Who remembers having to clean their bag of 80's weed?

I used a sonic tray .. That had a lean to it from where they put it on the window edge of your car... As far as Mexican weed I lived down by Corpus Christi and we had some fire that was “Reggie” and it was usually light green with very little seeds but had some stems that were huge .. I can remember getting one solid bud on a stem that weighed 112 grams “ QP” .. I used to buy 30 LB a week and pay 260$ a pound if I went to Mexico to get it they would drop the price to 190$ but screw that all that risk wasn’t worth it .. It wasn’t till the mid 90’s that the brown brick weed came to the picture.. Now I live in Beaumont and all u find is brown Mexican brick weed and the “Dro” is way better but as far as names go they call it whatever they want ... IMO it is better to grow your own now a-days... That was my experience as a lad...:peace: :bigjoint:.. The good ol days..
Now I remember .. It looked something like this..

Too green. Back in the 90's, we called green mexican NAFTA.
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There was a therapeutic component to cleaning seeds.
When I was 14 {in 1975} Cousin Joe broke up a pound and sold me a quarter of it for a hundred bucks. We dumped it out on a wooden floor and tossed big double handfuls of seeds outside on the ground. We did't weigh anything, just estimated what looked like a 1/4 of the pile. And I sold it to the older kids at school for five bucks a matchbox. {the bigger sized ones, not the smaller ones in use today} I got my money back, and still had half of it left.

Sadly there was a really cold morning, and Daddy came into my closet to get a blanket to wrap around himself in the car. That just happened to be where I had it stashed. Mamma flushed the dope, but I took my money, explaining the weed hadn't been paid for. Lots of shit hit the fan, and I stopped smoking for 3 years. Didn't start back until I was a Sr in high-school.
I started smoking in '74, age 13. Bags of good Colombian Gold came around once in a while, but still lots of Mexican. Stopped for a couple three years, but started back in '78. By then local growers were selling seedless pot locally. Cost a lot more. As much as 85-100 bucks an ounce. Imported was 50-65 bucks by then. When I went to college, I smoke my first Gaineseville Green. It cost even more. Up to 120 an ounce.

My high school speech teacher was just out of college, and we smoked together every week. I scored a little bit of Thai stick from her. Saved the seeds and grew them out after I had gone to the Navy and came back home in '83. I could never find the patch, so it got named Hard to Find. Turned out to be the only one hit smoke I have ever grown. Really, really good. Not making seeds is one of the great heartbreaks of my life.

Compressed weed is still sold here. My buddy buys qp's of decent green buds for 300 bucks. Not many seeds. I trade him some of mine for some of the bought pot, and I commonly find only 5-10 seeds in an ounce.
I spent 1/2 my 70's and 80's life in a small county in Ohio called "Meigs" county. It was a long time "hub" of some of the best pot in the country. It was called Sinsemilla. Great big fat buds as long as your arm and not one seed.
In the mid 70's when I was a teenager, I had access to some of the best Columbian on the market. We got Columbian Gold and Red Bud. Tai Sticks shipped in wax. Then about 1977, this plant called Indica(Afghani) had been bread and grown in Meigs County came on the market. Early 80's Matanuska came into the area. That is when the 1st big change happened and then again around 2000. I still have some of the seeds of the 80's. They aren't any good now. I tried to start some and no luck. But I still have the memories of the 70's and 80's.

I started seeing commercial brick weed like this around 96'. It was actually pretty decent compared to straight Mexican but I'd only been smoking for a couple of years and was still a teenager at the time so I couldn't compare it to 80's weed or earlier.

We already had very high quality indoor everywhere at the time so the commercial weed was already being phased out. Even beasters wasn't too commen.
I was a kid..I can hardly remember what it looked like. By today's standards It would be 1 step below floor-sweep..

I remember it made me laugh and was fun to smoke..I don't ever remember seeing a bud, per say.. I remember buying 8ths, but I think it was a baggie loaded with stems, seeds, shake and tiny pieces of f bud. The pieces of bud were flat and dense which would lead me to believe it was likely mexican brick weed. I don't ever remember seeing frost or really any color variations/hairs..

It took time to clean up the bag. We used to clean on a magazine so we could dump the shake back into the bag and the seeds and stems into an ashtray..

Does anyone have pics of a bag of commercial 80's weed?
Still remember my first smoke. This lady i knew, grew a few in her backyard. It was really homegrown, harsh etc.
I struggled so hard to keep a straight face. I swear i had the biggest grin, that my cheeks were sore.
Couldn't stop giggling either :P
Fucking " Dime Bags " bought and sold in the bathroom or behind school ... Lol

Maui wowie
Mexican red
Thai stick
Colombian gold

" house shake " is better than that brick shit.

In NY I got those for $5 mid 70's. Then it vanished within a year or 2. Then the bad hash popped around late 70's. Hard as a rock and wouldn't get you high. Same time as the mex weed. The early 80's started with the homegrown stuff from upstate NY. Shit was sold still wet in vacuum bags. Cost $25 an 1/8 and would dry into 2 grams if you were lucky. Mid 80's they started selling dimes from a hole in a door. Had to drive to Brooklyn to get it. That's when the chocolate thai was around. Late 80's the neighborhood kids were selling the new "seedless" stuff. 10 bux for 2 grams. Pretty much became a stable thing once the 90's hit. Now it's all mixes and hybrids. I dunno what's going on anymore :blsmoke:
In NY I got those for $5 mid 70's. Then it vanished within a year or 2. Then the bad hash popped around late 70's. Hard as a rock and wouldn't get you high. Same time as the mex weed. The early 80's started with the homegrown stuff from upstate NY. Shit was sold still wet in vacuum bags. Cost $25 an 1/8 and would dry into 2 grams if you were lucky. Mid 80's they started selling dimes from a hole in a door. Had to drive to Brooklyn to get it. That's when the chocolate thai was around. Late 80's the neighborhood kids were selling the new "seedless" stuff. 10 bux for 2 grams. Pretty much became a stable thing once the 90's hit. Now it's all mixes and hybrids. I dunno what's going on anymore :blsmoke:
It’s hard to find sativa period everything is mixed mass medical has a pure sativa called deadly sativa but that is about it.. Everything is 60/40 or 75/25 IMO they need to bring sativa back
When I was 14 {in 1975} Cousin Joe broke up a pound and sold me a quarter of it for a hundred bucks. We dumped it out on a wooden floor and tossed big double handfuls of seeds outside on the ground. We did't weigh anything, just estimated what looked like a 1/4 of the pile. And I sold it to the older kids at school for five bucks a matchbox. {the bigger sized ones, not the smaller ones in use today} I got my money back, and still had half of it left.

Sadly there was a really cold morning, and Daddy came into my closet to get a blanket to wrap around himself in the car. That just happened to be where I had it stashed. Mamma flushed the dope, but I took my money, explaining the weed hadn't been paid for. Lots of shit hit the fan, and I stopped smoking for 3 years. Didn't start back until I was a Sr in high-school.
My old man came home early and I had em hangin in the kitchen from the wagon wheel lights, ya we were cool lol. Told me to get the stuff out of the house and use the barn dumbass lol. I was 14 lol.
My old man came home early and I had em hangin in the kitchen from the wagon wheel lights, ya we were cool lol. Told me to get the stuff out of the house and use the barn dumbass lol. I was 14 lol.
I greened out, when i was a little chump. Spewed into the toilet. Passed out, next to the kitty litter beside it.
I woke up to my father saying "what the fuck is wrong with you?" With a big grin on his face.:P
awesome. I used to steal seedy weed from my dads jar in the closet and replace it with oregano so he wouldn't notice the volume loss. He never caught on, but when I told him this decades later, he laughed.
I bought some one time(from a friend), he told me it was "Primo Gold" and that it was the best. Hell, I didn't know what it was, I was just a 14 year old kid. I'm sure I copped a "placebo" buzz.
I'll bet it was Zero's dad that sold it to him.lmao
I bought some one time(from a friend), he told me it was "Primo Gold" and that it was the best. Hell, I didn't know what it was, I was just a 14 year old kid. I'm sure I copped a "placebo" buzz.
I'll bet it was Zero's dad that sold it to him.lmao
I bought a bag of weed in the alley behind the bus station in Norfolk Va back in the 80's. There was a dude hanging out. He showed me some dank ass shit, and I smoked a few hits off a bowl. It was real good, but when we traded money for weed, he got the fuck out of there in a hurry. When I looked at the bag in the light, it was indeed weed. The kind you pick on any vacant lot. Live and learn.
I bought some one time(from a friend), he told me it was "Primo Gold" and that it was the best. Hell, I didn't know what it was, I was just a 14 year old kid. I'm sure I copped a "placebo" buzz.
I'll bet it was Zero's dad that sold it to him.lmao
I probably ended up smoking some of the oregeno shiat myself...first few times I smoked a J, nothing! The stuff looked like leaf shake with seeds mixed in, brownish with a green tint. So I get the idea to smoke 4 fatties with a buddy after school...i got really f'd up, and was oscillating in and out of reality in waves even the next morning..."oh shit...here it comes again..." That was the start...fist time I listened to Hotels California with headphone after a bagweed J...I never knew music was expressed in colors...one of the best stones I can remember.
I was smoking in the 70's.

The bags were called "lids" and measured in the number of fingers high it was when it was rolled up in its sandwich bag (not the ziplock kind -the kind you licked)

The ripeness of the weed was gauged by the ripeness of the seeds, so the weed was harvested when the seeds were ripe....I didn't even know what a red hair was!

The tools for cleaning a bag, were:
a.) A double album cover or a cafeteria tray
b.) a school ID card, driver's license or similar size card
c.) a gigantic jar for storing all the seeds (even though you were unlikely to do anything with them)

I once got in on a bale (several pounds) that came up from Mexico and when we cut it open, we found WHOLE plants (roots, soil, rocks, stock, etc.) intact and folded up into the bale. No trimming- the whole plants. I think there might have been a quarter pound or less after we got all the garbage cleaned out!...Those were the days!

P.S. Bongs were made of brightly colored plastic that you bought at the record store....and when they broke (and they always did), you kept the downstem and bowl and melted some holes in a plastic bottle and made your own bong.