Who knows of 2012,

i cant wait till the day im free from the government and their leash over the people. who knows what they have covered up, lied about, made up or even scamed to get the people or the "masses" to do what ever they want.....did you ever think that they have been slowly trying to start another "great depression" on purpose, after they have gotten all the money they produced back from the people (raising prices or everything not just gas). The government is a lie and was based on lies. i consider myself open minded if not i would see 2012 as a poor situation or maybe just maybe even a scare tactic like 2000. but no i believe the mayans were so in touch with themselves and nature that they KNOW what they were doing...i dont question the mayan prophecy at all, i actually look forward to the day that we dont have to look up to technology or the government to fend for us just so they can use us. fuck them they will be the first to perish without their people giving them money or ways to survive( taxes and such).
i hope this makes sense in some way and it doesnt sound like im babbleing out of my ass.

more people need to open their eyes and see what the government is trying to do

what's wrong with technology? i think it is great we can be here on a global network discussing all kinds of stuff with all kinds of people. Wouldn't it be better to be careful how we use technology instead of getting rid of it altogether? And it was technological advances that have allowed us the leisure time we enjoy today instead of digging out roots and hunting for game. I don't know about you but i don't want to spend 95% of my waking hours worrying about where my next meal is coming from or shelter or honestly - many of the amenities i've grown used to - it may be selfish but it is the truth.
im not sayin im totally against technology at all, i love gettin up and surfing the web for more info, and sittin their infront of my bigscreen playin the 360, and talkin to you guys on RIU. im sorry i have made it sound like i dont like it...... but when the day comes im not gonna worry about losing all this stuff because it is just material items. yeah it makes life easier for us but if it goes im gonna be prepared for it........mentaly speaking, it will take some time physicaly but i'll be able to cope.
about the importance of the year 2012.......sorry it may not be a prophecy or what ever but isnt anything that was foretold in the past about something in the present(of very great importance) kind of one anyhow? and y is everything i have stated in this thread the only thing being picked at apart from the reptile post or anyothers for that matter? am i not welcome to post in this thread? i dont mind if so.
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no I was just trying to see if I missed something, the mayans didnt prophecize anything other the movement of the constellations around the earth, the whole apocolypse theory has nothing to do with the mayans and is considered a misinterpretation by modern mayan scholars
about the importance of the year 2012.......sorry it may not be a prophecy or what ever but isnt anything that was foretold in the past about something in the present(of very great importance) kind of one anyhow? and y is everything i have stated in this thread the only thing being picked at apart from the reptile post or anyothers for that matter? am i not welcome to post in this thread? i dont mind if so.

don't feel put upon - we're just shooting the breeze is all...
Very good. :)
what's wrong with technology? i think it is great we can be here on a global network discussing all kinds of stuff with all kinds of people. Wouldn't it be better to be careful how we use technology instead of getting rid of it altogether? And it was technological advances that have allowed us the leisure time we enjoy today instead of digging out roots and hunting for game. I don't know about you but i don't want to spend 95% of my waking hours worrying about where my next meal is coming from or shelter or honestly - many of the amenities i've grown used to - it may be selfish but it is the truth.
Very good. :)

Thanks Lacy - as much as I love hunting, fishing, gardening and being outdoors - i like turning the faucet for cold AND hot water, using an indoor toilet (that disposes of waste products, supermarkets, computers, automobiles and all the amazing scientific and medical advances technology has brought us.

The cat is out of the bag - might as well decide how we're going to use it.
We are one - humans, animals, plants, the earth, thoughts, the light & the dark, emotions, spirits, absolutely everything. I just watched a two hour film about the estoric(think I spelled that wrong) agenda. This film was quite amazing - I think some of the theories presented could be argued the other way, but much of the film especially towards the end is really mind boggling & I can't seem to find a hole in what they are saying. It seems someone has finally put a film on the internet that well kinda silences all these other theories as well as incorporates some of their views. I can't stop thinking about this film because I haven't felt quite right since the begining of 2008. I feel something happening in the world. I don't know what it is, but I can somehow sense & feel it so strongly. It has caused my thoughts & emotions to just become seriously unclear anymore. It's like I just woke up after being dead for 25 years. I know this sounds crazy, but I seriously doubt I'm alone in this feeling since we are all connected totally. I don't feel like my current lifestyle fits in harmony with the planet & galaxy. I don't believe most people's do. In the film the they say how all emotions stem from two basic human emotions - fear & love. We are a people living in fear not love. If we simply change ourselves to live in love instead of fear our whole world will change. It's starts & ends with yourself. This is the message of a song made many years ago called Man In The Mirror by Michael Jackson who hiself has in my opinion simply fallen victim to a society that mirrors the Matrix idea.
Two heads are better than one - probably one of the truest statements in history of written word if you understand that we are ONE1.
In 2012 a new age will begin. The world will not end like some people say it will, and if it does theres really nothing we can do about it. But as I said, the world will not end. It is the end of the Mayan calendar and something about the planets will align.

There is a whole lot of controversy around that date. Stuff like Planet X, and the Mayans, and other people, and a reptilian race, and aliens, natural disasters, world war III, and judgment day. Im not exactly sure what will happen. We are supposed to reach a new age of consciousness and a new age will begin. What the other guy said is probably best, just wait and see what happens because Im not sure theres much we can do about it. Whatever happens its something to look forward to and be excited about.

Personally if I wake up on December 24, 2012 and everything is exactly the same I will be pissed to say the least. The official date is December 21, 2012 but another guess is the 23rd. I want something to happen because I think it will be for the best. I cant figure out if I want to be completely sober for the event, or really high. Its a hard decision lol. Either way Im looking forward to it, whatever happens it sounds fun.
everything is gonna be the same on 2012 same shit's gonna happen when y2k came lol.... NOTHING!!! the only difference in 2012 is that it wont be 2011 no more duh!!
everything is gonna be the same on 2012 same shit's gonna happen when y2k came lol.... NOTHING!!! the only difference in 2012 is that it wont be 2011 no more duh!!

coming from the computer world - y2k was a bust because many, many programmers spent long hours going over old code until their eyes bled. While no one in the computer industry was making the doom and gloom predictions the news media were - if the coders wouldn't have stepped up and knocked out a bunch of work in a short time - there would have been some screwed up things going on - some of them very serious (though limited in impact).

So y2k was a real thing that was prevented.
the 2012 stuff is, in my opinion, either an unknowing or purposeful obfuscation of Mayan calendar's purpose.

I hope i live to see 2013 so i can ask the following question... well that was a bust - when is the next "end of the world"?
Yes exactly. It is so easy to just say new that technology has gotten the best of us BUT go spend a couple of weeks interior camping where you just don't have those luxuries.

When I read this post it reminded me of a time I went to spend the day with soem mennonites.
I have always been interested in them for some reason so one day I decided to drive down to visit them and they asked me to church the following Sunday. So I accepted the offer, dressed very conservatively which I usually do but especially so this day.
When I met them we went in a horse drawn carriage to the church. It was actually quite romantic in an old fashioned simplistic type of way.
The service was long but interesting. I got to sing hyms and such. Then back in the carriage to one of the houses for lunch.

The houses were impecibly clean and everything was homemade and extremely fresh. There was no tv's. radios or computers but wash a washer and dryer. :? Oh thank gawd. Can you imagine?
Anyway it was a very enlightening experience for me because I was with a group of people and wasn't scared of them. I actually found it entertaining in a strange and unusual way.
All was going great until they started asking me questions and I began to answer them truthfully.

Yes I played a musical intrument. Yes I own a car and a motorcycle. The woman smirked and the children giggles but the men gave me the most evil glances. OMG!!! It was hilarious. I almost rolled on the floor laughing my head off because that is all they know. You can't get mad or upset with them for believing what they do. I winked at one of the old farts and he almost croaked but all in all it was a very pleasant day.

Haha> the things I have done:roll:
Thanks Lacy - as much as I love hunting, fishing, gardening and being outdoors - i like turning the faucet for cold AND hot water, using an indoor toilet (that disposes of waste products, supermarkets, computers, automobiles and all the amazing scientific and medical advances technology has brought us.

The cat is out of the bag - might as well decide how we're going to use it.
2012 it's the year that it will be legal to smoke grow eat weed. and everyone will get
re-atatched with nature from growing big fat buds under the sun with nature!!! :( what if your wrong? what if its the year we all get rounded up and thrown into these fema concentration camps i've been hearing about?