Who remembers having to clean their bag of 80's weed?

a guy in my area used to sell stuff like that in the early 90's. They'd call it 'african bush' down here, would barely get you high. The taste like the stone was mild but pleasant, best though a bong.

Suffice to say we always bought hash if available.
When I was a teenager, the local mex dealer would pay me(in weed) to sorta clean up his weed in advance. It was always in bricks that had just crossed from down south. We would just "un-brick it", sorta fluff it up, and do some initial seed removal. Found flattened lizards in there, crushed spiders, a cigarette butt once.

I don't even see weed like that anymore. Here at least. Last year in Nicaragua I got to experience it again for $20. But hey, the guy threw in a small glass pipe with the deal. When you're not in the water, there's not a whole lot to do in Nic.
I was a kid..I can hardly remember what it looked like. By today's standards It would be 1 step below floor-sweep..

I remember it made me laugh and was fun to smoke..I don't ever remember seeing a bud, per say.. I remember buying 8ths, but I think it was a baggie loaded with stems, seeds, shake and tiny pieces of f bud. The pieces of bud were flat and dense which would lead me to believe it was likely mexican brick weed. I don't ever remember seeing frost or really any color variations/hairs..

It took time to clean up the bag. We used to clean on a magazine so we could dump the shake back into the bag and the seeds and stems into an ashtray..

Does anyone have pics of a bag of commercial 80's weed?

By the time the 80's hit we were smoking Thai and Vietnam weed without seeds. Let's go back to the 60's where you got a nice oz (lid) for 15-20 bucks, the buds were kinda flat from being compressed, and there were large stems. You got 75% seeds and the rest weed. The color was golden brown or reddish brown. I got really stoned.
I absolutely hated that Mexican tight bud red hair shit of the late 80's and early 90's. It seemed that's all there was for sale. It came into the US by the tons. It made me more dizzy than high. I'd close my eyes and get the spins. I remember flushing a bag full down the toilet, or tossing bits of buds around the room for when I was really super hard up. I considered that stuff garbage weed.

I also remember when Columbian grown weed was new on the scene and became popular in the late 70's. It got you more stoned than Mexican weed at the time, but it made you crash out something awful coming down from it. That's when Mexican growers got the idea to cross their garbage grown shit with it.
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I hated that Mexican red hair shit of the mid to late 80's. It came into the US by the tons. It made me more dizzy than high. I'd close my eyes and get the spins. I remember flushing a bag full down the toilet, or tossing bits of buds around the room for when I was really really super hard up.
Ya it did and I loved it, didn’t smoke it though lol. That was when I learned how to make BHO lol.
Mid to late 70's it was kilos of Colombian gold.
It was good but there was blood on it. My first
Cali grown was '79 or '80 from Grass Valley.
Then NoCal bud started to become more available.
Seedless was rare at first. I kept seed in empty glass
Gatorade bottles for years.

That was my experience anyway.