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Well-Known Member
Hey dudes,
No way to go through the entire thread So here come a few questions:
1. after 3 weeks of flowering can i go back to vegging reason being on of my girls is doing really really .... really really bad!
I probably totally burn her to death! death dudes! I'm so trying to avoid that finality!
2. Are the roots supposed to always stay white in a DWC? Regardless of the nutes, and cycle (veg - flwr) ??
3. Another cool dude told me I probably needed to really use low ppm when using a LED any views?

thanks dudes and dudettes!!



Well-Known Member
how long does it take for a seed to sprout out of the cup for the first time.. its been a few days now and hopefully i didnt drown it or i didnt put it in too deep. i have it running under my t5 24/0 in a grow tent. the seed is about 1 and half inches down, and i just found out it doesnt need to be down that low.


Active Member
ok, i have had seeds sprout out the mediums before and they are always green, this new plant im growing just poped up but is kinda yellow, is that bad?



I'm not sure what is going on with some of my leaves. I am guessing it is a deficiency problem because I have flushed the soil twice as well as backed off on the fertilizer and it has not gotten better. I am pretty clueless though and would take any input. :dunce: It is only effecting the older leaves. Check the picture. It shows it all.


Snow Crash

Well-Known Member

I'm not sure what is going on with some of my leaves. I am guessing it is a deficiency problem because I have flushed the soil twice as well as backed off on the fertilizer and it has not gotten better. I am pretty clueless though and would take any input. :dunce: It is only effecting the older leaves. Check the picture. It shows it all.
View attachment 1231155

Calcium and Magnesium deficient. Go with a good dolomite lime top dressing, 1 Tbls. per gallon of soil, then redress the top soil as required. Water through it and your plant should not get any worse.
ok my plants are in the 2nd week of flower and this started to happen to there leaves it was about 9 leaves amongst both of my plants..............i have mg 18-24-16
This problem is wacky. I'm guessing it's just a Miracle Grow thing... Could be pH related. Could be phosphorus deficient. Could be both, could be neither. So long as it doesn't get worse then I wouldn't trip about it too much. Flushing your soil, if you haven't yet, is probably a good idea. Balance the pH and rebuild the nutrients right after that and you should be good to go till the end.

Then get off that MG.

how long does it take for a seed to sprout out of the cup for the first time.. its been a few days now and hopefully i didnt drown it or i didnt put it in too deep. i have it running under my t5 24/0 in a grow tent. the seed is about 1 and half inches down, and i just found out it doesnt need to be down that low.
Depends. 5 to 15 days is what I consider to be in the normal range. Most of my plants are above ground 4 days after planting them in coco about 1.5 inches down.


Well-Known Member
does anyone know if autoflowering plants can be cloned? just curious. had a friend ask me and i was unsure of the answer to that.
you can clone a auto flower, but the clone will be the same age as the plant that it was cloned from, which means due to the fact that its a autoflower there is no point


Well-Known Member
ok, i have had seeds sprout out the mediums before and they are always green, this new plant im growing just poped up but is kinda yellow, is that bad?
might just be a bad seed, but i would let it grow these plants are very strong, and a little yellowing can be fixed are will go away once the feeding starts
how well do the t5 veg ur grow? im using mh but would like to convert half my room into t5 veg area to conserve energy but other then the energy is there any difference in the plant growth and i was also curious what i can do to yield more using hps to flower


Hello, and thanks for this thread,

I was very pleased with the two plants that I have grown, though as the buds matured, the leaves seemed quite a bit more dilapidated than I had expected. I decide that the first plant was ready, and brought it out, with much fanfare, for trimming and drying.

While trimming, I discovered that what I thought was the wilting of the leaves as the buds take in all their nutrients was actually mold, pretty much through most of the first plant and part of the second. Woe. It had happened pretty much overnight when they got wet in the rain. Not knowing any better, the mold initially looked like part of the last stages of flowering. I know better now :(

Question 1.

I removed all the moldy parts of both plants, as far as I could tell.

  • What else should I do to remove the mold? Is it a lost cause at this point?
  • I reckon that the second plant (and what's left of the first plant) need at least a week more. How can I keep the mold from continuing to attack them?

Question 2.

I am now the proud owner of a miserable pile of moldy buds and bud leaves, and the fan leaves that the mold doesn't seem to touch.

  • Can I use this for anything? I have read in some threads here that boiling them in isopropyl alcohol would allow me to extract the resin, while killing the mold. Is this a safe? Sane?
  • Would I dry it out first? It would make sense keep this as far away from my plants as possible, I assume?
  • I put it in a couple of paper bags, and sat them in front of a fan until they were dry to the touch, though they are still dank. Was this enough? Too much?
  • Perhaps there is a guide I missed on making hashish this way?

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
Question 1.

  • What else should I do to remove the mold? Is it a lost cause at this point?
  • I reckon that the second plant (and what's left of the first plant) need at least a week more. How can I keep the mold from continuing to attack them?

Question 2.

I am now the proud owner of a miserable pile of moldy buds and bud leaves, and the fan leaves that the mold doesn't seem to touch.

  • Can I use this for anything? I have read in some threads here that boiling them in isopropyl alcohol would allow me to extract the resin, while killing the mold. Is this a safe? Sane?
  • Would I dry it out first? It would make sense keep this as far away from my plants as possible, I assume?
  • I put it in a couple of paper bags, and sat them in front of a fan until they were dry to the touch, though they are still dank. Was this enough? Too much?
  • Perhaps there is a guide I missed on making hashish this way?
I wouldn't touch moldy buds with a 10 foot pole. Some people take risks with their lungs. Smoking mold is not one I would take myself. Far be it from me to tell you what to do with your own body though. My answer to both questions amounts to "No Way!"

how long do yu veg and how long do you flower? if i do not want my plant to get highr than 4-5 feet?..yea i kno NEWB
Vegetate for as long as it takes the plant to get 2 feet tall. Then start flowering. Depending on strain your plant might not get that tall indoors. This is probably 7 to 8 weeks of Veg in soil, 5 to 7 weeks in hydro, from seed, and then flowering for somewhere around 9 to 10 weeks.

Old Goat

I recently started with 24 W Widow beans and it's turned crazy. The pheno's are all over the place and a type of growth pattern I've never seen before & it's every bean too so it's genetic.
Here it is a small grow space but the height / 400 CMH / great set up. My personal experience it very limited and NO CAMERA yet.
This last single seed of WW (seed) in Rootz organic. All is well until about half way through the flower everything comes to a stop. It lasts a couple weeks and it starts to continue to flower but now the stem at the center of the cola takes off in a growth spurt that is crazy. Each flower now has a long stem with side growth every half inch and one single pre flower just as though it a very early plant. Plus every bub now gets real airy (they had been tight)
I pinched a couple tops off of the new and the regrowth was double stems (like normal topping)with fast growth to a total of approximately 5". I flushed them and just 6.8 water for a few days to hopefully stop what ever was going on.
Well the plant looks happy and the growth stopped and more smaller flower are forming on all new growth but slowly.
Okay who can shed any light on this regrowth ?? I've seen this on every plant from this seed batch. For the first time now I'm going to allow it to finish as it's 6 weeks in.
One other issue "THESE plants have no smell. No NOT ONE bit. I sit here every day watching and waiting for the first sign of any resin too.


Hi, I'm so sorry if someone has already asked but I honestly don't feel like looking through 2,000+ posts to get an answer to my question. It's my first time growing and I have a closet that is about 3x3x7 that I would like to use. What would be the appropriate wattage for the flowering stage? I understand that I can use a fluorescent light for the vegetative stage, but that I should switch over to a HPS light when its time to flower. Since its my first time and I purchased feminized seeds, I am only planting about two seeds for the first go-round. So I know I might not necessarily need the big guns, but I also want to make sure I have the proper lighting for the space, and the volume of plants. Thanks!
go with somethin like a 400 watt hps should be more then enough but ur gona have watch ur venting system closy as hps put off a ton of heat compared to florencents


Well-Known Member
Hello, and thanks for this thread,

I was very pleased with the two plants that I have grown, though as the buds matured, the leaves seemed quite a bit more dilapidated than I had expected. I decide that the first plant was ready, and brought it out, with much fanfare, for trimming and drying.

While trimming, I discovered that what I thought was the wilting of the leaves as the buds take in all their nutrients was actually mold, pretty much through most of the first plant and part of the second. Woe. It had happened pretty much overnight when they got wet in the rain. Not knowing any better, the mold initially looked like part of the last stages of flowering. I know better now :(

Question 1.

I removed all the moldy parts of both plants, as far as I could tell.

  • What else should I do to remove the mold? Is it a lost cause at this point?
  • I reckon that the second plant (and what's left of the first plant) need at least a week more. How can I keep the mold from continuing to attack them?

Question 2.

I am now the proud owner of a miserable pile of moldy buds and bud leaves, and the fan leaves that the mold doesn't seem to touch.

  • Can I use this for anything? I have read in some threads here that boiling them in isopropyl alcohol would allow me to extract the resin, while killing the mold. Is this a safe? Sane?
  • Would I dry it out first? It would make sense keep this as far away from my plants as possible, I assume?
  • I put it in a couple of paper bags, and sat them in front of a fan until they were dry to the touch, though they are still dank. Was this enough? Too much?
  • Perhaps there is a guide I missed on making hashish this way?
def not a good idea u need to cut off all the mold and trash it! mj is known to produce a deadly but rare mold that wen smoked can kill u not somethin im willing to gamble ever!


Well-Known Member
Hi, I'm so sorry if someone has already asked but I honestly don't feel like looking through 2,000+ posts to get an answer to my question. It's my first time growing and I have a closet that is about 3x3x7 that I would like to use. What would be the appropriate wattage for the flowering stage? I understand that I can use a fluorescent light for the vegetative stage, but that I should switch over to a HPS light when its time to flower. Since its my first time and I purchased feminized seeds, I am only planting about two seeds for the first go-round. So I know I might not necessarily need the big guns, but I also want to make sure I have the proper lighting for the space, and the volume of plants. Thanks!
I'd go 250W or 400W Ceramic Metal Halide. Good for 3X3 and both flower and veg. Hope that helps.
when can i give babies nutrinos their 10 days old and three inches high their geting their second set of leaves i was just wonderig can i give them nutrions to help them grow big and strong