Who supports Trump here

Unhinged Evidence

Exhibit A:


Yes bleach bit.... the software/deletion/cleaning tool.... You know... That thing hillarys people TRIED to use to destroy evidence.... You know, Paul Combetta who posted on reddit asking for advice on how to change the email address on sent emails... and how he worked for hillary.... Yeah... That thing... Bleach bit...

Put your emotions to the side and just look at the evidence.... forget anyones political affiliations for one minute and just look at integrity of sources...
Check the archive of the reddit posts for this guy looking to destroy it.... Then giving up, and using bleachbit... Then look at the leaks of all this... and then MAKE YOUR OWN DECISION.... No ones telling you to listen to me, just realize your a puppet and need to start looking into things yourself, because you guys are just regurgitating all the same talking points that you hear from all the other sheep out there on fb and twitter...
FYI: Im unwatching this thread so I will not get reply notifications, honestly this thread was shit before the 3rd page, even after you had said you wont be calling anyone names, or anything, But hey... maybe the last 6 pages I didnt read were redeeming... Ill never know... Dont expect a reply or read. Can hit me in private message if you'd like to discuss anything further or get my attention. Thanks for reading.
So much for unwatching this thread and not replying.
Our own intelligence also has leaked texts saying they need to do something to stop trump... Also, Love when dems put the intel. and gov agency on a pedestal but they wont look at FBI stats on the number of unarmed black people killed by cops (of any color)

What about all the other intelligence that goes in trumps favor? Or against the dems? Or for biden? You're playing this appeal to authority and there is already plenty of evidence of our own agencies in dc playing politics with their power... So... got to dig a little deeper than your main news media to see it but theres plenty of real leaked evidence from our agencies, Way more showing corrupt collusion on the side of the dems...

Also, their recent threat of packing the courts just show they dont care for the country, they'll do anything they can, including destroying america to hold onto their power. They went all in on hillary, and she got whooped... They've been clinging to their power ever since..

Does anyone remember when occupy wall street was going on and the 99% were united against the 1%....? Anybody? Remember how the media changed that narrative to be racism instead.... Yeah what happened to that occupy movement anyone know? Hmm... Interesting... People dont see they're puppets themselves, they have no idea they even havestrings that are being pulled..
Dumbass magat.
So much for unwatching this thread and not replying.

Dumbass magat.
I did unwatch it, Im still on it from my post earlier... That was meant for after I was done and close the thread...

You guys are so emotional and irrational. I dont know what I can do to help but hopefully you find some peace.
Like kids having a temper tantrum and name calling... Its pathetic and sad really..
Unhinged Evidence

Exhibit A:

Yes bleach bit.... the software/deletion/cleaning tool.... You know... That thing hillarys people TRIED to use to destroy evidence.... You know, Paul Combetta who posted on reddit asking for advice on how to change the email address on sent emails... and how he worked for hillary.... Yeah... That thing... Bleach bit...

Put your emotions to the side and just look at the evidence.... forget anyones political affiliations for one minute and just look at integrity of sources...
Check the archive of the reddit posts for this guy looking to destroy it.... Then giving up, and using bleachbit... Then look at the leaks of all this... and then MAKE YOUR OWN DECISION.... No ones telling you to listen to me, just realize your a puppet and need to start looking into things yourself, because you guys are just regurgitating all the same talking points that you hear from all the other sheep out there on fb and twitter...
Like hillary or just mental masturbating?
I did unwatch it, Im still on it from my post earlier... That was meant for after I was done and close the thread...

You guys are so emotional and irrational. I dont know what I can do to help but hopefully you find some peace.
Like kids having a temper tantrum and name calling... Its pathetic and sad really..
'You guys' dismissing people actually trying to have a actual conversation with you is the trap too many 'people' from the right fall into here. If you really feel that people are 'pathetic and sad' just ignore them instead of trying to troll them back.

When you don't you show how little you understand about the attack being conducted on American by the Russian military to help Trump get re-elected, or prove you are either a paid troll, or brainwashed by them into thinking the lies you seem to want to believe are true.

Also replied to your previous stuff in a thread that has a lot more information about the FISA scam that Trump cooked up to project balme away from his corruption.
'You guys' dismissing people actually trying to have a actual conversation with you is the trap too many 'people' from the right fall into here. If you really feel that people are 'pathetic and sad' just ignore them instead of trying to troll them back.

When you don't you show how little you understand about the attack being conducted on American by the Russian military to help Trump get re-elected, or prove you are either a paid troll, or brainwashed by them into thinking the lies you seem to want to believe are true.

Also replied to your previous stuff in a thread that has a lot more information about the FISA scam that Trump cooked up to project balme away from his corruption.
Its not a conversation when people react emotionally and name call, denigrate whole states, all because of someones personal political affliations... At least, thats no conversation with any productivity, therefor not one I want to be a part of... As for the linked on the other thread, thanks, but I didnt read it, Honestly I only come to this site for weed growing related things., just happen to see this thread on the recent list so I responded. But I dont hang in any of the lounge unrelated areas to growing so Im not looking to get into any political conversations unless in person. Appreciate the link though.
Its not a conversation when people react emotionally and name call, denigrate whole states, all because of someones personal political affliations... At least, thats no conversation with any productivity, therefor not one I want to be a part of... As for the linked on the other thread, thanks, but I didnt read it, Honestly I only come to this site for weed growing related things., just happen to see this thread on the recent list so I responded. But I dont hang in any of the lounge unrelated areas to growing so Im not looking to get into any political conversations unless in person. Appreciate the link though.
You really think you can tell the difference between someone attacking you and a troll? Because I know I can't.

Humans are not good at sorting out this kind of communication. Trolls are everywhere and you should understand that if you have friends family that you have seen become more and more agitated about the world over the last decade. Our nation is just now starting to wake up to the pervasiveness of this attack on our society, because not only has it been exceptionally effective, it also is getting buried by the Republican senate because it is how they hope to keep power by brainwashing their voting base into being a cult against 'them'.
Unhinged Evidence

Exhibit A:

Yes bleach bit.... the software/deletion/cleaning tool.... You know... That thing hillarys people TRIED to use to destroy evidence.... You know, Paul Combetta who posted on reddit asking for advice on how to change the email address on sent emails... and how he worked for hillary.... Yeah... That thing... Bleach bit...

Put your emotions to the side and just look at the evidence.... forget anyones political affiliations for one minute and just look at integrity of sources...
Check the archive of the reddit posts for this guy looking to destroy it.... Then giving up, and using bleachbit... Then look at the leaks of all this... and then MAKE YOUR OWN DECISION.... No ones telling you to listen to me, just realize your a puppet and need to start looking into things yourself, because you guys are just regurgitating all the same talking points that you hear from all the other sheep out there on fb and twitter...
Sounds like you’re injecting bleach currently.
Give me a fuckn break. Wtf was so important in those emails? Tell me.
Ivanka buys from China. Jared is after his own throne. See kushner’s family business.
Donald even has stock in the company(ise) who are working on the vaccine. Check out the warp speed chairman’s own stock in these companies.
The boys are QAnon idiots. Under a lot of pressure due to their dealings. Donnie jr is a coke head.
Melania is a heartless IMMIGRANT bitch.
And this is just some of their personal activities that we know of.
Come the fuck on. Tell me what was in those emails.
I did unwatch it, Im still on it from my post earlier... That was meant for after I was done and close the thread...

You guys are so emotional and irrational. I dont know what I can do to help but hopefully you find some peace.
Like kids having a temper tantrum and name calling... Its pathetic and sad really..

thats no conversation with any productivity, therefor not one I want to be a part of...
the ellipsis are the solid bits in magat watery word shits.
"what you can do to help" #1 Stop shitting yourself in the thread, this sets a grotesque and malodorous example.

Don't be a part. shut your shit choked blabber hole and scram
How are white cops racist? Can you cite anything other than emotional outrage out of context ancedotal evidence?

Would you believe the real number of cops killing black people if you hand counted the cases yourself? All the datas available.... You can name call and say cops are racist but it doesnt make it true... If you can point me to any single cop that is obviously racist... I will stand with you in arms against that person and any and all racism... But if your going to try and tell me a black man with a knife refusing orders by cops, then gets killed is racism... Well then I can't help you with that, life will hopefully give you a reality check one day (soon hopefully..)
All cops are racist slobs. And it explains why you would stand arm and arm with them. Birds of a feather