I pulled a sole of a boot out of a kilo late 70s stems as big as a finger,scary to think what else was thrown in,like lol fuck the gringosI remember when "cleaning" a brick meant pulling out dead bugs, mice, cigarette and cigar butts, pieces of trash, etc, etc before splitting it up, seeds weren't even a concern.
I was a kid..I can hardly remember what it looked like. By today's standards It would be 1 step below floor-sweep..
I remember it made me laugh and was fun to smoke..I don't ever remember seeing a bud, per say.. I remember buying 8ths, but I think it was a baggie loaded with stems, seeds, shake and tiny pieces of f bud. The pieces of bud were flat and dense which would lead me to believe it was likely mexican brick weed. I don't ever remember seeing frost or really any color variations/hairs..
It took time to clean up the bag. We used to clean on a magazine so we could dump the shake back into the bag and the seeds and stems into an ashtray..
Does anyone have pics of a bag of commercial 80's weed?
Haha, I can see it in my minds eye.I can’t blv how many memories this has brought up. I use to keep my seeds in baby food jars. Thinking I would actually plant them. Never did.
Its common for landrace sativas to throw nanners.There is money in those beans dude ,People want Landrace seeds,Simple fix though just pull the males they show there sex in plenty of time to ditch them
Hows that pop and smell of a missed seed burning in that fresh rolled Rag weed joint.
Now that is what I got in the 70's and early 80's! Lucky enough to be within traveling distance of Amsterdam in the mid 80's and learned what real weed could be
I was smoking lamb breath in the early 80’s and selling red seal black ..... sold loads of brick till the mid 90’sNow that is what I got in the 70's and early 80's! Lucky enough to be within traveling distance of Amsterdam in the mid 80's and learned what real weed could be![]()
Ya it did and I loved it, didn’t smoke it though lol. That was when I learned how to make BHO lol.I hated that Mexican red hair shit of the mid to late 80's. It came into the US by the tons. It made me more dizzy than high. I'd close my eyes and get the spins. I remember flushing a bag full down the toilet, or tossing bits of buds around the room for when I was really really super hard up.