and Bred a 3 way cross. that’s how og was born not ocean grown or original but overgrow